Friday, 19 May 2023

Roman Mythologies

 Roman Mythologies

Dr. Swati Joshi


It can be said that Roman People adopted Christianity under the influence of the myth of Hellenes the ancient Greek. Romans knew very well that Greeks are their defeater even though Romans were ready to adopt good virtue from their religion and they incorporated Greek mythology into their mythologies.  Roman continued with these mythologies even when they dominated Europe, Northen Africa, and Minor Asia. It can be said that Roman mythologies having merged mythologies of Greek, Italy, Roman and Etruscan civilization. Roman characters of the Myth are-

1 Cupid- It is believed that he was the God of Love, came from the Greek God Eros, son of Goddess Venus. He described as a boy having quiver of arrows. He had the power to create love and hatred. 

2 The Furies- The Fruries means three daughters of Terra Meter created by Uranus. They are Megaera, Tisiphone and Alecto. The duties of these three were to give punishment to the assassins.   They came from Greek myth as Erniyes. 

3 Hercules- The name came from the Greek hero Heracles. 

4 Janus- He was an Italian God and the word January came from his name Janus. He had two faces; one was on front and second was on back. 

5 Juno-   She was the Roman Goddess of Sky, and wife of Jupiter. Juno gave birth to Mars. She was categorized to the Greek Goddess Hera. 

6 Jupiter- He was a Roman God of Sky, storm, thunder and lighting. He can be categorized with the Greek God Zeuz. 

7 Justitia- He was the Roman Goddess of Justice. She described as having blindfold on her eyes and having sword and scales. She can be recognized with the Greek Goddess Dike. 

8 Mars- He was the father of Romulus and Remus, the creator of Rome. 

9 Mercury – He was working as the Roman messenger of God, similar to Greek God Hermes. In Celtic mythology Lugus and in Germanic mythology Odin was classified as mercury. 

10 Neptune- He was the Roman God of Water and fertility identified as the Greek God Poseidon. 

11 Ops- She was the Roman Goddess of harvest, wife of Satun and mother of Jupiter. She resembles with the Greek Goddess Rhea. 

12 Pax- She was the Roman Goddess of Peace.

13 Penates- Gods who protected storages of Homes. 

14 Quirinus- He was the God of war and considered as the head God of Romans. 

15 Romulus and Remus- They were twins, sons of Rhea Silvia and Mars. They fought with each other and Romulus killed Remus and after that ruled on Rome. 

16 Saturn- He was an Italian God of corn harvest and categories with Greek God Cronos. 

17 Sol- He was the God of Sun, originally from Mesopotamian Mythology. 

18 Tellus- She was the Goddess of Earth and productivity. 

19 Venus- She was the Goddess of agricultural, recognized with Greek Goddess Aphrodite. 

20 Vulcan- He was the God of Fire and Volcanoes in ancient Rome resembles with the Greek God Hephaistos. 

Dr. Swati Joshi

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