Indian Mythology- part 2
Dr. Swati Joshi
Indra is a very vibrant individual disposition, the fade and flood of his vocation and the moving drop and grows of his power gives captivating section to Hindu mythology. Indian Mythology introduces him with the description of as the chief God of Indian Mythology (an apex grade stature in the midst of gods), known as “Thundered” provide rain to the earth and also as the ‘Hammer God’. He is considered as the God of productivity and “Friend of Man”. He is considered as the God of fertility considered the maker of earth with the help of his Hammer and became known for protector and savior of cows, chief priest and Gods. The meaning of the word ‘Indra’ is greatness and who is best in his field. Indra is not a person but it is a position among Gods. In Indian Mythology it is considered that Indra is only one person, but it is partially accepted. According to Puranic (ancient) and historical scripture it can be discussed that Indra is the position and according to time , his behavior, ability, eligibility, his deeds, performance and honesty they were in the changeable positions. It symbolizes that if one is selected for the post of Indra then he will be called Indra and he will be considered as the king of Devas. He will be settled in heaven and will perform his duty, will be on the highest position of Devas , can rule on Agni, (Fire) Vayu (Air) sun, moon and all other Devas. The word Indra can be seen from another view that it symbolizes greatness but not fully goodness. After getting power and positions even Indra can do wrong act and because of it is removed from heaven to hell (Patal Lok). Indra cannot be considered as supreme because the supremacy is to three God as Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Indra is the conditional post among Devas. Indra is the synonyms for the greatness it may be related to human (Manvendra ) Devas (Devendra ) Munis (Munidra) and Rakshsa (DaityaIndra). After this much discussions it can be said that Indra is not one person but a post in category.
“Indra is actually a position which the aspirant god attains if his divine conduct is beyond any blemish. According to the mythological details even a moral being or a man could get it, like king Nahush got once. But he fell from grace when he tried to lay hold on the previous Indra’s wife. Hence whoever becomes the Indra has to guard his position by his good conduct.” 32
As we have seen and accepted the characteristics of Epic hero, tragic hero, there is also the characteristic of Indra (position).
1 Indra must be knowledgeable and must have power which he can only used for the betterment of Devas as well as for the people of earth.
2 Dharma should be the priority of the Indra and he cannot go against it.
3 At the time of the war he should be at the front position (ahead) to fight to protect his soldiers.
4 Indra must have decision making power and it should be in favor of Devas and for the humanity.
5 Indra must have honesty, dedication, interpretation and judging ability.
As per the description of Vedic Myth it is believed that Indra has got his first victory soon after his birth. The character of Indra came out as the heroic person who is always ready to do combat and sacrifices for others. Indra has taken lots of help in creating the universe. They are Brihspati ‘Lord of Prayer’ who came together with Agni, (Fire) and Vishnu (Grace) and Savitri who came in association with the God of Sun.
“His shadow is immortality; his shadow is death.”33
Another word which is very closely related with God Indra is ‘Apasaras’, The Kingdom of Indra (heaven) is full of Apsaras .Aprasaras may be defined as ‘Water Spirit’. The Apsaras may be seen as-
“Identified as musicians and protective deities of gamblers bringing good fortune, they may also bring insanity.”34
Along with Apasara Indra is notorious for his act when he tried to seduce the virtuous Ahilya who was the wife of the sage Gautama. Rishi Gautama heated Indra for his misbehavior and cursed him to have many wounds will be similar to female appendages. But after asking for mercy and apologies his wounds converted into thousand eyes. After this incident Indra is known is ‘Sahasra chakshu’ means “thousand eyes”.
