Monday, 31 August 2009

तेरी खामोशी के हजार मतलब होंगे ,

इंतजार कभी खतम नही होता ,

मोहब्बत का दूसरा अर्थ नही होता ;

ऐतराजों का राज कैसे जाने ,

ना शब्द कभी हजम नही होता /

तेरी खामोशी के हजार मतलब होंगे ,

तेरी हँसी के खास मतलब होंगे ;

तेरी हया है तेरी खामोशी अगर ;

मोहब्बत के हजार परवाने होंगे ;

आखों की बातें उलझाती हैं,

चुप्पी तेरी उकसाती है ;

शर्म है या इकरार है वो ;

खामोशी तेरी तड़पाती है /

Sunday, 30 August 2009

आखें खोलो भोर हुयी है ;

आखें खोलो भोर हुयी है ;:
दिन निकला है शोर हुयी है ;:
लोंगों को जल्दी है देर हुयी है :
आखें खोलो भोर हुयी है ,

सपने अच्छे ,दिल भी सच्चा ,
फिर भी देरी क्यूँ हो बच्चा ,
आखें खोलो देर हुयी है /
सपने तन्हाई में देखो;
ख्वाब जुदाई में देखो ;
आखें खोलो कोई है बैठा देर हुयी है ,
अब तो जागो भोर हुयी है /

आखों पे है माया का परदा ,
झूठे सायों का परदा ,
स्वार्थी भावों का परदा ,
दिल को खोलो , मन को मोडो ,
देर हुयी है ,
आखें खोलो भोर हुयी है /

जजबात अभी जो खोएं हैं ,
गैरों के पीछे जो मन को बोवे हैं ,
माँ ,बाप की तकलीफों पे सोयें हैं ;
उठ जाग ,मृगमरीचिका के पीछे न भाग ;
घर लौट देर हुयी है;
जाग मन के मन्दिर में भोर हुयी है ;
आखें खोलो भोर हुयी है /

Friday, 28 August 2009

चेहरे में उलझन न ढुढ़ो ;

चेहरे में उलझन न ढुढ़ो ;
आखों की शरारत न ढुढ़ो ;
मैं बन गया किसी का बरसों पहले ;
अब बातों में मोहब्बत न ढुढ़ो /
न आप रहे , न हम रहे ;
अब तो सिर्फ़ हमदम रहे ;
इतना अरसा गुजर गया हमारे प्यार में ;
कैसे चाहे अब तू ही बता ;की तू मुझसे कम रहे /

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

सपने भी आज कल आते नहीं ;

सपने भी आज कल आते नहीं ;
अब कहाँ उनसे मुलाकाते करें /
दौड़ के सिने से लगते थे जो ;
बेगानों सी अब वो बातें करें ;
कैसे कह दूँ गैर है वो ;
बड़े लुत्फ़ से वो मेरी शिकायतें करें /
कभी सालों में टकरा जाते हैं अनजाने में हम ;
कैसे अनजानों सी मुलाकातें करें /
कैसे कहूँ वो यार नहीं है मेरा ;
मेरे पीछे वो गजब की करामातें करें /
सपने भी आज कल आते नहीं ;
अब कहाँ मुलाकातें करे /

Monday, 24 August 2009

श्री गणेश जी के कुछ पोस्टर

ये सभी पोस्टर गूगल के माध्यम से मिले हैं। इन पर मेरा कोई अधिकार नही है । ना ही कोई कॉपी राईट है ।

Looking for toys on Rent instead of buying one ? Try Khilonaghar

Looking for Toys on Rent instead of buying one ? Try Khilonaghar
Posted: 15 Aug 2009 07:01 PM PDT
Toys, Books for kids etc. are few things which we all buy for our children when they start holding and understanding the world. Toys not only make children to visualize things but also become a part of their daily life without which they cannot live (Almost!!).
However buying toys are costly business. Not everybody can afford costly toys in India, So how about renting one? Though not very common but if you agree to mind-set that toys become useless after kids grow up and you ultimately need up giving to other kids, Khilonaghar is one Indian Service which is making it easy for you to rent toys and return when your kid says ” Mom, I need another one this is boring”

Khilonaghar : Rent toys instead of buying one
You can look at Khilonaghar as Online shop which helps you in finding different kind of toys with details on photographs and if the toy is right for your kid’s age group. There is one time registration fee of INR 199 and refundable deposit of 999. You can also choose a plan which helps you in collecting toys.

Order toys from khilonaghar
Toys are delivered at your doorstep and picked up when the time comes. And if you are worried about damage, a serious damage would lead to 10% deduction from your security deposit.
This online store is a brain child of Mumbai based Niyati Shah and Sanket Popat and has a collection of 5000 which includes mind enhancing puzzles, cds, educational games, flash card etc. which can be rented. Visit Khilonaghar and find your kid a suitable toy।
यह लेख मानव मिश्रा द्वारा /'>http://Technospot.IN" " </'>http://Technospot.IN" >पे लिखा गया है ।

Friends of Books : Online library that delivers at home anywhere in India

friends of Books : Online library that delivers at home anywhere in India

Friends of Books is another concept which works in Indian environment. Similar to Khilonaghar, this online site arranges for lending books onlineand delivering books right at your door step. The concept is simple, if you don’t want to buy costly books and your friends did not buy it Friends of Books can give you a lending hand.
This site is based on simple concept of membership with monthly plans which decides how many books you can lend at a time. You can order any number of books ( max up to 12 ) depending on the plan and keep it as long as you want. I see the larger plan is pretty much suitable for a bigger family or group of friends who can share the cost. Here are the plans :
Friends of Books was founded by Manish Kumar, An ex IIT Roorke Student and Texas tech university alumini and Arti Jain A BA, MA and MFA degree holder.
After resgitering with Freinds of Books I would suggest you to skip the subscription plan for time being. I would suggest you to go throw the books under browse tab and see if it really suits you. They have a huge collection of books but it should also meet your choice.
The books are pretty neatly categorized in different categories with cover page and a brief description of book being displayed.

