Showing posts with label ग़ज़ल पुस्तक के लोकार्पण पर डॉ.सुनील शर्मा जी के विचार. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ग़ज़ल पुस्तक के लोकार्पण पर डॉ.सुनील शर्मा जी के विचार. Show all posts

Friday, 16 April 2010

ग़ज़ल पुस्तक के लोकार्पण पर डॉ.सुनील शर्मा जी के विचार

 श्री विजय भाई पंडित क़ी ग़ज़ल पुस्तक के लोकार्पण पर डॉ.सुनील शर्मा जी के विचार 
Ghazals bring a multi-lingual city together

Dr Sunil Sharma Kalyan

The Gazal got indianised and began speaking in all the major languages of the vast country over the last few decades, articulating deep social concerns that had largely replaced the earlier romantic vocabulary and stock images of lovelorn couples pining for each other on long lonely nights. In the 90s, the renovated form was all the rage in the drawing rooms of a pluralistic nation and Gazal singers like Gulam Ali and Jagjit Singh were great draws everywhere.
On Tuesday, March 2, the historic Gazal arrived in the suburbs and united a multi-lingual city. The occasion was the release of the debut collection of 45 well-crafted Gazals by city’s leading entrepreneur, philanthropist, politician and social worker Vijay Pandit. “It was my birthday also. So, I decided to celebrate it in a big way with my friends and convert the bash into a literary event,” says Pandit.
The three hour evening programme, held at a Gurudwara in Kalyan west, saw a sprinkling of politicians, academics, media professionals, businesspersons and writers of Hindi, Urdu, Marathi and English. Called Phir Kisi Mohd Per, the collection of couplets in flawless Urdu and Hindi was released by an admiring Govind Rathod, commissioner, KDMC, in the presence of, among others, eminent educationist Dr Naresh Chandra, senior businessman Nand Kumar Sonawane and poet Alok Bhattacharya.
“He writes in classical vein and his content is socio-political. These are very mature poems and show his artistic and altruistic side,” remarked Alok. “For me, languages unite the people of a diversified country like ours rather than separating them. I have used both Urdu and Hindi in my Gazals to underline the composite culture of India. It is a confluence of different languages that explores the same national ethos and spirit,” added Pandit .
This is his third poetry collection so far. “Gazal is very complex and demands full attention. It is a disciplined art that requires patience and labour. In this collection, I have attempted this form for the first time,” elaborated the birthday boy, dressed in ethnic wear and donning a red headgear, combining tradition and experimental art.
The event was hosted by a young talent Manish Mishra in a superb manner. A rich banquet then waited the fans of the Gazals and their Gazalkar on the lawns of the Gurudawara. The memorable evening witnessed the birth of a promising poet. 

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