It is believed that Indra was having Airavat elephant (king among elephants). “Airavat” came out from the water as “Samundra Manthan” was done by the other Gods, because of it only his name was “Iravat” means “Come out from water”. The name of the wife of Airavat is ‘Abharana’. Airavat is also known as-
1 Ardh-Matanga means the elephant can be considered as cloud
2 Akasodara means brother of Sun
3 Naga- Malla means the elephants that can do fights
According to Vishnu Puran, “Airavat has four tusks and is spotless white he was made king of all elephants by Prihu.”35
During the time of Ramayana Indra is defeated by the son of Ravan- Meghnad and after winning the heaven and Indra, Meghnad is known as ‘Indrajeet’. After this incident Brahama has to buy Indra’s freedom by providing evil spirit boon for the everlasting life. Even during the time of Krishna Indra did wrong by spreading rains to sink the Brajbhumi people, but Krishna saved the people of Brajbhumi by lifting the Goverdhan Mountain on his little finger. Krishna defeated and taught Indra lesson but Indra again did the same thing when Krishna went to Swarg (heaven) to bring the divine tree Patijata then Indra opposed Krishna and fought. At last Indra defeated by Krishna. In Indian mythology or in religion there is no temple of Indra for worship. But it can be said that in all Indian mythology the appearance of Indra becomes important in all religious actions to give moral message and to show the winning spirit of truth and defeat of wrong.
Indra is considered as the chief God of Devas but along with him there are many deities which made Indian mythology as one of greatest mythologies in the world. Agni the God of fire is very closest Dev to Indra and it is believed that Agni is considered as the twin brother of Indra. It can be said that they are the chief God of Devas because around 250 hymns were dedicated to Indra and around 200 for Agni. It can be said that Indra gives air of life to the people and Agni is there to give imperative glow to that air. The God of fire is everywhere as the air is everywhere.
“The devouring is the only permanent entity, the nature of creation and its creator. It is a function in which the devoured and the devourer are engaged as transient beings. This function is particularly apparent in out of the elements fire, which grows at once when fed and dies as soon as it starves.”36
Post Vedic description symbolizes that Agni is seen on the universal basis and believed that Brahama was there at that time in form of Agni and then Gods and men came into existence. Agni stands for its purity and holiness. Agni is the symbol of Pavitra (blessed burst into flames).
“The fire god was the divine priest as contrasted with Indra, the divine warrior.”37
It can be said that there are evidence of the birth of fire in Vedic chants. One mantra talked about Agni as a child whose birth was a secret and no one can describe his birth. It is believed that her mother has concealed him and after sometime Agni is seen when he was grinding his weapons from a long distance from his unoccupied house. Another belief about the God of fire is that at the time of his birth he eats greedily eat fire sticks and these fire sticks produced the holly fire from the rubbing activity. It is also believed that Agni had ten mothers in form of twin sisters. Another belief is that Agni born out of ten fingers of his mother. Another saying about Agni is that Agni is the Son of Kasyapa and Aditi. But another saying about Agni is that He was the son of Angiras and Sandila was his grandfather who is considered one sage of seven great sages of the Indian Mythology. But on the other hand as per the description of Vishnu Puran it is believd that Brahma is the father of Agni and he is the eldest son of his. Swaha was the wife of Agni and from her Agni have three sons- Pavak, Pavman and Suchi. Agni has forty six grandsons. According to HariVansh Agni was in black clothe and having burning and flaming spike. There is the description of Agni Puran in Indian Mythology and it is believed that Agni himself narrate it to Rishi Vashisht. Agni Purna describes many methods of worship through ritualistic and mystic ways, also describes the skills of combat, the commandment for Hinduism and the praise of God Shiva. It is believed that the vehicle of Agni is run by She- Goat or by Res horses or by Parrots. It can be said that Agni was having seven arms and lots of different weapons he carried. The characteristic of fire become visible in the form of existence and its symbols. It can be said that Agni symbolizes the cosmic sacrifices. Agni can burns, get