Collection of Books @ Freinds of books
Though they don’t have any late fees but they do have strict restrictions on how you handle book. Just Do not dog ear, tear, chew, whack flies/mosquitoes with the books, use them as coasters or turn pages with haldi stained fingers. Funny to read but these are the facts
Any book you find interesting you can add it to your shelf and the prioritize later so that they can be deliverd accordingly. Another catch here is if you ordered for 3 books you need to return them together. You just cant say please pick up this and I will give back rest later.
Overall Friends of Books is an excellent initiative which is an excellent resource for book lovers at a cheaper price.

this article is written by manav mishra on http://

Sunday, 23 August 2009

अजीब रिश्ता है हमारा ,

अजीब रिश्ता है हमारा ,
कोई नाता भी नही है ;
है मोहब्बत वो कहता भी नही है ;
बिना मिले चल जाए ऐसा भी नही है ।
बातों में सहमति कभी हो नही पाती ,
उनपे हो अंदेशा ऐसा भी नही है ;
नजदीकी से गुरेज है हरदम ,
मुझपे हो न भरोसा ऐसा भी नही है ;
हर चीज पे ऐतराज है वो करते ,
मुझपे हो न ऐतबार ऐसा भी नही है ;
शिकायतों की सूचि होती नही है कम ,
मेरी करें बुराई ऐसा भी नही है ;
चन्द कदम साथ वो चल नही पाते ,
कोई और हो साथी ऐसा भी नही है ;
दूरियां मुझसे बर्दास्त नही होती ,
सिर्फ़ मेरा हो जाए ऐसा भी नही है ;
मेरी मौत पे आंसू का कतरा भी न निकला ,
दूसरा दिन हो देखा उसने ऐसा भी नही है /

Thursday, 20 August 2009

कभी तो आखें खुशियों के आंसूं बहायेंगी

कभी तो मुश्किलें हल होंगी ;
कभी तो दुरी कम होंगी ;
इंतजार का सुरूर भी गजब का है ;
कभी तो जिंदगी हम होगी /
कभी तो लम्हे खिलाखिलायेंगे ;
कभी तो ओठ मुसकरायेंगे ;
कभी तो सपने लहलहाएंगे ;
कभी तो आशाएं चहचहायेंगी ;
कभी तो दूरियां सिमट जाएँगी ;
कभी तो भावनाएं बहक जाएँगी ;
कभी तो बाँहों में बाहें समायेंगी ;
कभी तो आखें खुशियों के आंसूं बहायेंगी/

परिदृश्य प्रकाशन -मुंबई /हिन्दी किताबो का खजाना

मुंबई मे नए आने वाले कई ऐसे लोग हैं जो अक्सर इस परेसानी से जूझते हैं की
मुंबई मे हिन्दी की साहित्यिक किताबे कंहा मिलेंगी ?
अगर आप भी यही जानना चाहते है तो आप के लिए कुछ पते दे रहा हूँ ।
१-परिदृश्य प्रकाशन -
दादों जी संतुक लेन ,
धोबी तालाब,नरीमन पॉइंट पे यह प्रकाशन स्थल है।
यंहा आप को हिन्दी की सभी किताबे मिल सकती है ।
यंहा का नम्बर-०२२२२०६८०४०
०२२६४५२६०७२ है ।
श्री रमन मिश्रा जी यंहा का कार-भार देखते हैं।
मेट्रो सिनेमा से दाहिनी तरफ़,पारसी आग्यारी के पास यह जगह है ।

ऐसी ही दूसरे बुक स्टाल के पते आप http:// इस लिंक से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

अभिलाषा 17

शव यात्रा मेरी जब निकले ,

तब राम नाम की सत्य ना कहना ।

प्रेम को कहना अन्तिम सच ,

प्रेमी कहना मुझे प्रिये ।


दिल पे अंधेरे का डर सा है /

दिल पेAlign Centre अंधेरे का डर सा है ;
ख्वाबों में भी उजाला कम सा है ;
उलझन नही है उससे दुरी की ;
मोहब्बत का नशा भी कम सा है /
ह्रदय की गहराईयों में एक चुभन सी है ;
मन की उचाईयों में हँसी नम सी है ;
भरोसा कैसे न करे अपनी मोहब्बत पे ;
उसके न होने पे ये मुस्कराहट भी गम सी है /

Sunday, 16 August 2009

वक्त इंतजार नही करता ,

वक्त इंतजार नही करता ,
किसी से करार नही करता ;
वो मिलाएगा चंद कदम तेरे कदमों से ,
पर वो किसी के साथ नही चलता ;

गुजरते लम्हों संग रास्ता तय कर सके गर तुम ,
कुछ खोये लम्हों का वो हिसाब नही करता ;
समय के साथ चल सके अगर तुम ,
वो जिंदगी कभी बदहवास नही करता ;

वक्त इन्तजार नही करता ;
किसी से करार नही करता /


बीच जवानी बचपन में,

हम दोनों फ़िर जो जा पाते ।

तो गुड्डे -गुडियों के जैसे,

रचा ब्याह हम लेते प्रिये ।


फोटो लिंक ----------


अनजानी सी राह में कोई,

हम दोनों यदि फ़िर मिल जाएँ,

नजरे झुका कर अपनी तुम,

कर लेना मुझे स्वीकार प्रिये ।


अभिलाषा १२

सब कहते हैं प्रेम करो,

पर प्रेम बड़ा ही मुश्किल है ।

प्रेम सदा देना ही देना ,

लेना इसमे कुछ ना प्रिये ।

फोटो लिंक-http://

अभिलाषा -११

प्रेम भरे हर मन के अंदर,

मानवता के बीज पड़े ।

इर्ष्या,द्वेष,घ्रीणा,कुंठा से,

ऐसा मन अनजान प्रिये ।

Saturday, 15 August 2009

स्वाइन फ्लू विस्की पीने से ठीक होगा ?

