With the advent of modern communication technologies and its rapid penetration in to ordinary Indian homes a lot of changes are taking place social ,economical , and personal .
It all begun with T.V serials but it was slow ,different characters of all shades and lifestyle were brought direct into homes .The serials like Mahabharata ,Ramayan brought religious figures like Ram ,Krishna and great man like Bhisma and Arjun face to face with normal people which started certain increase of religious beliefs and then serial like Udan put aspiration in to a lot of home about their daughters but all this was slow and steady .with Arrival of new private channels and new types of serials a drastic change begun to appear which coincided with growing use Computer ,Internet and mobile phone and suddenly their was so much change taking place so many new avenues to know so much information available on the touch of the fingers and so much connectivity that too on the move and before we understand we were in a new world a world which is so much different from what we have seen a world for which our children ,our youth are aspiring for and that brought new life style new way of thinking and all of sudden new openness about oneself and going assertion about once sexuality .
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Showing posts with label article. Show all posts
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
India in last 25 yeras
changing face of India

Wednesday, 27 May 2009
The plight of Hindi
The plight of Hindi is that in spite of more then 50% of the population either speak hindi or understand hindi ,there is little pride associated with it. why?
For instance A Maharastra .a Karantaka , a Tamilnadu and its people took pride in speaking there language but making it sure slowly and gradully that there language should be used by everyone who resides in these parts ,But can you say same about Hindi certainly not .
Take for instance the oath ceromony of minister is taking place in Delhi yes our capital but how many of the ministers took oath in Hindi ?And did there was even a tiny bubble in any part of the country ? No why ?
In Tamilnadu or in Karnataka or in West Bangal they want every should talk in there languge or local language and Hindi is the local language of Delhi forget about it as RAj BHASA we hardly have pride left for anything Indian but what about the local aispiration of the people that they say in Tamilnadu or in Karnataka why these minister didn`t take oath in Hindi ?
As for as electronic media is concern these people are beref of thinking and Indian pride the less we said about them the better .
For instance A Maharastra .a Karantaka , a Tamilnadu and its people took pride in speaking there language but making it sure slowly and gradully that there language should be used by everyone who resides in these parts ,But can you say same about Hindi certainly not .
Take for instance the oath ceromony of minister is taking place in Delhi yes our capital but how many of the ministers took oath in Hindi ?And did there was even a tiny bubble in any part of the country ? No why ?
In Tamilnadu or in Karnataka or in West Bangal they want every should talk in there languge or local language and Hindi is the local language of Delhi forget about it as RAj BHASA we hardly have pride left for anything Indian but what about the local aispiration of the people that they say in Tamilnadu or in Karnataka why these minister didn`t take oath in Hindi ?
As for as electronic media is concern these people are beref of thinking and Indian pride the less we said about them the better .

Monday, 25 May 2009
Second addition of IPL was successful very very successful at that but the closing ceremony was complete spoiler of sort .Why I am saying that ?
It was a great opportunity for BBCI and managing committee of IPL to show Indian culture and Indian artist on International platform . Isn`t it a Indian tournament ?
Indian DJ also could have done English songs yes given that it was held in South Africa some of the local artist should also have been used .But what Mr. Flamboyant Modi did was a complete dampener .His heart is not in right place I presume but we have to know it before when he shifted it to south Africa .
Second thing worth mention is Otha ceremony of Ministers by president .Only two Minister
took oath in Hindi Mr. Sharad pawar and Mr. Kamal Nath why?
Lets assume that few of them are not fluent in Hindi but isn``t being cabinet Minister from at lest 5 years as most of them were they should have learn ed Hindi and what about other ministers who speaks Hindi well but still preferred English why?
Why didn`t they took lesson from Mrs. Sonia Gandhi who learn ed Hindi or it is of no importance for a cabinet minister to know our Raj Bhasa ? Where these people are leading us and Why there in no hue and cry in any news paper or in electronic media ?Yes many of them could have taken oath in there mother tongue but why in English ? Did we need such politician in our midst who don`t respect there country or who`s heart is not at right places?
It was a great opportunity for BBCI and managing committee of IPL to show Indian culture and Indian artist on International platform . Isn`t it a Indian tournament ?
Indian DJ also could have done English songs yes given that it was held in South Africa some of the local artist should also have been used .But what Mr. Flamboyant Modi did was a complete dampener .His heart is not in right place I presume but we have to know it before when he shifted it to south Africa .
Second thing worth mention is Otha ceremony of Ministers by president .Only two Minister
took oath in Hindi Mr. Sharad pawar and Mr. Kamal Nath why?
Lets assume that few of them are not fluent in Hindi but isn``t being cabinet Minister from at lest 5 years as most of them were they should have learn ed Hindi and what about other ministers who speaks Hindi well but still preferred English why?
Why didn`t they took lesson from Mrs. Sonia Gandhi who learn ed Hindi or it is of no importance for a cabinet minister to know our Raj Bhasa ? Where these people are leading us and Why there in no hue and cry in any news paper or in electronic media ?Yes many of them could have taken oath in there mother tongue but why in English ? Did we need such politician in our midst who don`t respect there country or who`s heart is not at right places?