through and digest everything. It is considered that Agni is also known as the God of Law who has the power and ability to burn vices and can save virtue. For example in Indian mythology Holika burned because of her vices in spite of having the boon that Agni cannot burn her but comparatively Sita was saved by Agni because she was pure by heart. She was rewarded her chastity by Agni. These two different ages example symbolizes that Agni the Fire God works on justice. The Fire is the Life in red yellow color (golden red). Agni is also friendly in spite of his flames and burning ability, but it requires care and attention to handle. The fire God is known for sacrifices those who wanted to fulfill their wishes or wanted to do Yagna then it is not possible without fire. This is the reason that Agni is also called ‘Wealth Giver.’ It is recurring activity among Aryans that they were always doing constant invoice by saying that “Come! Agni! O’ God, accept our offering and blessed us! Agni works as the messenger of God, he works as the bridge between people and God, works always for mankind and humanity. People can make him happy by doing Yagna and sacrificed in Havan kund (Agni Kund). It is believed that while doing Yagna with Agni and doing sacrifices Agni went to sky and bring water in form of rain. Agni is also known as the sky and storm god. People do prayer to Agni as for - O! The God Agni prevails over our opponent and disaster; keep all the diseases away from us and through all the Rakshash to the deep in water (Patal). As Indra took away the Soma Rasa, Agni was also fond of it. Agni is in the category of Brahama who gives birth.
“Actually the gods do not eat nor do they drink, but seeing the offerings they are pleased only through fire can the gods be reached hence. Agni must be worshipped before all other deities.”38
Along with Indra and Agni, Vayu/ Vata/ Varun (God of wind- Pawan Devta) has got chief place in Indian Mythology. The wind God is considered the rival of Indra. Varun devta is the preserver of the universe and because of him people can breathe and live happily.
“In Southern India he is still worshipped during periods of drought, particularly in coastal regions where he is thought to live in trees.”39
It is believed that he is also regarded as the son of Kardama and companion of Gouri. It is also believed that the Vayu god was the chariot runner of God Agni. He is in the category of Vishnu (Palanhari) and people worshipped the Varun Devta with spirituality, wonder and terror. It is believed that Varun -the wind God is the avatar (form) of Roudra and people considered them as one.
“It is he who makes the sun to shine in the heaven; the winds that blows are but his breath; he has hollowed out the channels of the rivers which flow at his command, and he has made the depth of sea. His ordinances are fixed and unassailable; through their operation the moon walks in brightness, and the stars which appear in the nightly sky, vanish in daylight. The birds flying in the air, the rivers in their sleepless flow cannot attain knowledge of his power and wrath. But he knows the flight of the birds in the sky, the course of the far- travelling wind, the paths of ships on the ocean, and beholds all secret things that have been or shall be done. He witnesses men’s truth and falsehood.”40
The next deity of Indian mythology is Surya- the Sun God. Surya is one of the rulers God of Vedas. The Sun is the son of Aditi. The other name for Surya is Savitri which means Brilliance. The Mantras of Gayari is used for Surya too to please him. He has chariot which is in golden color run by seven mares, he has hair, arm and hands which is also in golden color. The Sun God symbolizes the beginning of life and provides energy to humans. It run earth and people do prayer early in the morning. It is believed in Indian Mythology that 300 years ago the legend was there who suffered from Leprosy. To be cure the legend prayed to the God Surya and then he inspired to write Suryaashtak containing eight verses. At the last verse he regained his heath and became free from Leprosy. The same verse is given to the Shambhu the son of Krishna in his dream and accordingly he has to repeat these mantras two times in a day to cure his sickness. These verses contain 21 names of Surya. Suvarna and Chhaya was the wife of Surya. Suvarna is the daughter of Vishwakarma, she was not able to tolerate the power of Sun so she created her dummy image to escape from his heavy rays. After sometime Suvarna converted herself into mare to be with Surya and became the part of his chariots. From Suvarna Surya have three children.