हाल ही में यह खबर विविध माध्यमो द्वारा आई की विस्की पीने से स्वाइन फ्लू दूर रहेगा । अब यह एक नई बहस का विषय बन गया है । इसका कोई विज्ञानिक आधार तो नही है ,पर चर्चा गरम है । हो सकता है की यह पीने वालो के लिए पीने का कोई नया बहाना ही हो । क्योंकि कहते हैं ना--पीने वालो को तो पीने का बहाना चाहिए ।

ऐसे में यह कह पाना मेरे लिए कठिन है की आप को पीने की सलाह दूँ की नही ? अब यही कह सकता हूँ की

पीयो लेकिन रखो हिसाब,

की थोडी -थोडी पीया करो ।

वैसे इस बारे में नेट पे कई लेख हैं । कुछ मैं यंहा आप के पढ़ने के लिए दे रहा हूँ ,उनके लिंक के साथ । http://,2933,536583,00.html

Russian soccer fans have been told to drink whiskey on their trip to Wales for next month's World Cup qualifier to ward off the H1N1 swine flu virus, the head of the country's supporter association (VOB) said Monday.
"We urge our fans to drink a lot of Welsh whiskey as a form of disinfection," VOB head Alexander Shprygin told Reuters.
"That should cure all symptoms of the disease."
Russia's Health Ministry has issued a public warning against traveling to Britain because of the spread of the H1N1 virus but Shprygin said he expected at least several hundred fans would go to Wales for the September 9 qualifier in Cardiff.
"Health officials say this virus is very dangerous but being a fan myself I can tell you that for a real fan nothing is more important than the well-being of the team," said Shprygin, who also sits on the executive board of the Russian FA.
"Russian fans don't fear anything or anybody so this virus will not stand in our way of supporting our team."
The Russian FA also said health issues should not prevent fans from traveling.
"We don't want our team to be without any support for such an important match so we urge our fans to go to Wales despite the health warning," a spokesman said.
Germany lead European Group Four with 16 points from six games, one ahead of Russia, with Wales in fourth place on nine points from seven matches।


Welsh whisky downs swine flu? 4th August 2009 13:06
The only whisky distillery in Wales has been thrust to the forefront of the fight against swine flu, following comments by the head of Russia's football supporters' club.
"We urge our fans to drink a lot of Welsh whisky as a form of disinfection," Alexander Shprygin told Reuters this week, ahead of Russia's World Cup Qualifier with Wales in Cardiff on 9 September.
"That should cure all symptoms of the disease," he added.
Exactly where Shprygin has gleaned his insight on beating the H1N1 virus remains unclear.
Still, I don't suppose the Penderyn Distillery in the Brecon Beacons will mind. Billed as the "best little distillery in Wales" on the Penderyn website, the group goes on to explain that, "in fact, the Penderyn Distillery is the only distillery in Wales".
Shprygin's comments followed an official warning from Russia's health agency, which has urged fans not to attend the Wales game due to concerns about swine flu in the UK.

सर्दी की याद

अजीबो गरीब विज्ञापन

स्वाइन फ्लू और त्रिभुवन कीर्ति की गोलियाँ

स्वाइन फ्लू से बचने के लिए सावधानी बहुत जरूरी है । इस बारे में आयुर्वेदिक दवाओं का सेवन किया जा सकता है । ऐसी ही एक आयुर्वेदिक गोली है त्रिभुवन कीर्ति जो आप की रोग प्रतिकारक शक्ति बहुत बढ़ा देती है । इसकी एक गोली सुबह और शाम खाई जा सकती है । इस बारे में अधिक जानकारी http:// इस लिंक से पाई जा सकती है । इसका मूल्य ३१ रुपए है ,जिसमे ६० गोलियाँ मिलती हैं। आप इसका सेवन आयुर्वेदिक डॉक्टर की सलाह पे अवस्य करे । इस बारे
में कुछ और जानकारी इस प्रकार है ,जो आपको swaaine फ्लू से लड़ने में मदद करेगी ।
Tulsi leaves in the form of infusion are highly effective or Tulsi leaves' juice can also be used in doses of 1 teaspoonful with 1 teaspoon of honey twice a day. This is a good remedy for 'flu' and cold. This can be taken as a preventive also when there is 'flu' in your city.
Similarly black pepper-dry ginger tea is also useful. This is generally prepared in Indian houses, during the prevalence of 'flu' and cold.
1 tsp of pure turmeric powder or paste should be mixed in warm milk and can be taken 3 times a day.
Ayurvedic Remedies
Those sold over the counter for 'flu' and common cold are:
Trishun Tablets: 1 tab. thrice a day with a cup of tea or warm water for 7 days is a sure remedy. It is a safe formulation.
Trikatu Churna is a cheaper version of Trishun available in the powder form. ½ tsp to 1 tsp with hot tea. or water helps in checking the 'flu'.
Tribhuvan Kirti Ras is the drug of choice for flu in the dose of 1 to 2 tablets crushed and mixed with honey taken 3 to 4 times daily.
Do's & Don'ts
Avoid heavy food, sour things including curd, exposure to cold wind and water.
Take light food like milk, bread, kanji etc.
Turmeric clears the lungs, relieves constipation and activates the liver thereby speeding up recovery. GARLIC is another useful home remedy.