Wednesday, 6 May 2009
The caste system
In the Jatakas Brahmins are mentioned as traders, hunters and trappers. R P Masani quotes the case of a Kshatriya prince, Kusa, mentioned in one of the Jataka tales, who became an apprentice in turn to a potter, a basket maker, a florist and a cook. Conversely, from even the Vedic days there have been innumerable instances of men born in the lowest rank of caste-society taking to professions which in theory were the monopoly of the other castes. Even the Mauryas royal family came from among the Sudras.” Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji ( ? ) of the India Heritage Research Foundation defines: "The Caste system as you see it today is not was originally simply a division of labor based on personal, talents tendencies and abilities. It was never supposed to divide people. Rather, it was supposed to unite people so that everyone was simultaneously working to the best of his/her ability for the greater service of all. In the scriptures, when the system of dividing society into four groups was explained, the word used is “Varna.” Varna means “class” not “caste.” Caste is actually “Jati” and it is an incorrect translation of the word “varna.” When the Portuguese colonized parts of India, they mistakenly translated “varna vyavasthaa” as “caste system” and the mistake has stayed since then.

Saturday, 2 May 2009
The caste system
Lord Krishna as saying, in response to the question— "How is Varna (social order) determined?"
"Birth is not the cause, my friend; it is virtues which are the cause of auspiciousness. Even a chandala (lower caste) observing the vow is considered a Brahman by the gods."
“The four fold division of castes’ “was created by me according to the apportionment of qualities and duties.” “Not birth, not sacrament, not learning, make one dvija (twice-born), but righteous conduct alone causes it.” “Be he a Sudra or a member of any other class, says the Lord in the same epic, “he that serves as a raft on a raftless current , or helps to ford the unfordable, deserves respect in everyway.”
Sardar Kavalam Madhava Panikkar (1896-1963) Indian scholar, journalist, historian from Kerala, administrator, diplomat, Minister in Patiala Bikaner and Ambassador to China, Egypt and France. Author of several books, including Asia and Western Dominance, India Through the ages and India and the Indian Ocean.
He says:
“The fact is that the four-fold caste is merely a theoretical division of society to which tribes, clans and family groups are affiliated. It is a sociological fiction. The earliest available literature gives instances of Brahmins carrying on the professions of medicine, arms and administration."
"Birth is not the cause, my friend; it is virtues which are the cause of auspiciousness. Even a chandala (lower caste) observing the vow is considered a Brahman by the gods."
“The four fold division of castes’ “was created by me according to the apportionment of qualities and duties.” “Not birth, not sacrament, not learning, make one dvija (twice-born), but righteous conduct alone causes it.” “Be he a Sudra or a member of any other class, says the Lord in the same epic, “he that serves as a raft on a raftless current , or helps to ford the unfordable, deserves respect in everyway.”
Sardar Kavalam Madhava Panikkar (1896-1963) Indian scholar, journalist, historian from Kerala, administrator, diplomat, Minister in Patiala Bikaner and Ambassador to China, Egypt and France. Author of several books, including Asia and Western Dominance, India Through the ages and India and the Indian Ocean.
He says:
“The fact is that the four-fold caste is merely a theoretical division of society to which tribes, clans and family groups are affiliated. It is a sociological fiction. The earliest available literature gives instances of Brahmins carrying on the professions of medicine, arms and administration."