1 Manu – Manu stands for justice.
2 Yama- the God of death
3Yami- the Goddess of death and later turned into river by adopting the name of Yamuna
According to the Mahabharata Karna is also considered the son of Surya by Kunti. Karna is considered as the illegitimate child of Surya. It is believed that Sugreev the monkey king is also considered the son of Surya. Aruna is the charioteer of Surya.
The Eclipse is also related with Surya. There are two types of Eclipse one is Solar and second is Lunar. These scientific Eclipses have mythological elucidations also. It is believed that at the time of Samundra Manthan (sea churning) the nectar came and Demons and Gods started fighting for this nectar. Then Lord Vishnu came in the form of Mohini and tried to give nectar one by one; first the nectar will be given to Devas (Gods) and then to Danavas (Demons). Lord Vishnu in form of Mohini poured the nectar to the Gods, one of the demon understood the planning of the Vishnu and came in the queue of Devas and drink the nectar. Lord Vishnu soon came in his original form and cut the head of the demon by his Sudarshan Chakra but the head became immortal as the nectar came in throat. After this incident the head is known as Rahu and Dragon’s tail is known as Ketu. Rahu and Ketu both in revenge gulp down the Moon and the Sun. Because of this incident the Solar and Lunar Eclipse came into being. In India the God Surya has only one temple in Konarak in Orissa known as “Surya Mandir”. (Sun Temple)
In contrast to the sun in Indian mythology Moon is there. The Chandra God embodied as moon also and can be recognized with Soma and Dikpala. The chariot of Moon is run by ten white horses. The color of Chandra is white. In Indian Mythology Chandra worshipped for the long age of the husband. Indian women worshipped God Moon on Karvachoth or Teej. According to Indian Astrology, God Moon stands for the mental balance of living creatures and their behavior. It is believed that Budha is the son of the God Moon. The Chandra God is known as the God of productiveness and expansion. There is complete description of Soma (moon) in the ninth book of Rigveda. If fire is a living then soma (moon) is in the form of movement.
“This Soma is a god; he cures
The sharpest ills that man endures
He heels the sick, the sad he cheers,
He nerves the weak, dispels their fears;
The faint with martial ardor fires,
With lofty thought the bard inspires,
The soul from earth to heaven he lifts,
So great and wondrous are his gifts;
Men feel the god within their veins,
And cry in loud exulting strains:
We’ve quaffed the Soma bright
And are immortal grown:
We’ve entered into light
And all the gods have known.”41
If fire is in yellow and red color then moon is in the form of dark nighttime. The moon gives peace to mind and happiness to heart.
“The fiery is golden red, the offering dark blue.”42
Along with the Sun and the Moon Yama is also considered principal god of man as well as Devas. Yama is the God of Death. He is the son of Vavasvan and Saranyu, and also believed that the son of Surya and Sanjana. Yama is considered as the God of Judgment about death, heaven and hell. Yama has twin sister named Yami. She is also regarded as the Goddess of Death and later became in form of river Yamuna on earth. The vehicle of Yama in Indian Mythology is Black big Buffalo having Vraj (the iron rode) in his hand. The black color symbolizes Yama and death. The helper of the God Yama is Chitragupta who keeps the record of living creatures of their bad and good deeds. According to Chitagupta if a person has done wrong deeds throughout his life then Yama the God of Death will send him to hell and if a person has done good work then Yama will send him/her to the heaven. There are three wives of Yama.
