Showing posts with label Maharashtra State Eligibility Test for Lectureship (SET) - 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maharashtra State Eligibility Test for Lectureship (SET) - 2010. Show all posts

Monday, 7 June 2010

Maharashtra State Eligibility Test for Lectureship (SET) - 2010

 महाराष्ट्र सेट परीक्षा क़ी तारीख घोषित हो गयी है .विवरण निम्नलिखित रूप में है .

 Maharashtra State Eligibility Test for Lectureship (SET) -  2010

Important Dates for SET - 2010
        Date of examination :  Sunday, 8th August 2010
        Online Form Submission : 26th May 2010 (11.00 a.m.) to 19th June 2010 (6.00 p.m.)
        Last Date of Hard Copy Submission : 24th June 2010 (6.00 p.m
Maharashtra State Eligibility Test for Lectureship (SET) -  2010
Application Fee
Sr. No.
Type of Candidature
Fees including processing fee  
(in Indian Rupees)
1. Open Category 550.00/-
2. Reserved Category (SC/ST/DTNT/SBC/OBC) &
Visually Handicapped
(VH i.e. Blind) and Physically Handicapped (PH) candidates

The examination fees can be paid only by a demand draft drawn on any Nationalized Bank payable at Pune in the name of  "The Registrar, University of Pune". 
Examination fees once paid cannot be refunded.

sample research synopsis

 Here’s a basic sample research synopsis format you can adapt, typically used for academic purposes like thesis proposals or project submiss...