सोते समय की भारतीय कहानिया और पोस्टर -मानव मिश्रा

मानव मिश्रा ने पे यह निम्नलिखित जानकारी दी है ।
Download Indian bed time stories wallpaper
Posted: 13 Aug 2009 11:17 PM PDT
Telling a story to a kid when he goes to bed had been practiced all the time in Human evolution. In India, most of the time mothers or grandmothers take this reponisibility to tell a bed time story. These stories not only make children happy but also teaches them about cahrcaters, good, bad and different aspects of human life.
My mom used to tell me a lot when I was a kid and I had always asked how they looked and that led me to reading comic books. Even though the comic books dont show me exactly how they would have looked into real life but they can give me picture to visualize.
With time as people get more aware of computer, internet and mobile, It would not be surprising if my son would like to have it as Wallpaper on his first laptop and so will be your kid. So here is a resource which can let you download the most famours and narrated chacracter of Indian Stories ( Amar Chitra Katha ) like Abhimanyu, Birbal, Chandakya, Jataka Kathas, Krishna, Mirabai, Urvashi, Narada, Rana Pratap, Shivaji, Urvashi etc.
Thats two of them and rest you can download from ACK Media Download Wallpapers Section

हिन्दी सीखने का ऑनलाइन तरीका -मानव मिश्रा

हाल ही मे के
माध्य से मानव मिश्रा का एक लेख पढ़ा जिसमे ऑनलाइन हिन्दी सीखने का तरीका बताया गया था । वही जानकारी आप लोगो के लिए यंहा दे रहा हूँ ।

Learning Hindi : Back to School but Online Style
Posted: 14 Aug 2009 02:12 AM PDT
Learning Hindi is one the most challenging part for people dont belowing to India or had stayed away from India right from their birth. Though there are certain people who had self inititaed this kind of process through video but doing it old style i.e. Charts, Pictures etc creates more impact in my opinion. Here is one such sample you would love to see :

Hindi alphibets
Like that chart ? Akhlesh.Com is one initiative which is documenting an easy way to learn hindi thropugh images and charts. Infact you would even love the way numbers are shownup. You can actually spell them as it is availble in Hindi making it easier for people who do not knwo hindi.
You can find Alphabets, Numbers, Words, Poems, Charts, Quiz, Devotional, Patriotic stuff which would make you feel so Indian. There is also a special section which is prepared keeping Foreigners in mind
Common Words and Phrases
Food Items

Hindi common words and phrases
Overall it is an excellent resource to learn hindi and make yourself more prepared if you are coming from outside. Dont miss to bookmark it.

१५ अगस्त के लिए कुछ पोस्टर

ये सभी पोस्टर के माध्य से प्राप्त हैं । इन पर मेरा कोई कानूनी कॉपी राइट नही है ।

Friday, 14 August 2009

अपने देश की आजादी

६२ साल की बूढी हो गयी,
अपने देश की आजादी ।
हाल मगर बेहाल रहा,
जनता रह गयी ठगी प्रिये ।
अब भी हमको जकडे है
फसा इन्ही के चंगुल में,
देखो पूरा देश प्रिये ।
हर आँख के आंसू पोछ्नेवाला,
सपना ना जाने कँहा गया ?
खून के आंसू रोने को,
सब जन हैं मजबूर प्रिये ।
गिद्धों के सम्मलेन में,
गो-रक्षा पे चर्चा है।
नही-नही जंगल में नही ,
संसद की यह बात प्रिये ।
अपने देश में आने से,
खुशियों ने इनकार किया ।
दुःख की ही अगवानी में,
बीते इतने साल प्रिये ।
लोकतंत्र के तंत्र-मन्त्र में,
चिथडा-चिथडा जनतंत्र हुआ ।
रक्षक ही भक्षक बनकर,
नोच रहे यह देश प्रिये ।
अजब-गजब का खेल तमाशा ,
नेता-अफसर मिल दिखलाते।
सन ४७ से अब तक,
बनी ना कोई बात प्रिये ।
एक थाली के चट्टे-बट्टे,
राजनीती के सारे पट्ठे ।
बोल बोलते अच्छे-अच्छे,
पर गंदे इनके काम प्रिये ।
मन्दिर-मस्जिद -गिरिजाघर में,
जिसको पाला -पोसा जाता,
वो अपनी रक्षा को बेबस
कर दो उसको माफ़ प्रिये ।
आजीवन वनवासी हो कर,
राम अयोध्या छोड़ गए ।
बचे-खुचे मलबे के नीचे ,
मुद्दे केवल गर्म प्रिये ।
ऐसे में जश्न मानाने का ,
औचित्य कहा है बचा हुआ
समय तो है संकल्पों का,
शंखनाद तुम करो प्रिये।
आवाहन का समय हो गया,
पहल नई अब हो जाए।
लोकतंत्र की राह पे ही,
बिगुल क्रान्ति का बजे प्रिये ।
अपने अधिकारों के खातिर,
खुल के हमको लड़ना होगा ।
जन्हा-कंही कुछ ग़लत हो रहा,
हल्ला बोलो वन्ही प्रिये ।
गांधी-नेहरू का सपना ,
पूरा हमको करना होगा ।
वरना पीढी आनेवाली ,
गद्दार कहे गी हमे प्रिये । ।
डॉ.मनीष कुमार मिश्रा

Thursday, 13 August 2009

आजादी के ६० साल बाद भी ---------------------------

14 अगस्त सन १९४७ को लाल किले पे भारत के प्रथम प्रधानमंत्री के रूप मे ध्वजारोहण करते हुवे पंडित जवाहर लाल नेहरू ने कहा था की ---------

. 'Awake to freedom' "Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially.At the stroke of midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, then an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance. It is fitting that at this solemn moment we take the pledge of dedication to India and her people and to the still larger cause of humanity.At the dawn of history India started on her unending quest, and trackless centuries are filled with her striving and the grandeur of her successes and her failures. Through good and ill fortune alike she has never lost sight of that quest or forgotten the ideals which gave her strength. We end today a period of ill fortune and India discovers herself again.The achievement we celebrate today is but a step, an opening of opportunity, to the greater triumphs and achievements that await us. Are we brave enough and wise enough to grasp this opportunity and accept the challenge of the future?Freedom and power bring responsibility. That responsibility rests upon this assembly, a sovereign body representing the sovereign people of India. Before the birth of freedom we have endured all the pains of labour and our hearts are heavy with the memory of this sorrow. Some of those pains continue even now.Nevertheless, the past is over and it is the future that beckons to us now.That future is not one of ease or resting but of incessant striving so that we might fulfill the pledges we have so often taken and the one we shall take today. The service of India means the service of the millions who suffer. It means the ending of poverty and ignorance and disease and inequality of opportunity. The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye. That may be beyond us but so long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over.And so we have to labor and to work, and work hard, to give reality to our dreams. Those dreams are for India, but they are also for the world, for all the nations and peoples are too closely knit together today for any one of them to imagines that it can live apart. Peace has been said to be indivisible, so is freedom, so is prosperity now, and so also is disaster in this one world that can no longer be split into isolated fragments.To the people of India whose representatives we are, we make appeal to join us with faith and confidence in this great adventure. This is no time for petty and destructive criticism, no time for ill-will or blaming others. We have to build the noble mansion of free India where all her children may dwell."
जवाहरलाल नेहरू