1 HemaMala means who is having fair swag
2 Shushila means that is having nice nature
3 Vijya means conquest
Yama had two dogs who is born to Sarama one dog guards the heaven of Indra and second dog guard the hell of Yama. The Dogs were having four wide, bright and shining eyes even in night their eyes can be seen easily. The death God Yama is related with Savitri. Savitri met Satyavan – the son of the king who is exiled from his kingdom and lived in the forest in poor condition. The astrologer of the King Satyavan already discussed that Satyavan will die after the one year of his marriage. But Savitri and Satyavan got married even knowing the fact. After one year Satyavan die. Savitri did not want to beg in front of the Gods for the life of his husband. So she decided to chant the mantras to make happy the dead God Yama. After many days of chanting of Mantras Yama became happy, asked Savitri for boon to fulfill her wish. Savitri asked Yama to provide her boon of giving birth to hundred Sons. In hurry Yama gave this boon to Savitri but without husband it is not possible to give birth to children. Now it is compulsory for Yama to give back the soul of Satyavan to Savitri. Savitri asked Yama to give back the kingdom of his father in law and his husband must be the king of Kingdom.
There are many Suras and Asura in the Vedic Period along with all the chief Gods and Devas. The Suras were related with Devas and the Asuras were related with Demons. There is no discrimination between Suras and Asuras till the early Vedic Period but later at the time of Rigveda the definition of Suras and Asuras can be seen separately and Asuras can be seen against Devas. Indian Mythology also deals with Daityas or Danvas, Nagas, Cobras, Rakshasas in form of Gorrillas, Yakshash, Gandharvas, etc.
Indian Mythology can be seen from different perspective. One of them is Sexual Metaphors and animal symbols. Indian mythology is related with religion and how to relate the religion with these sexual symbols in metaphors is the topic for long and serious discussions and debate. Then the question raised that Can the Mythology seen from sexual and symbolic view point. Here we will try to discuss and justify the statements. To understand these symbolic sexual metaphors it is unavoidable to refer the task.
Sexual Fluid 43
Cosmic Body Ritual
Sex Food Food
Female Water, rivers Menstrual blood (Puspa, Rajas) Milk
(Payas) Water, fire
Seed (Rati Rasa)
Androgynous Essence (rasa)
(in plants, women, men) Blood
(rakta, sonata) Blood Poison Butter (ghee)
Male Rain (vrsti), ocean Semen (retal virya, bija) Semen Soma, fire
It is believed that all the sexual fluid may be in form of food. The sexual fluids can be seen in the relation with sky, cow, and horse; with men and women. Even sexual fluids can be seen in Androgynous section but it can be seen in different form as per the above chart. We have seen many elements which is related to sexual fluids as blood, semen, female seed, blood /milk/butter, milk and semen, milk and soma along with it one can see sexual fluids in form of seed as food, Androgyny and Unilateral creation through milk, woman as field. These categories can be seen on the basis of Vedic or Post Vedic view point.
Vedic Perspective-
Blood is common in male and female and even in Androgynous category. It is believed in Indian view that most of all the body fluids including sexual fluids based on blood. In Rig-Veda it is considered that blood symbolizes body of the earth in form of subtle way. Blood is also related with demons who were accused that they were muddy with the men blood, animals like sheep, pig and horses. Demons were also known for their stealing of the cows’ milk. In this way Demons symbolizes that they have taken away two life essence blood and milk. Here blood is not related with menstrual blood of female but with the sexual blood of female that symbolizes creativity or fertility – an act of having sex with a woman and to finish her virginity. But another opinion about “Purple and red stain” (blood) is the unsafe feminine fortitude who is considered as witch who have the power to make his husband weak and ill. There is the description of blood in Upanishad where it is believed that blood is integrated into the mold of the body, it is believed that water is the main contains.
“When water is drunk, it is converted into the urine, blood and breath: when a person dies and the elements of the body disperse, the blood and semen enter the water.”44
As discussed blood is common in male, female and Androgyny. Semen symbolizes only male but there is no use of semen without female. Semen is used for productivity for female as ‘Gharbha’ (womb). But in Vedas the metaphysical meaning of semen is fruitful rain from heaven and works as ‘Kernel of cloud’. It can be seen from the different perspective as ‘Vrsti means rain and Vrsan means a dissipated man or bull. This process is having divine seeds of heaven.
