Friday, 19 May 2023

Myth, Religion and Rituals

 Myth, Religion and Rituals

Dr. Swati Joshi 

This is very notion that Myth is related to religion but science and philosophy have given challenge to religion on the authenticity of myth. Myth when seen in relation with religion then they are in the category of traditional myth as biblical and classical myth but as the time continues these myths are read on the basis of symbol and not taken mythically or legendary. Sometime myth is not lock up to clearly religious ancient stories. The term “Demythologized’ came in the world of myth which is about human experience; an expression of what it ‘feels’ in the world that kills a religious purpose of myth and give a scientific approach to myth. When science interprets myth then it became symbolic only and out of touch of religion. The work religious or religion in myth is related to rituals. There are rituals that symbolize religious touch to any myth. William Robertson Smith a Scottish Biblicist (expert on the bible) in his lecture on ‘the Religion of the Semites’ (a member of any of various ancient and modern people originating in southwestern Asia including Hebrews) disputed that the central object of modern religion is belief but this is not applicable for the ancient religion because the central object of ancient religion are rituals. Smith discussed that ancients executed rituals because they have their own reason which are irrelevant and can change. The reason behind fluctuation was story or myth. The stories and myths are to explain the condition according to the chronological order that means the first come first theory and established the events as command by God. In this matter Myth come on second position and rituals are compulsory and myth become elective. Myth and rituals are interrelated but these two have shifting positions. But both are having identical significance.  Smith stated that for him myth cannot be seen without rituals. According to E.B.Tylor -Myth is nothing but clarification of the substantial world and myth is not related with social like rituals. But one term is common between Smith and Tylor that myth is completely ancient.  In modern religion is not including myth and rituals. It can be said that myth and religion are not only ancient but also primitive. 

Dr. Swati Joshi 

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