बड़े दुःख की बात है की उनका सपना आज भी सपना ही हैआजादी के ६२ साल बाद हमे लग रहा है की १५ अगस्त १९४७ को जो भी हुआ वह मात्र सत्ता का हस्तांतरण थाआजादी तो हमे अभी तक नही मिलीयह लड़ाई हमे अभी लड़नी हैभूख, गरीबी,आतंकवाद, जैसी समस्याओं से हमे अभी लड़ना हैसब की आँखों के आंसू पोछने हैंइसलिए इन्कलाब जिंदाबाद फ़िर करना होगाविद्या को अपना हथियार बनाना होगाजाती-धर्म और प्रांत के नाम पे इस देश को बाटने वालो के ख़िलाफ़ हमे फ़िर संगठित होना होगायही वह संकल्प हो सकता है , जिसके माध्यम से हम सही मायनों मे आजादी का यह पर्व मना सकते हैं

अन्यथा हम सही मायने मे कभी आजाद हो ही नही पायेंगेअपनी आने वाली पीढियों के लिए हम कोई आदर्श नही छोड़ पायेंगेगांधी-भगत सिंह की कुर्बानी व्यर्थ हो जायेगीउन्होंने जो लड़ाई शुरू की थी उसे सही अंजाम तक पहुचाना हमारी जिमेदारी हैअन्यथा हमे अपने आप को भारतीय कहने का कोई अधिकार नही हैयह देश हमेशा ही पूजीपतियों का गुलाम रहे गाआम आदमी सर उठा के जी नही पाये गाजो सवाल उसे हमेशा परेसान करेगा वो यही की ---

कौन है वो अधिनायक जो ,

भारत भाग्य विधाता है ?

इस देश को अगर सही मायनों मे सारे जन्हा से अच्छा करना है ,तो हमे सब से पहले अपनी कायरता को मार कर अधिकारों के लिए लड़ना शुरू करना होगा

जय हिंद

इन्कलाब जिंदाबाद

देश का गान --

National Anthem india
National Flag India
National Anthem india
National Emblem india
National Song india
National Calendar india
National Animal India
National Bird india
National Flower india
(Thou Art the Ruler of All Minds)
The Indian National anthem, composed originally in Bengali by Rabindranath Tagore, was adopted in its Hindi version by the Constituent Assembly as the National Anthem of India on 24 January 1950. It was first sung 27 December 1911 at the Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress. The complete song consists of five stanzas. The lyrics were rendered into English by Tagore himself.
" Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka Jaya He
Bharat Bhagya Vidhata
Punjab Sindh Gujarat Maratha
Dravida Utkala Banga
Vindhya Himachal Yamuna Ganga
Ucchala Jaladhi Tiranga
Tubh Shubha Name Jage
Tubh Shubha Ashisha Mange
Gahe Tubh Jaya Gata
Jan Gan Mangaldayak Jay He
Bharat Bhagya Vidhata
Jaye He ! Jaye He ! Jaye He !
Jaye,Jaye,Jaye,Jaye He "

Translation of The national anthem- Jana Gana Mana In English
Thou are the ruler of the minds of all people, dispenser of India's destiny.
The name rouses the hearts of Punjab, Sind, Gujurat and Maratha. Of the Dravid and Orissa and Bengal.
It Echoes in the hills of Vindhyas and Himalayas, mingles in the music of Yamuna and Ganga and is chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea.
They pray for your blessing and sing thy praise. The salvation of all peaople is thy hand, thou dispenser of India's destiny. Victory, Victory, Victory to thee.
The Jana Gana Mana was composed by Shri Rabindranath Tagore and first sung at the Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress on December 27th, 1911। It was adopted as the National Anthem of India on 24th January, 1950 by the Constituent Assembly. The first stanza( out of five stanzas) of the song forms the National

