Sunday, 21 May 2023

Plays based on Historical Legends

 Plays based on Historical Legends

Dr Swati Joshi


 Indian Mythology is most of the time represented by the Mahabharata, and the Ramayana and other mythological works. It can be said that Indian mythology can be represented in its most excellent way through dramas or plays. In Indian tradition drama is seen as the representation of human emotions, sentiments and nature. The wonderful example of combination of drama and Indian mythology is the plays of Bhasa. Bhasa has not only written the plays which are based on Indian Mythology but also he has taken the base from the historical background. Like plays based on Indian Mythology the historical plays of Bhasa have unique identity and performance in the world of dramas.

As Nietzsche says,

“History is necessary to the living man in three different ways; in relation to his action and struggle, his conservatism and relevance, his suffering and his desire for deliverance.”1

 Bhasa has shown acquaintances to the History of India. Bhasa has tried to weave the story of legendary shapes having relation with various periods of history of India. Bhasa’s plays which are based on history can be seen on the contemporary ground.

 Indian people believe in myths and mythology to understand the previous life and system. But I think history is also important part to understand the past of our nation.

“Myths are very important to the people of India. While Westerners might look to their history to learn who they were the people of India looked to their Myths.”2

 The historical plays of Bhasa have done wonderful work as the two plays of Bhasa The Minister’s Vow and The Vision of Vasavdatta are the combination of History of India as well as it also somewhere has the touch of Indian myths. My work would be to see these two plays having the impression of play taken from historical background with India Myths and how these plays can be re interpretate with the contemporary context. Two plays have been based on History but Bhasa has introduced some necessary changes to present it with a different perspective. It can be said that the narratives are mythical but the plot or story is historical. My work tries to find out the historical and mythical relevance in the contemporary context.

The play which is based on Historical Background are-

1 Pratijna- Yougandharayana (The Minister’s Vow)

2 Svapna-Vasavadattam (The Vision of Vasavadatta)

 These two plays are interrelated with each other. It can be said that The Minister’s Vow is the first part of historical event and The Vision of Vasavadatta is the second part of it. All most all the characters are same but perform in different ways in both the plays. It would be surprise to know that the chief character of both the plays Udayana does not appear in The Minister’s Vow, even another prominent character Vasavadatta is not seen in The Minister’s Vow. But we know about these characters through the description about them by other characters. The method of representation shows the mastery of the Bhasa who is at his most excellent point when he was writing these two plays. Like other plays as The Karna’s Task, The Broken Thighs there is again a common feature can be seen which is repented differently the situation of War and the struggle to come out form this situation. Here it can be said that there is no direct description of war. Like other plays of Bhasa these two plays are also based on politics and power with some individual emotions of love, care, skills, dedication, politics and conspiracy. These two plays are completely based on the conflict of power politics and love. The central active character can be seen in the character of Yougandharayana. The female characters which emerge as the back bone of the play is Vasavadatta and Padmavati. The Vision of Vasavadatta is completely based on the character of Vasavadatta and Padmavati. The Minister’s Vow is completely based on Yougandharayana.

 Bhasa is considered as the author who presents reality of the society through his characters and events and these events and characters are long lasting and forever. These characters can be easily seen with the contemporary context also. Bhasa has given equal importance to his minor characters as he has given to major characters. Bhasa is brilliant in his work to combine these characters together.

“ The huge output also means that he created a larger range of characters than any other, while his major characters are indeed unforgettable what is marvelous is the way he brings to life minor characters in a few deft strokes of his pen.”3

 It can be said that Bhasa is genius not only in representing the mythological characters and events but also in representing historical characters and events also.

Dr Swati Joshi


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