Female seed is also important part of Indian mythology, known as “Virile milk”. It is believed that symbolically female seed is the earth and the male Semen is the sky. They both merged and give birth to child that symbolizes ‘continuity of earth and sky’ (creativity/ productivity)
“The Upanishad instructs a man who is about to impregnate his wife to say to her, - ‘I am heaven, you are earth: let us embrace and place together the seed to get a male child, a son.”45
Another chief thing which is related with blood is milk and butter that metaphorically symbolizes hidden meaning in Indian Mythology. There is the description in Vedas where Braham merged blood with milk in the feminine form. Somewhere blood, milk and butter shows positive and negative inner emotion or feelings or understanding of humans. To understand it in proper way Bhrigu has given one example. Once he went to another world where he had seen two women one is beautiful but another one is not. Then he came across with the blood river and this river protected by one black man who was completely without cloth. Then Brighu had seen river Butter River again protected by man but this time the man was in golden color. Varuna the father of Bhrigu explained him that the woman who was beautiful was a kind of symbol of faith and the next woman symbolized deficient in trust. The black man symbolized anger and the golden man symbolized hope. The glittering bowl (a golden man having in his hand) symbolized womb- a symbol of desires, hope and creativity. The blood river represents negative aspect of female. Butter symbolizes female and is protected by golden man.
For example-
1 Blood against Butter symbolizes semen and milk
2 Gold against Black
3 Feelings – Negative and Positive
4 Women against Men
5 Fatalities against Living
The Post Vedic Perspective-
In Vedic concept it is believed that blood is bisexual and related to both man and woman. The Post Vedic concept is that mother becomes the source for the child to give blood in his veins and father provides bone to the child. Blood generally seen with female (uterine blood) merged with males’ semen and produced the child. It is believed that man created blood when he faces the death and woman created blood when he creates new life.
“With women the channels of the vessels carrying the menstrual blood, after conception, becomes obstructed by the fetus. Hence, with pregnant women there is no menstrual discharge. Obstructed below, the blood…… reaches the breasts. Hence the breasts of pregnant women grow large and projecting.”46
Post Vedic perspective regarding semen is again different from the Vedic Perspective. It is considered that Upanishad describe that food gives energy to man and that converted into Semen. Man’s power (shakti) is his food that he used as semen and create new life. Female having greater insight power and energy (shakti) and females obtain shakti also in intercourse. Female have lots of power and but they can maintain this only if she is chaste to her husband.
“Females, however, can increase their shakti at a faster rate merely being chaste wives.”47
This is another way to see mythology from Vedic and Post Vedic Perspective with some symbols and hidden meanings. Mythology is not only related with legends, sagas or just telling the stories but also shows the works as an entrance to society, shows passageway to the hallowed to the society and teaches the human that what is reality? How it is related with right and wrong? Mythology teaches the rules and regulation of the society and for the society. It can be said the mythology is a world of Micro-organism where we need deep reading, knowledge and understating to see the changes of the society and its effect in human life. Mythology also manages constant changes human affairs, shape their daily life, their individuality. Mythology gives people proud that they have something different and unique which separated them from the others in the world. Mythology gives importance and role of nature and sequence of creation, talked about human tendency of the trial and error pattern, provide information about death and further than, hunt for firmness, and also talked about established truth and new and changing creation.
It can be said that myths are evidence of the saintly ability of human life. Experience of life is the word to define myth. Reading of myth will give the experience and will teach the importance of symbols in contemporary modern context. Mythology is always remains applicable at any dot of moment. Their provisions indicate their important consequence with the history which has universal appeal. Mythologies have varied origin which is difficult to understand as separated by roaming folks, wandering and moving people. Mythologies instruct sympathy and charity. It is difficult to judge myth from the religious or folk tale perspective. Myth itself deals with spacious series of enlightenment, symbols, messages and facts and findings. Every culture considers myth not only very seriously but also trains human to let the myth an important part of human life.
Dr. Swati Joshi