हमारा तिरंगा -------

आजादी के मतवाले

लोकतंत्र की राह पे चल के

चिथडा-चिथडा जनतंत्र हुआ ।

व्याकुल है जन-गण -मन ,

नेता कर रहे मौज प्रिये ।

Quotes about India.
"We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made."
Albert Einstein.
"India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grand mother of tradition."
Mark Twain.
"If there is one place on the face of earth where all dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India."
French scholar Romain Rolland.
"India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border."
Hu Shih.
(Former Chinese ambassador to USA)
You may know some of the following facts. These facts were recently published in a German magazine, which deals with WORLD HISTORY FACTS ABOUT INDIA.
01. India never invaded any country in her last 1000 years of history.
02. India invented the Number system. Aryabhatta invented ‘zero.’
03. The world’s first University was established in Takshila in 700BC. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.
04. According to the Forbes magazine, Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software.
05. Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans.
06. Although western media portray modern images of India as poverty striken and underdeveloped through political corruption, India was once the richest empire on earth.
07. The art of navigation was born in the river Sindh 5000 years ago. The very word “Navigation” is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH.
08. The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is now known as the Pythagorean Theorem. British scholars have last year (1999) officially published that Budhayan’s works dates to the 6th Century, which is long before the European mathematicians.
09. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India. Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11th Century; the largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Indians used numbers as big as 1053.
10. According to the Gemmological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds to the world.
11. USA based IEEE has proved what has been a century-old suspicion amongst academics that the pioneer of wireless communication was Professor Jagdeesh Bose and not Marconi.
12. The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.
13. Chess was invented in India.
14. Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted surgeries like cesareans, cataract, fractures and urinary stones. Usage of anaesthesia was well known in ancient India.
15. When many cultures in the world were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilisation).
16. The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.
Who is the co-founder of Sun Microsystems?
Vinod Khosla
Who is the creator of Pentium chip (needs no introduction as 90% of the today’s computers run on it)?
Vinod Dahm
Who is the third richest man on the world?
A. According to the latest report on Fortune Magazine, it is AZIM PREMJI, who is the CEO of Wipro Industries. The Sultan of Brunei is at 6th position now.
Who is the founder and creator of Hotmail (Hotmail is world’s No.1 web based email program)?
Sabeer Bhatia
Who is the president of AT & T-Bell Labs (AT & T-Bell Labs is the creator of program languages such as C, C++, Unix to name a few)?
Arun Netravalli
Who is the GM of Hewlett Packard?
Rajiv Gupta
Who is the new MTD (Microsoft Testing Director) of Windows 2000, responsible to iron out all initial problems?
Sanjay Tejwrika
Who are the Chief Executives of CitiBank, Mckensey & Stanchart?
Victor Menezes, Rajat Gupta, and Rana Talwar.
We Indians are the wealthiest among all ethnic groups in America, even faring better than the whites and the natives. There are 3.22 millions of Indians in USA (1.5% of population). YET,
38% of doctors in USA are Indians.
12% scientists in USA are Indians.
36% of NASA scientists are Indians.
34% of Microsoft employees are Indians.
28% of IBM employees are Indians.
17% of INTEL scientists are Indians.
13% of XEROX employees are Indians.
... if we don’t see even a glimpse of that great India in the India that we see today, it clearly means that we are not working up to our potential; and that if we do, we could once again be an ever shining and inspiring country setting a bright path for rest of the world to follow. I hope you enjoyed it and work towards the welfare of INDIA.
Say proudly, I AM AN INDIAN.
(I took this off some forwarded mail and hence don't know who the author of this original document is ... and if the author comes across this .. Jai Hind! )

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

स्वाइन फ्लू का आयुर्वेदिक प्रभावशाली इलाज

स्वाइन फ्लू दिन ब दिन बढ़ता ही जा रहा है । यह सच है की इसका इलाज है ,लेकिन इतने बड़े देश मे यह सरकार के बस की बात नही नजर आ रही है । ऐसे मे हमे ख़ुद ही सावधानी से काम लेना होगा । हमारे यंहा आयुर्वेद मे कुछ ऐसी औसधियाँ हैं जिनका उपयोग कर के हम अपनी रोग प्रतिकारक छमता को बढ़ा सकते हैं । इन दवाओं को आसानी से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है । और इनका कोई side effect भी नही है । साथ ही साथ इन दवाओं की कीमत भी सामान्य ही है । ऐसी कुछ दवाये इस प्रकार हैं -
१। तुलसी
तुलसी एक गुन कारी औषधि है । इसकी २ से ४ पत्तियों का सेवन हमे नित्य करना चाहिए। साथ ही इसे चाय मे डाल कर भी उपयोग मे लाया जा सकता है ।
२। गिलोय (अमृता )
गिलोय की एक फूट बेल और तुलसी की सात -आठ पत्तियाँ पीसकर और उसका रस उबालकर पीने से भी हमे फायदा होगा ।
३। चिरैता
चिरैत्ता की लकडियाँ उबाल कर उसका काढा पीने से भी हमारी रोग प्रतिकारक छमता बढती है ।
४। आंवला
आंवला विटामिन c से भरा होता है। अतः हमे इसका भी भरपूर सेवन करना चाहिए ।

इन चीजो का इस्तमाल कर के हम स्वाइन फ्लू से अपना और अपने परिवार का बचाव कर सकते हैं । आप भी इन पर अपनी राय अवस्य दे । साथ ही मैं कुछ लिंक दे रहा हूँ जहा से आप इसके बारे मे अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं

बाबा रामदेव भी इया बारे मे अपनी राय दे चुके हैं .जो इस प्रकार है

"People with strong immune system cannot be affected with swine flu. Through yoga and pranayma, you can keep your immune system particularly the respiratory system strong," he added.He further said that the media was creating panic among the people."There is a lot of panic among the people. The news channels round the clock make it breaking news every time there is a death due to swine flu," said Ramdev.The yoga guru also advised people to use facemasks while in crowded places.However, a doctor and a 29-year-old woman succumbed to the deadly swine flu virus in Nashik and Pune respectively on Wednesday taking the country's' swine flu death toll to 14. With the increasing number of swine flu cases, the Central Government has unveiled fresh measures to control the spread of disease by allowing private labs to conduct tests and private hospitals to provide treatment

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

स्वाइन फ्लू मे सावधानियां

स्वाइन फ्लू मे सावधानियाँ बरतने की बहुत आवस्यकता है । सरकार कह रही है की घबराने की जरूरत नही है , मगर मुझे लगता है की घराने की जरूरत आ गई है । सरकारी इन्तामाजत कम हैं , उनके भरोसे रहना बेवकूफी होगी । फ़िर सरकार को अपने हाथ खड़े करने मे समय भी कितना लगता है ?

