Friday, 19 May 2023

Greek Mythology

 Greek Mythology

Dr. Swati Joshi 

 Among all the mythologies Greek mythology is one of the best known mythology of the world. Many mythologies were from Greece and in Rome. It is also known as Classical Mythology.

The characters of Greek Mythology are-

1 Agamemnon- He was the King of Mycenae and Clytemnestra was his wife and he led the Trojan War.

2 Ajax- He was the son of Telamon of Salamis.

3 The Amazons- It was the group of women who lived near Black sea. It is believed that these women’s had only one breast because they wanted to use their stoop easily. They produced only female child and killed male child. They fought in the battle of Troy.

4 Anteros- Aphrodite face Eros the Anteros as the mate in the play. The work of Anteros was to punished people who do not return love or talked wrong about love.

5 Aphrodite- She was the Goddess of love, beauty and fertility. She was the wife of Hephaestus but having children from Ares, Dionysus and Hermes.

6 Apollo- He was the son of Zeus, brother of Artemis. He was considered as the God Sun, God of Disease, and plague. But he had the department of medicine and cures also.

7 Ares- He was the Greek God of war, son of Zeus and Hera. He had three children from Aphrodite but she was not his wife. His twins Phobos and Deimos always follow him at the time of war. He was also known as Mars by the Romans.

8 Artemis- Daughter of Zeus, she was the twin sister of Apollo and she considered as the goddess of wild.

9 Athena- Daughter of Zeus and considered as the virgin goddess of war.

10 Atlas- He was the Titan and the son of Lapetus.

11 Cerberus- He was 3 headed watchdog of underworld.

12 Chaos- It is considered that he was shapeless person and his name came from the Greek word ‘Khaos’ which means ‘Gaping empty space.’

13 Clytemnestra- Wife of Agamemnon, killed her husband and then declared her son Aegisthus as the king of Mycenae.

14 Demeter- She was the Goddess of crop and productivity, daughter of Kronos and Rhea.

15 Dike- She was the Goddess of Justice, daughter of Zeus. Her name symbolizes behave as per the instruction of God.

16 Dianysus- He was the son of Zeus and Semele and he was the God of Wine and Vegetation.

17 Electra- She was the daughter of Agamenon and Clytemnestra.

18 Eros- Born of Ares and Aphrodite, God of love and sexual desire.

19 The Fates- They are three Goddess Atropos, Clotho and Lachesis. They control the fate of mortals.

20 The Furies- Three daughters of Gaea, Magaera, Tisiphone and Alecto.

21 Gaea- It is believed that she was the Earth and gave birth to the God of sky and later who became her husband.

22 The Gorgons- They are three sisters. Stheno, Medusa, and Euryole.

23 Hades- He was the son of Kronos and Rhea.

24 Helen- She was the daughter of Zeus and Leda and wife of Menelaus the king of Sparta.

25 Hephaistos- He was the son of Zeus and Hera.

26 Hera- She was the wife and sister of Zeus and considered as the symbol of women, wedding, and wedded love and birth giver.

27 Heracles- He was the son of Zeus.

28 Hermes- He was considered as the envoy of God and considered as the guardian of voyager, shepherd.

29 Homer- He was the Greek poet who has written Iliad and Odyssey.

30 Io- She was the daughter of Inachus, a river God.

31 Kronos- He was the son of Ouranos and Gaea.

32 Laocoon – He was the pastor of Apollo.

33 Leto- She was the daughter of Titans Coeus, mother f Apollo and Artemis.

34 Pandora- she was considered as the first woman as similar to Eve.

35 Persephone- She was the daughter of Zeus.

36 Phoenix- It was a mythical bird lives for 500 years and when the time came of its death then itself give to aflame and from the ashes it recreate itself.

37 Rhea – she was the wife and sister of Kronos.

38 The Trojan War- war between Greece people and people of Troy.

There are other characters like Minatour, Oedipus, Oedipus Rex, Themis, Poseidon, Prometheus, Siren, Sisyphus, Medusa and Ouranos.

Dr. Swati Joshi


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