संस्कृति संगम :सामाजिक सरोकारों से सम्बद्ध संस्था
कल्याण शहर क़ी प्रमुख संस्थाओं में से एक संस्था है -संस्कृति संगम .इस संस्था क़ी स्थापना २२ अगस्त सन २००० में हुई. यह संस्था जिन प्रमुख कार्यों को करती है उनमे से कुछ इस प्रकार हैं
१- विभिन्न विभागों में कार्य रत लोगों के सेवा निवृत्त हो जाने पर उनके सम्मान में ''सेवा सम्पूर्ति '' कार्यक्रम का आयोजन करना. जिसके माध्यम से उनके योगदान क़ी चर्चा करते हुवे ,समाज के बीच उनको सम्मानित करना.विशेष रूप से शिक्षा क्षेत्र से जुड़े लोगों का सम्मान यह संस्था करती है .
२-राष्ट्रीय कवि सम्मेलन और मुशायरे का आयोजन करना भी इस संस्था के प्रमुख कार्यों में से एक है. देश -विदेश के कई ख्याति प्राप्त कवियों को आमंत्रित कर उनके काव्य पाठ क़ी सुविधा यह संस्था उपलब्ध कराती है. श्री बालकवि बैरागी,सत्यनारायण सत्तन और ऐसे ही अनेकों कवियों को यह संस्था आमंत्रित करती रही है.
३-लोक संगीत के कार्यक्रमों को आयोजित करना भी इस संस्था के प्रमुख कार्यों में से एक है. उत्तर भारत से सम्बद्ध बिरहा जैसी लोक विधावों से सम्बंधित संगीत के कार्यक्रमों को यह संस्था करती रहती है.
४-समाज और संस्था से जुड़े वरिष्ट और स्नेही जनों का जन्मदिन याद रखते हुवे उनके जन्मोत्सव के कार्यक्रमों को भी यह संस्था बढ़-चढ़ के मनाती है. कई बार इस तरह के समारोह बड़े सभागृह में मनाये जाते हैं तो कई बार सम्बंधित व्यक्ति के घर पर .जैसा भी सहज संभव हो सके.
५-इसी तरह समाज के किसी व्यक्ति के देहांत पर,सभी को सूचित करना और श्रधान्जली सभा का आयोजन करना भी इस संस्था क़ी गतिविधियों में शामिल है.
५-प्रतिभावान विद्यार्थियों को सम्मानित करना और उन्हें क्षात्र वृत्ति देने का काम भी यह संस्था करती है.
६-समय-समय पर रक्त दान शिविर के आयोजन का काम भी यह संस्था करती है.
इस संस्था से सम्बद्ध प्रमुख लोगों में श्री विजय नारायण पंडित ,एडवो.राधेमोहन तिवारी ,मुन्ना पाण्डेय,बाबा तिवारी,विजय तिवारी और डॉ.मनीष कुमार मिश्रा प्रमुख हैं.
Showing posts with label vijay pandit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vijay pandit. Show all posts
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Saturday, 21 November 2009
shri vijay bhai pandit :not a name but an institution in himself
brought up in a principled family inherited social,
cultural, educational, athletic, environmental,
Generous as well as political values and principles
from the family itself. He is renowned all over
Kalyan and surrounding places as an idol of
Principles, generosity, and a person of morals. Influenced by these ideals VIJAYNARAYAN RAMCHARAN PANDIT, who has imbibed the leadership qualities and fervor for social service, has dedicated his whole life for it. Though working in commercial field for living he is always engrossed with the thought of betterment of people. Enlightened by the ideals of his parents he keeps the flame of social service always glowing. Hence, VIJAYRATNA, a popular nomenclature to VIJAYNARAYAN PANDIT, is also renowned as KALYAN RATNA.
Political career of RAMCHARAN PANDIT flourished during 1968 to1978 when thrice he was elected as a corporator for Kalyan Dombivli Municipal Corporation. Even today people remind him as a generous person throughout Kalyan city. The family has been residing in Kalyan area since last 100 years and since then it has contributed to the development of Kalyan city.
Since childhood, VIJAYNARAYAN PANDIT is interested in social, cultural, educational, athletic, and commercial activities. As a result of these extensive range of interests, consistent contact with individuals from all stratas of the society, spirit of serving people, reaching the classes as well as masses becomes easily possible for a dynamic person like him. VIJAYPARVA, is another name given to the dedication of an obedient son towards an inspiring father like SUNDER SETH. To retain the glorious legacy of spirit of service given by his father and to convey his message of social reformation to people belonging to all religions, the son is working incessantly with a broad vision in mind.