देश भर मे इस बीमारी से मौतों का सिलसिला शुरू हो गया है । यह महामारी किसी को भी लग सकती है ,अतः सतर्कता ही बचाव है । हम अपनी दिन चर्या मे कुछ परिवर्तन कर के इस बीमारी की चपेट मे आने से बच सकते हैं । जैसे की

  1. साफ़-सफाई का विशेस ध्यान रखें ।

  2. पानी साफ़ और उबला हुआ ही पियें ।

  3. बाहर की चीजों को खाने से बचे ।

  4. सिनेमा हाल, माल,मार्केट और ऐसी ही सार्वजनिक जगहों पे बहुत जरूरी हो तो ही जाए ।

  5. हमेशा मुह पे स्कार्फ,रुमाल या मास्क लगा कर ही बाहर निकले ।

  6. विटामिन सी का जादा से जादा सेवन करे ।

  7. कपड़ो को धोने के बाद डीटाल मे डूबा कर ही सुखाइए ।

  8. रुमाल पे नीलगिरी के तेल की बुँदे छिड़ककर उपयोग मे लाये ।

  9. सर्दी-बुखार को गंभीरता से लें ।

  10. इस बारे मे और अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त कर उस पे सभी के साथ चर्चा करे ।

Sunday, 9 August 2009

स्वाईन फ्लू ---------------------------------------

स्वाईन फ्लू का कहर पूरे देश मे फैला हुआ है । इसे लेकर मन मे कई सवाल भी उठ रहे हैं । इसी लिए इस बिमारी से सम्बंधित जानकारी खोज कर आप तक पहुंचाने का प्रयास कर रहा हूँ । इस बारे मे एक महत्वपूर्ण लेख मानव मिश्रा ने अंग्रेजी भाषा मे नामक अपनी वेब साईट पे लिखा है । जो की आप नीचे पढ़ सकते हैं ।
H1N1 (Swine) Flu : Symptoms, Precautions and helpful links
Just as I was thinking about a Post to start with on this newly established Technospot.In, I got a call from

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Swine flu
Swine flu - everything you need to know
Published: Wednesday, 5 August 2009
The sections below provide health and travel advice and more information on what swine flu is, what to do if you think you have it and what the government is doing to help combat it.
National Pandemic Flu Service

The National Pandemic Flu Service has been launched in England.
If you are in England and feel like you may have swine flu, visit the new website by following the link below, or call 0800 1 513 100 (Textphone - 0800 1 513 200).
People who have swine flu symptoms will be given a unique access number and told where their nearest antiviral collection point is. They should then ask a flu friend - a friend or relative who doesn't have swine flu - to go and pick up their antivirals from their nearest antiviral collection point. The flu friend must show their own ID as well as that of the patient.
National Pandemic Flu Service Opens new window
Check your symptoms
Follow the link below or call 0800 1 513 100 (Textphone - 0800 1 513 200)
National Pandemic Flu Service Opens new window
Contact your doctor directly rather than using the National Pandemic Flu Service if:
you have a serious underlying illness
you are pregnant
you have a sick child under one year old
your condition suddenly gets much worse
your condition is still getting worse after seven days (five for a child)
Treatment and prevention
Pregnant women and parents
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
If you are in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland the advice is different.
Follow the 'information around the UK' link below.
Information around the UK
Latest news
The Health Protection Agency estimates there were just 30,000 new cases of swine flu in England last week. This compares with 110,000 cases the week before – a clear indication that the rate of infection is slowing.
There has been a fall in the number of cases in all age groups and in all regions. So far, 36 people have died and 530 people have been hospitalised with symptoms of swine flu.
There is no sign that the virus is becoming more severe or developing resistance to antivirals. The small number of deaths has mainly been in older children and adults with underlying risk factors.
Evidence that you are sick
You do not need to provide a doctor’s sick note for the first seven days you are sick.
Your employer may ask you to fill in a self-certificate of their own design or form SC2 which you can get from your GP's surgery, or from the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) website.
If you are sick for more than seven days, you will need to ask your doctor for a sick note for your employer.
Download Form SC2 'Employee's Statement of Sickness' (PDF, 68K) from the HMRC website Opens new window
Statutory Sick Pay - telling your employer you are sick and providing evidence
Do you have swine flu (influenza A H1N1)?

Symptoms of swine flu include a fever, cough, headache, weakness and fatigue, aching muscles and joints, sore throat and a runny nose.
Learn how to check if you have swine flu and who is most at risk.
Do you have swine flu?
What is swine flu? - NHS Choices Opens new window
Symptoms of swine flu - NHS Choices Opens new window
Who is at risk from swine flu? - NHS Choices Opens new window
Treatment and prevention

If you are in England, you can now get antivirals to treat swine flu from a local collection point without seeing your GP. There have been fewer cases of swine flu in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, so continue to contact your GP or call your specific helpline.
You can also find tips on how to reduce your risk of catching swine flu.
Swine flu - treatment and prevention
Common questions about swine flu - NHS Choices Opens new window
Pregnant women and parents

While most pregnant women with swine flu will only have mild symptoms like most other people, there is a higher risk of developing complications.
Follow these simple tips to keep yourself and your child safe.
Swine flu advice for parents and pregnant women
Pregnancy and swine flu - NHS Choices Opens new window
Travel advice

If you have swine flu, do not travel until after your symptoms have stopped.
If you need to cancel your holiday, keep all the original documentation you receive, including the label from your medication, as insurers will need it to validate your travel insurance claim.
Swine flu - travel advice
FCO travel advice by country Opens new window
Travelling to the UK

While there have been cases of swine flu in the UK, travel to the UK is not restricted.
If you get swine flu while in the UK you will be able to access the same advice and treatment as UK residents. However, if you have symptoms of swine flu, you should delay travelling until you are well.
Travelling to the UK
Government action

