Showing posts with label Folklore Dr Swati Joshi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Folklore Dr Swati Joshi. Show all posts

Saturday, 20 May 2023

Folklore Dr Swati Joshi Gujarat


Dr Swati Joshi


“Folklore, since the mid- nineteenth century, has been the collective name applied to sayings, verbal compositions, and social rituals that have handed down solely, or at least primarily, by word of mouth and example rather than in written form. Folklore developed, and continues even now, in communities where few if any people can read or write. It also continues to flourish among literate populations, in the form of oral jokes, stories and varieties of world play…….Folklore includes legends, superstitions, songs, tales, proverbs, riddles, spells, and nursery rhymes; pseudoscientific lore about the weather, plants and animals; customary activities at births, marriages, and deaths; and traditional dances and forms of drama performed on holidays or at communal gatherings.”56 

Folklore can be divided into three parts. 

1 Folk drama

2 Folk songs

3 Folktales

Dr Swati Joshi

sample research synopsis

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