Showing posts with label Current Affairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Current Affairs. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Politics of religion and Indian media.

Once again politics of religion is being played and the The Liberhan Commission report has added fuel to it .Ayoddhya and Ram temple was always a complicated issue and which was going in right direction may be slowly but surely in proper direction with opening of gates and latter SHILANAYAS but the politcs of up man ship by sangh pariwar has given it a complicated and ugly turn.And muslims for their part choose to go wrong way rather then doing right thing and what happened after that is a shame .
And media for their part instead of making a public consensus on mandir got over board and did all the damage it can do to our social fabric in order to be considered righteous that’s a big irony of India that a lot of bad things are done on the name of being righteous.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Attack on office of IBN LOKMAT.

Shiv Sena activist attacked the office of the IBN a very sad thing which happened and the more we condemn it is the less.
But lets look it through MAHARASTRA `S perspective and through the perspective of SHIV SENA LEADERSHIP . MAHARASTRA has a history of violence against any one who stood against the wishes of Shiv sena leadership particularly Thakare family .And all these years what does the media did against such unconstitutional act of vandalism and goondagardi of SHIV SENA ? Nothing more than weak protest and mostly justifying it on the name of MAHARASTRIAN ASMITA.
Even in last year or so when MNS PEOPLE were on rampage and thousand of migrant north Indians has to flee from MAHARASTRA and even when the people were pulled out of their house children, women and man beaten up ; What did Marathi media did ? Nothing just tried to justify it and gave undue coverage to Raj Thakre .Those people who were helplessly beaten up on the street or pulled up from their home or offices and who were some how earning their livelihood making their both ends meet Didn`t deserve the attention of Marathi media the plight and anguish of these people were never heard or told by this very media and why they are making such hue and cry about pushed around and of few glasses broken even though they didn`t have to left their job or they didn`t have to migrate to their home town in SATARA or NANDED or any where else ?
What`s so drastic happened now which didn`t happened to those poor people with much much more implications and consequences which deserve such rage of media now which they didn`t feel when happen to those North Indian people ?
Second as important question didn`t it’s a fact what SHIV SENA is saying that IBN LOKMAT in particular and Marathi media in general was biased towards MNS and RAJ Thakre and was more then justifying the act of vandalism and politics of hate which Raj Thakare was trying to sell to the normal peace loving Maharastrian . Isn`t it the truth that the this very media people helped Raj Thakre in every possible way to get the votes he got in this election ? Didn`t it a fact that Uddhav Thakare who really worked hard and was heaving more rational approach to the things was purposely ignored by the Marathi media and they tried to burry his good work in deep soil and constantly criticized him even for his good work .
Media in particular IBN MARATHI must ponder what they have been doing and lets hope they can draw positive conclusion of it.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Need to have Nationilist view

One of the most urgent requirement of today along with inclusive growth is growing the seed on nationalism in our youth who form more than 50 % of our population .
The politicians of last generation barring few exception has shown the seed of regionalism in their respective state not on any thing positive or positively promoting their regional culture instead they
Spilled venom of divide and negativity of regionalism .Just visit any site or go to any blog one will find the youth indulging and trying to promote regionalism that to without fully understanding the truth and further increasing the regionalism to a new low which is very bad sign and politicians escalating the regionalism in their own way for their vote bank .
These youth who are brilliant in their own way need some guidance and we must find a way I our books and seminars which are fashion today to promote and instill nationalism which should rule over every thing , caste ,religion, region , belief and language and also installing in them our core value of tolerance and freedom of speech .

Another thing which must be done in order to promote harmony between different religion and languages is to make a minor change in our constitution that should say that ‘’ INDIA IS A HINDU NATION WHICH FOLLOWS SECULARISM ‘’and stating that ‘’ Hindi is our national language and Hindi and English will continue to be used as link language till it seems necessary but every concrete effort should be made to promote Hindi in all the parts of the country along with promotion of state language in their respective states.’’
This will solve a lot of the problem . In Hinduism sikkhism , Janism and buddism should be considered as an integral part with their distinct identity.
These two thing will solve a lot of problem and prevent a lot of bloodbath and will minimise the rise of regionalism and religionalism to a great extent.
That nationalism should come first over any thing then promoting divide by saying make Hinduism as national religion and Hindi as National language but I beg to differ .
But this too should be taken to people in constrictive way and our intelligentsia and by our media .

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 Here’s a basic sample research synopsis format you can adapt, typically used for academic purposes like thesis proposals or project submiss...