The National Pandemic Flu Service has been launched, with antivirals available at local collection points. If you feel like you may have swine flu, visit the new website by following the link below, or call 0800 1 513 100.
Find out what else the government is doing to help combat swine flu and protect everyone living in the UK.
National Pandemic Flu Service Opens new window
Swine flu - what the government is doing
Swine flu and businesses
The NHS has issued detailed guidance for employers.
Business Link carries information on business risks and continuity planning and on the Business Advisory Network for Flu.
Swine flu - advice for businesses Opens new window
Pandemic Flu - Guidance for businesses (PDF, 530KB) Opens new window
Additional links
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Swine flu information
Everything you need to know
Do you have swine flu?
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Around the UK
Around the UK
Scotland Opens new window
Wales Opens new window
Northern Ireland Opens new window
Information leaflet
This Department of Health leaflet has been delivered to homes nationwide
Download the swine flu leaflet (PDF, 119K)
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//webanalytics3.jshttp:// friend who lives in Himanchal Pradesh, and he suggested me to use mask while going ouThe National Pandemic Flu Service has been launched in England.
If you are in England and feel like you may have swine flu, visit the new website by following the link below, or call 0800 1 513 100 (Textphone - 0800 1 513 200).
People who have swine flu symptoms will be given a unique access number and told where their nearest antiviral collection point is. They should then ask a flu friend - a friend or relative who doesn't have swine flu - to go and pick up their antivirals from their nearest antiviral collection point. The flu friend must show their own ID as well as that of the patient.
National Pandemic Flu Service Opens new window
Check your symptoms
Follow the link below or call 0800 1 513 100 (Textphone - 0800 1 513 200)
National Pandemic Flu Service Opens new window
Contact your doctor directly rather than using the National Pandemic Flu Service if:
you have a serious underlying illness
you are pregnant
you have a sick child under one year old
your condition suddenly gets much worse
your condition is still getting worse after seven days (five for a child)
Treatment and prevention
Pregnant women and parents
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
If you are in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland the advice is different.
Follow the 'information around the UK' link below.
Information around the UK
Latest news
The Health Protection Agency estimates there were just 30,000 new cases of swine flu in England last week. This compares with 110,000 cases the week before – a clear indication that the rate of infection is slowing.
There has been a fall in the number of cases in all age groups and in all regions. So far, 36 people have died and 530 people have been hospitalised with symptoms of swine flu.
There is no sign that the virus is becoming more severe or developing resistance to antivirals. The small number of deaths has mainly been in older children and adults with underlying risk factors.
Evidence that you are sick
You do not need to provide a doctor’s sick note for the first seven days you are sick.
Your employer may ask you to fill in a self-certificate of their own design or form SC2 which you can get from your GP's surgery, or from the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) website.
If you are sick for more than seven days, you will need to ask your doctor for a sick note for your employer.
Download Form SC2 'Employee's Statement of Sickness' (PDF, 68K) from the HMRC website Opens new window
Statutory Sick Pay - telling your employer you are sick and providing evidence
Do you have swine flu (influenza A H1N1)?

Symptoms of swine flu include a fever, cough, headache, weakness and fatigue, aching muscles and joints, sore throat and a runny nose.
Learn how to check if you have swine flu and who is most at risk.
Do you have swine flu?
What is swine flu? - NHS Choices Opens new window
Symptoms of swine flu - NHS Choices Opens new window
Who is at risk from swine flu? - NHS Choices Opens new window
Treatment and prevention

If you are in England, you can now get antivirals to treat swine flu from a local collection point without seeing your GP. There have been fewer cases of swine flu in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, so continue to contact your GP or call your specific helpline.
You can also find tips on how to reduce your risk of catching swine flu.
Swine flu - treatment and prevention
Common questions about swine flu - NHS Choices Opens new window
Pregnant women and parents

While most pregnant women with swine flu will only have mild symptoms like most other people, there is a higher risk of developing complications.
Follow these simple tips to keep yourself and your child safe.
Swine flu advice for parents and pregnant women
Pregnancy and swine flu - NHS Choices Opens new window
Travel advice

If you have swine flu, do not travel until after your symptoms have stopped.
If you need to cancel your holiday, keep all the original documentation you receive, including the label from your medication, as insurers will need it to validate your travel insurance claim.
Swine flu - travel advice
FCO travel advice by country Opens new window
Travelling to the UK

While there have been cases of swine flu in the UK, travel to the UK is not restricted.
If you get swine flu while in the UK you will be able to access the same advice and treatment as UK residents. However, if you have symptoms of swine flu, you should delay travelling until you are well.
Travelling to the UK
Government action

The National Pandemic Flu Service has been launched, with antivirals available at local collection points. If you feel like you may have swine flu, visit the new website by following the link below, or call 0800 1 513 100.
Find out what else the government is doing to help combat swine flu and protect everyone living in the UK.
National Pandemic Flu Service Opens new window
Swine flu - what the government is doing
Swine flu and businesses
The NHS has issued detailed guidance for employers.
Business Link carries information on business risks and continuity planning and on the Business Advisory Network for Flu.
Swine tdoors, as I stay in Pune and H1N1 has hit here badly, and another statement came as “It is incurable.”, actually that’s not the case, H1N1 is curable, the missing thing is Vaccine, yes there is no Vaccine for H1N1, and WHO says Swine Flu Vaccination may be available from September.
So, I thought of making a post which can tell people about H1N1, so here we go.
What is Influenza A (H1N1)?
Influenza is an acute viral infection that affects mainly the nose, throat, bronchi and occasionally lungs. There are 3 types and further subtypes of influenza – one such subtype is Influenza A (H1N1). The influenza caused by A (H1N1) is commonly referred to as “Swine Flu”.
What are the symptoms of this flu?
The symptoms of H1N1 Flu in people are expected to be similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza and include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. Some people with H1N1 flu also have reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Children –
In children emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
Fast breathing or trouble breathing
Bluish skin colour
Not drinking enough fluids
Not waking up or not interacting
Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
Fever with a rash
Adults –
Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath
Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
Sudden dizziness
Severe or persistent vomiting
Recommended care (Dos and Don’ts)
Do’s –
Frequently wash your hands with soap and water
Drink plenty of water
Take enough sleep
Keep distance of at least three feet from a infected person
Observe healthy diet
Don’ts –
Visit crowded places
Spit in public places
Taking medicines without doctor’s advice
Here is a list of Government Authorized Hospitals with address and phone numbers for the treatment Of H1N1 (I got them in an email) -

List of government authorized hospitals treatement of swine flue
Other useful links and webpage –
ठीक इसी तरीके के कई अन्य लेख भी आप सर्च कर सकते हैं । जैसे की यह वेब साईट http://

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