To fulfill the dream of his father VIJAYNARAYAN PANDIT has left no stone onturned. He has established a good rapport with many of the Non Government Organisations working towards social well being. His tremendous will power is accompanied by innovative nature and leadership qualities. His hard efforts result in fulfilling glorious social work. People belonging to all communities love this selfless initiative towards social responsibility. As a result of this he has been felicitated by many of social, academic, sports and service organizations
After entering trade and commerce field at the age of 23, with his strenuous efforts and perseverance he has made a great contribution to its development and for that he has been honoured by the title “VYAPAR RATNA”.
He has created an extraordinary self image in the minds of people with his sincerity of efforts, organization skills, perseverance and social commitment. He has given a new direction to the field of trade and commerce in Kalyan and oriented it towards social responsibility. His consistent efforts in this field have brought him many honours at the hands of eminent personalities. He has soared high in the field of social work and integrated the different organizations working towards. His skill in managing his business alongwith social work is praiseworthy and so people call him the sculptor of transformed Kalyan.
Born on 2nd March 1959 in Kalyan as a second child of Sunderseth. He inherited an environment of principles, morals and ideals which he has strived to implement throughout his life as well as impart them to whosoever comes in his contact. His family has a history of 100 glorious years in Kalyan city. Now his fifth generation is working towards the betterment of the city.
Another dimension of the versatile personality of VIJAY RATNA is his mellifluous way of speech. He has influenced a lot of people to change the way they live through his speeches. He has devoted his life to humanitarian concerns like helping the poor, fulfilling the needs of the neglected, creating a secular feeling in the minds of the people, creating awareness in the minds of the people for national integration, social reformation, equality, fraternity, environment, national service scheme, and many such social programmes.
People look at VIJAYNARAYAN PANDIT as an ideal person who stands for efficiency, concern for duties, skillful management of resources as well as manpower, sincerity and many such values.
For the great work he has been felicitated at the hands of many a well-known personalities like
Hon. Vilasravji Deshmukh (former Chief Minister of Maharashtra ),
Hon. Bhalchandra Munagekar (Member Planning Commission,
former Chancellor Mumbai University ),
Hon. R.R.Patil (former Dy. Chief Minister),
Hon. Arunbhai Gujrathi (former President Vidhan Sabha),
Hon. Megha Tai Patkar (social worker),
Hon. Arun D. Sawant (Pro Vice-Chancellor Mumbai University ),
Hon. Anis Ahmad (for Minister for state
Higher and Technical Education),
Hon. Sabir Bhai Shaikh (former Minister for state)
Hon. Arjun Singhji (Minister, Govt. of India ),
Hon. Rajnath Sinhji (President, B.J.P.)
Secretary : The Kalyan Wholesale Merchants Association established
On 1st August 1978. He is the secretary since 1981.
Secretary : Joint Secretary of KM.Agrawal College founded in 1993-94.
Secretary : L.D.Sonawane College , Kalyan founded in 2003-04.
Secretary : Kalyan Vyapari Mahamandal, Kalyan.
Director ; Elected as Director of A.P.M.C. (Kalyan) for the 5th time.
Member : Grocery Board, Maharashtra State .
Member : Sharda Mandir Shikshan Sanstha, Kalyan.
Member : Prabhu Ram Vidyamandir, Kolsewadi, Kalyan.
President : Yashoda Charitable Trust, Kalyan (W)
President : Yog Vedant Seva Samiti, Kalyan
President : Sanskriti Sangam, Kalyan
President : Hare Krishna Satsang Mandal, Kalyan
President : Brahmin Samaj Kalyan Parishad, Kalyan
Director : Giants Group of Kalyan
Trusty Member: Om Kabaddi Team, Kalyan
Member : Friends Dream of Kalyan
Member : Uttar Bhartiya Sangh, Mumbai
Member : Uttar Darshan (Hindi Magazine)
Member : Prajaraj (Gujrati Magazine)
Member : Keval Ek (Hindi Magazine)
Member : Vitthalvadi Hanuman Temple
Director : Anubandh, Kalyan
Vice-President: Dnyaneshwar Parayan Samiti
vijay pandit
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