Friday, 1 May 2009
The caste system
We are Brahmin not on account of birth or the performance of rites, not by study or family, but on account of our behavior. (na yonir napisamskaro nasrutam na ca santatih karanani dvijatvasya vrttam eva tu karanam.) ( sarvoyam brahmano loke vrttenaca vidhiyate vrttisthitasu sudropi brahmanatva, mouaccjato – Anusasanaparva.
Even if we are born Sudras. By good conduct we can raise ourselves to the highest status. (sudrayonau hi jatasya sadgunan upastisthatah vaisyatvam labhate brahmam ksatriyattvam tathaiva ca arjave vartamanasya brahmanyam abhijayate – Aranyaparva. )
Patanjali refers to Brahmin kings, and Manu to Sudra rulers. There were Brahmin soldiers in the time of Alexander, as there are today. Shankara held the view that members of all castes can read the sastras. Hindu acaryas denounced the spirit of caste separatism. Vajrasucikopanisad holds that many who were born of non-brahmin women had risen to the rank of Brahmin saints.
Author Beatrice Pitney Lamb has pointed out:
"Clearly the Indian way of assimilating foreigners - by allowing them to pursue their own customs within some niche of the caste system - has led to greater variety and tolerance within the country than exists in the United States, where immigrants have been assimilated through a school program emphasizing 100 per cent Americanization - and hence, implicitly, the rejection of inherited cultural roots."
Writing of this varna-ashrama-dharma, Auguste Comte (1798-1857) the great French sociologist, wrote in his book Système de philosophie positive or Positive Society:
“No institution has ever shown itself more adopted to honor, ability to various kinds than this polytheistic organization…In a social view, the virtues of the system are not less conspicuous. Politically, its chief attribute was stability…As to the influence on mortals, this system was favorable to personal morality, and yet more to domestic, for the spirit of caste was a mere extension of the family spirit….As to social morals, the system was evidently favorable to respect for age and homage to ancestors.” greatest poets and the most venerated saints such as Sura Dasa, Kabir, Tukaram, Thiruvalluvar and Ram Dasa; came from the humblest class of society." Caste system has been exploited against the Hindus, for the last two centuries by the British, Christian Missionaries, Secular historians, Communists, Muslims, Pre and Post-Independence Indian politicians and Journalists for their own endshe caste system was never a tenet of the Hindu faith.
"The universe is the outpouring of the majesty of God, the auspicious one, radiant love. Every face you see belongs to Him. He is present in everyone without exception." - says the Yajur Veda.
"The Lord (The Divine) is enshrined in the hearts of all." - says the Isha Upanishad 1 -1.
The Upanishads which are a pure, lofty, heady distillation of spiritual wisdom which come to us from the very dawn of time tell us:
"Reality (God) is our real Self, so that each of us is one with the power that created and sustains the universe."
In Sanskrit, Tat tvam asi, “You are That.”
"In the depths of meditation, sages (rishis)
Saw within themselves the Lord of Love,
Who dwells in the heart of every creature." says the Shvetashvatara Upanishad. 1 - 3.
Even if we are born Sudras. By good conduct we can raise ourselves to the highest status. (sudrayonau hi jatasya sadgunan upastisthatah vaisyatvam labhate brahmam ksatriyattvam tathaiva ca arjave vartamanasya brahmanyam abhijayate – Aranyaparva. )
Patanjali refers to Brahmin kings, and Manu to Sudra rulers. There were Brahmin soldiers in the time of Alexander, as there are today. Shankara held the view that members of all castes can read the sastras. Hindu acaryas denounced the spirit of caste separatism. Vajrasucikopanisad holds that many who were born of non-brahmin women had risen to the rank of Brahmin saints.
Author Beatrice Pitney Lamb has pointed out:
"Clearly the Indian way of assimilating foreigners - by allowing them to pursue their own customs within some niche of the caste system - has led to greater variety and tolerance within the country than exists in the United States, where immigrants have been assimilated through a school program emphasizing 100 per cent Americanization - and hence, implicitly, the rejection of inherited cultural roots."
Writing of this varna-ashrama-dharma, Auguste Comte (1798-1857) the great French sociologist, wrote in his book Système de philosophie positive or Positive Society:
“No institution has ever shown itself more adopted to honor, ability to various kinds than this polytheistic organization…In a social view, the virtues of the system are not less conspicuous. Politically, its chief attribute was stability…As to the influence on mortals, this system was favorable to personal morality, and yet more to domestic, for the spirit of caste was a mere extension of the family spirit….As to social morals, the system was evidently favorable to respect for age and homage to ancestors.” greatest poets and the most venerated saints such as Sura Dasa, Kabir, Tukaram, Thiruvalluvar and Ram Dasa; came from the humblest class of society." Caste system has been exploited against the Hindus, for the last two centuries by the British, Christian Missionaries, Secular historians, Communists, Muslims, Pre and Post-Independence Indian politicians and Journalists for their own endshe caste system was never a tenet of the Hindu faith.
"The universe is the outpouring of the majesty of God, the auspicious one, radiant love. Every face you see belongs to Him. He is present in everyone without exception." - says the Yajur Veda.
"The Lord (The Divine) is enshrined in the hearts of all." - says the Isha Upanishad 1 -1.
The Upanishads which are a pure, lofty, heady distillation of spiritual wisdom which come to us from the very dawn of time tell us:
"Reality (God) is our real Self, so that each of us is one with the power that created and sustains the universe."
In Sanskrit, Tat tvam asi, “You are That.”
"In the depths of meditation, sages (rishis)
Saw within themselves the Lord of Love,
Who dwells in the heart of every creature." says the Shvetashvatara Upanishad. 1 - 3.

