Showing posts with label International Conference on Civic Challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Conference on Civic Challenges. Show all posts

Monday, 26 December 2011

International Conference on Civic Challenges, Democracy and Media

Any democracy needs a well-functioning and responsible state. But when a country is emerging from decades of dictatorship, it also needs to find ways to check, monitor, and restrain the power of political leaders and state officials. Here the role of civil society groups becomes important. Civil society means the entire range of organized groups and institutions that are independent of the state, voluntary, and at least to some extent self-generating and self-reliant. This of course includes non-governmental organizations like the ones in this room, but also independent mass media, think tanks, universities, and social and religious groups. Civil society can strengthen democracy to provide new forms of interest and solidarity that cut across old forms of tribal, linguistic, religious, and other identity ties.

Democracy can not be stable if people only associate with others of the same religion or identity. When people of different religions and ethnic identities come together on the basis of their common interests as women, artists, doctors, students, workers, farmers, lawyers, human rights activists, environmentalists, and so on, civic life becomes richer, more complex, and more tolerant. And in this situation all forms of media plays a very significant role especially the New Media. The objective of this conference is to initiate and promote a discussion on changing role of Media in Democracy. Through this forum we will provide the platform to research scholars, academicians, social activists, media professional and students of different discipline so that they can discuss the issues related to Democracy, the challenges of civic society and the different dimensions of Media. This would be a big opportunity for Media academician and Professionals to assess the democratic system and they will be able to face the current scenario.

Papers and debate will focus on Media, Civic Challenges and Democracy in the present scenario of the Nation. In a world of regular, unforeseen crises and growing power of media owners, online and otherwise, various questions about the implications for democratic processes will be explored.

Sub Themes:
1. Political System and Communication
2. Democracy and Media
3. Civil Society, Communication and Conflict
4. New Media and Society
5. Public Supervision and Social governance
6. International Communication and National image
7. Media Cultural Studies
8. Corruption in Communication
9. Caste in Media and Democracy
10. Ethics in Media Education
11. Crisis Communication and Management
12. Communication / Media Pedagogies 
13. Mapping media: Ownership and Editorial Control
14. Media Management and Challenges
15. Traditional Media in Present Scenario.
16. Social Studies and Communication Research
17. New Social Systems and Intercultural Communication
18. Film Studies and Society
19. Gender, Society and Media
20. Health, Social Changes and Responsibilities of Media

Submission of abstracts and full papers:
Send the abstract to Prof. Neeraj Khattri . Abstracts should not exceed 400 words. Submission by e-mail attachment using MS Word is required. Author will follow the APA Style for the submission.Include one separate title page containing title, author/s, affiliation/s, and the address, phone, fax and e-mail of the lead author. All the abstracts will be peer reviewed by the experts committee. Only abstracts accepted for presentation would be notified for submitting the final and full papers. Accepted research paper will be published in the reputed research journal. 
Deadline for submission of abstracts ..............................January 02, 2012
Notification of Acceptance..............................................January 16, 2012
Deadline for Registration...............................................January 31, 2012
Deadline for submission of full paper..............................February 06, 2012
Conference..................................................................February 25-26, 2012

Conference Secretariat:
For Submission of Abstracts and Full Papers:
Prof. Neeraj Khattri- Conference Convener 
Conference Secretariat, IJMC, Mangalayatan University, Beswan, Aligarh-202145 (U.P.)
Mob: +91-7351002585,  +91-9350325737
For Registration and Inquiry 
Shri Dhruv Sabharwal-Mob: +91- 9808586250,
For Accomodation and Meal
Dr. Sidhartha Jain, Mob: +91-7351002588,
For Transport Facility
Shri  Jitendra Singh, Mob: +91-9897784288,
Organising Committee: 
Prof. S.C.Jain, Vice-Chancellor, - Chairman & Patron
Cdr.(Retd.) Manjeet Singh, Registrar-General Secretary
Prof. H. K. Agrawal, HoD , IJMC – Secretary
Shri Samiran Baral- Finance officer
Prof.Neeraj Khattri- Conference Convener
Shri  Jitendra Singh-.Member
Shri Dhruv Sabharwal- Member
Shri Zakir Mahmood- Member
Shri Ajay Holkar- Member
Shri Rajni Pandit-Member
Shri Jayprakash Rai-Member
Conference Advisory Board: 
Shri Pawan Jain- Chairman,MU
Shri Mohan Lakhamraju-Vice-Chairman
Shri Karthik Gopalan-Vice President (Operations)
Prof.H.S.Yadav – Director, Civil Engineering
Prof.A.K. Tandon - Dean Student welfare                        
Prof.Arvind Datye -Director, IET  
Prof.G.S.Agrawal - Director, ICA
Prof.Avinash Bhardwaj-Director, IBM  
Prof.G.K. Aseri - Director, IBMER   
Prof.Chitralekha Singh-Dean, IVPAR                 
Prof.Manoj Sahni-HoD,ITHM  
Prof.Deepti Sharma-HoD, IER   
Prof. Qaiser Hayat - HoD, Legal Studies     
I shall be highly obliged if you kindly convey this information to the interested people.
For any further information please feel free to contact:                  
 Prof. Neeraj Khattri- Conference Convener 
Conference Secretariat, IJMC, Mangalayatan University, Beswan, Aligarh-202145 (U.P.),India.
Mob:+91-7351002585, E-mail: icccdm@mangalayatan

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 Here’s a basic sample research synopsis format you can adapt, typically used for academic purposes like thesis proposals or project submiss...