Showing posts with label Emily Sharma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emily Sharma. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Conceptualizing Emotions in Indian Thought-Systems from a Feminist Perspective, Emily Sharma, Tripura University

      येमिली शर्मा ने प्रस्तुत किया बेहतरीन  शोध पत्र ।
      भारतीय उच्च अध्ययन केंद्र (IIAS) शिमला में  ‘Reflection on Emotions in Indian Thought-Systems’ इस विषय पे आयोजित दो दिवसीय अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सेमिनार में त्रिपुरा विश्वविद्यालय की पीएच.डी. शोध छात्रा येमली शर्मा ने महत्वपूर्ण शोध पत्र प्रस्तुत किया । अँग्रेजी भाषा में शोधकार्य कर रही येमिली इस सेमिनार में शामिल सबसे युवा प्रतिनिधि थी । आप के शोध आलेख का विषय था Conceptualizing Emotions in Indian Thought-Systems from a Feminist Perspective, (Emily Sharma, Tripura University)
     आप ने स्त्री विमर्श के विभिन्न और अछूते पहलुओं पर सभी का ध्यान आकर्षित कराया । पूरी संगोस्ठी की रूपरेखा इसप्रकार थी –
                    Seminar on
 ‘Reflection on Emotions in Indian Thought-Systems’
                (September 4-6, 2012)

Day I, 4 September 2012 (Tuesday)
Opening session: (9.30-11.45 am)
 9.30-10.00              Registration
10.00-11.15              Opening remarks: Peter Ronald deSouza, Director IIAS
                                Keynote address: T.R.S. Sharma, Fellow, IIAS
                                Inaugural speech: Purushottama Bilimoria, University of
                                                        California, Berkeley.
                                Introduction of Participants

11.15-11.45              Tea Break/Group Photo

11.45-01.15              Multi-dimensionality of Emotions in Indian Thought-Systems

                                Towards a Metaphysics of Emotions in Indian Thought-Systems:
                                S.E. Bhelke, University of Pune

                                Moha Kāla: Aporias of Emotions, D. Venkat Rao, University of

                                Chair: T.R.S. Sharma

01.15-02.15              Lunch Break

Session II:              Emotions in the Construction of the Sacred Feminine
                                Conceptualizing Emotions in Indian Thought-Systems from a
                                Feminist Perspective, Emily Sharma, Tripura University

                                Maternal Emotions in Art, Ambalicka Sood Jacob, Fellow, IIAS

                                Chair: Rukmini Bhaya Nair

Session III:              Emotional Encounter? What Happens When Darwin and
(5.30-7.00)               Bharata Converse, Rukmini Bhaya Nair, IIT, Delhi.

Venue:         Pool Theatre

8.00 p.m.                Director’s Dinner

Day II, 5 September 2012 (Wednesday)

Session IV:     Emotions in Classical Indian Philosophy and in Buddhism
                        Emotions vs Rationality: Some Reflections from Purvamimamsa,
                       Ujjwala Jha, University of Pune

Positive and Negative Emotions: Some Reflections on their Treatment in Nyaya, V.N. Jha, University of Pune

                        Emotions in Buddhism, Varun Tripathi, University of Jammu  
                        Chair: Purushottama Bilimoria

Session V:              Conceptualizing “Negative” Emotions               
Abhinivesh (The Fear of Death): From Anxiety to Authenticity, Pankaj Basotia, Himachal University, Shimla

Between Fear and Heroism: Tantric Path to Liberation, Aleksandra Wenta, Fellow, IIAS.

Grief and Mourning: theorizing on the troubled bhāvas cross-culturally,
                         Purushottama Bilimoria, University of California, Berkeley

                                Chair: Advaitavadini Kaul

01.30-02.30     Lunch Break

Session VI:             The Role of Emotions in Bhakti, Part I
                        Emotions and their Transformations in Indian Psychology: A Path
                                to Oneness? Suneet Varma, University of Delhi

Understanding the Relationship of Emotions and Objectivity in the Context of Bhakti Surbhi Vohra, IIT, Indore

Principal Emotions Contributing to the Supreme Love of Śiva: Study of Early Śaiva Hymnal Corpus, T. Ganeshan, French Institute of Pondicherry.

                                Chair: Amitranjan Basu       Tea

Day III, 6 September 2012 (Thursday)

Session VII:    The nature of Bhava and Rasa
                        The Concept of Bhāva and Bhāvana in Kashmir 
                        Shaivism, Advaitavadini Kaul, IGNCA, Delhi
                       Emotions in Sanskrit Poetics, Hari Dutt Sharma, University of
                       Rasa in Javanese Tradition, Andrea Acri, National University of

                       Chair: V.N.Jha 

Session VIII:   Aesthetics of Emotions in Dance and Song 
                        The Concept of ‘Hasyam’ According to the Natyaśastra and as
                       Expressed in Dance Today, Biliana Mueller, University of Delhi

                        Songs of the Bauls of Bengal: Emotive Basis for Religious and
                        Philosophic Symmetry, Ujjwal Jana, University of Pondicherry

                        Chair: D. Venkat Rao
                        Closing Remarks: Aleksandra Wenta, Fellow, IIAS




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