The caste system
The caste system is based on the sound economic principle of division of labor which ensures efficiency of production. A person from his birth knew what profession he was to follow later on. So from the start, he devoted all his energy to the one profession of his forefathers. It was because of this reason that in every period of Indian history, there was no dearth of highly-skilled workers and scholars. Megasthenes, Hieun Tsang, Alberuni, Ibn Batuta, Babar and even the early Britishers were impressed by the talents and artistic skill of the Indians in every art and craft." (source: Ancient India - By V. D. Mahajan p. 166).While Marxists and other anti-Hindu intellectuals calling themselves Secularists never miss an opportunity to denounce it, the fact of the matter is that the Indian civilization survived nearly a thousand year onslaught of Islam. Several other ancient civilizations – like those of Iran (Zorastrian), the Byzantine Empire (Christian) and Central Asia (Buddhist) broke down under the same force over a much shortest period. This shows that they must have lacked a social order capable of protecting their societies. The so called ‘egalitarian’ Buddhist society lacked the social organization which enabled the Hindu society to survive. It was the same story in Egypt, Syria, and Turkey which were part of the Christian Byzamtine Empire. They lacked the strength and resilience of the Hindu society and succumbed to the Islamic invasion. According to V. A. Smith, most of the misunderstanding on the subject of caste system has arisen from the persistent mistranslation of Manu's term "Varna" as caste, whereas it should be rendered class or order or by some equivalent term. (source: Oxford History of India - By V. A. Smith Oxford Date of Publication: 1958).

Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Varna (वर्ण varṇa) is a Sanskrit term derived from the root vrn meaning "to choose from".One of the foremost Rishi in Rigveda is Vishwamitra, who was a King and Kshatriya by birth. Vyasa was of mixed birth between Parasara, a Brahmin and Sathyavathi (a Soodra, fisher woman). Maharishi Matanga was from the Matanga Bhil tribe but was raised as a Brahmana. Hence to attribute inherited class system to Hindu scriptures is without substance

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