Monday, 31 August 2015

बनारस साधारण तरीके का असाधारण शहर

साधारण तरीके का
असाधारण शहर है ।
यहाँ रहना
रहकर रमना
और रमकर बसना
इसे अनुभूत करने के लिये जरूरी है ।
एक जीवन शैली है
जिसे जानने के लिए
इसका हिस्सा होना होगा
इसे जीना होगा ।
अनुभूति का विषय है
अध्ययन से कंही अधिक
स्वाध्याय का ।
यह एक टकसाल है
व्यक्ति चित्त के चैतन्य का
आनंद के मर्म का
धर्म के दर्शन का
इन सबसे अधिक
जीवन के प्रति सकारात्मक
संकल्प शक्ति का ।
यह जीवन शक्ति की
आराधना का केंद्र है ।
यह बनारस
सहस्त्रों शताब्दियों से
यूँ ही पूज्यनीय नहीं रहा
इसने संजोये रखा है
आज भी
परा अपरा के बीच
कर्म की उत्सवधर्मिता को ।


THE BHAGAVAD GITA – ITS CONTEMPORARY RELEVANCE A CONFERENCE THE NEHRU CENTRE, LONDON 24-25 SEPTEMBER 2015 (9:00am – 5:00pm) Organised by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), New Delhi, The Nehru Centre and High Commission of India, London In Association with School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, SREI Foundation & Sanskrit @ St James The Bhagavad Gita is Lord Krishna's Celestial Song for the benefit of Arjuna, his devotee, friend and an invincible warrior. The crown jewel of the world's longest epic, the Mahabharata, its context is the battlefield of Kurukshetra, where the opposing armies of the Pandavas and Kauravas are arrayed. They are cousins but both claimants to the throne of Hastinapur. Arjuna sees his own teachers and elders in the opposing Kaurava legion. Is thethrone worth killing people who are dear to him? To Arjuna, it becomes a paralysing conflict. The actual battle to be fought by the two armies is just an outer conflict, one he can deal with. However, as it is for all of us, Arjuna’s outer conflict is accompanied by a terrible inner one. It is for the latter that he seeks answers. We live in a conflict-ridden world --- at an individual, social, national and international level. Does the tutoring of a charioteer to a warrior in a battlefield have any relevance to this impatient material and virtual world? The Bhagavad Gita, richly-layered wisdom in seven hundred verses, is Lord Krishna's response to Arjuna's questions, that are actually our questions as well. He talks to us about the battlefields we live in, within our inner self and the world outside. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for people from the east and the west who have studied and to some degree applied the timeless teaching of the Gita in their own lives and who are able to present with clarity such issues as the Gita's battlefield allegory of conflict; dharma, the lawful way of life, as the way to sustainable global growth and development; the paths of action, devotion and knowledge; and the perceptions of this teaching from both an intellectual and a practical perspective; all contributing to the study of contemporary relevance of the Bhagavad Gita. Contact: The Nehru Centre, 8 South Audley Street, London W1K 1HF. Telephone: (020) 74913567 and 74932019. Email:


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List of selected Candidates under the Scheme of Junior Research Fellowship & Research Associateship

2016 International Conference on Law, Patent, and Technology (ICLPT 2016)

2016 International Conference on Law, Patent, and Technology (ICLPT 2016)

19th to 21st January 2016

Bangkok, Thailand

Dear Colleague,

The 2016 International Conference on Law, Patent, and Technology (ICLPT 2016) is to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, on January 19-21, 2016. We cordially invite you to submit a paper/abstract to the upcoming ICLPT before October 15, 2015. The aim of this conference is to provide a platform which focuses on certain important topics of law, patent, and technology. Detailed information about the conference can be found on the official website. Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISSN reference, on CD-ROM support.

Bangkok is one of the world's top tourist destination cities. MasterCard ranked Bangkok as the global top destination city by international visitor arrivals in 2013. Bangkok was also named "World's Best City" by Travel + Leisure magazine's survey of its readers for four consecutive years, from 2010 to 2013. Bangkok,s multi-faceted sights, attractions and city life appeal to diverse groups of tourists. Royal palaces and temples as well as several museums constitute its major historical and cultural tourist attractions. Shopping and dining experiences offer a wide range of choices and prices.

For more information, please visit the following links
Conference Website:
Online Submission:

Sincerely yours,

Conference Chair
Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang, Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, UK

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बनारसी जलेबा

यह है बनारसी जलेबा जो पूरे बनारस में आज ही बनती और खायी जाती है ।आज रात जागरण/जग्गा भी होता है । आखिर कल संकष्टी गणेश चतुर्थी जो है ।

काशी हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय का शताब्दी वर्ष का लोगो।हमें विश्वविद्यालय के 100 वर्ष होने पर गर्व है।

हिंदी सिनेमा:दलित–आदिवासी विमर्श दो-दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी 5-6 अक्टूबर 2015

हिंदी सिनेमा:दलित–आदिवासी विमर्श
दो-दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी
5-6 अक्टूबर 2015
आयोजक : हिंदी विभाग
पांडिचेरी विश्वदविद्यालय, पांडिचेरी
संगोष्ठी स्मारिका पुस्तिक के लिए लेख हेतु अनुरोध
जैसाकि आपको विदित है कि हमारा हिंदी विभाग, पांडिचेरी विश्वविद्यालय 5 और 6 अक्टूबर 2015 को 'हिंदी सिनेमा : दलित - आदिवासी विमर्श' विषय पर राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का आयोजन कर रहा है। साथ ही नवीनतम सूचना यह है कि संगोष्ठी के चयनित लेखों का प्रकाशन पुस्तक के रूप में नयी किताब, नई दिल्ली से होने जा रहा है। हम चाहते हैं कि आपका लेख भी इस पुस्तक में अवश्य आना चाहिए। संगोष्ठी में प्रस्तुत होने जा रहे उत्कृष्ट लेखों के पुस्तकाकार रूप में आने से उन सभी पाठकों को भी फायदा हो सकेगा जो किन्हीं कारणों से संगोष्ठी में प्रत्यक्ष भागीदारी नहीं कर पा रहे हैं किंतु ‘हिंदी सिनेमा : दलित-आदिवासी विमर्श’ में रूचि रखते हैं। और इसप्रकार की पुस्त्‍क इसलिए भी अपेक्षित है क्योंकि इस विषय पर हिंदी और अंग्रेजी आदि भाषाओं में लगभग शून्य की स्थिति है। हम चाहते हैं कि पुस्तक का विमोचन संगोष्ठी के दौरान ही हो ताकि सभी प्रतिभागी पुस्तक से लाभांवित हो सके। लेकिन इस योजना में सभी प्रतिभागियों का लेखकीय सहयोग अपेक्षित है। जिन्होंने अभी तक अपना संपूर्ण लेख प्रेषित नहीं किया है, उन सबसे अनुरोध है कि वे अपना लेख 15 सितंबर तक हमें प्रेषित कर दें ताकि हमें विशेष सहूलियत रहे।
आपकी सूचना के लिए जिन विशिष्ट वक्ताओं को हमने अभी तक आमंत्रित किया है, उनमें प्रमुख हैं - आनंद पटवर्धन (प्रसिद्ध फिल्म निर्देशक), नागराज मंजुले (मराठी फिल्म निर्देशक), बीजू टोप्पो (आदिवासी फिल्मकार), संजय जोशी (फिल्म सोसाइटी इंडिया आंदोलनकर्मी और लघु फिल्म - पटकथा निर्देशक), मनोज सिंह (गोरखपुर फिल्म सोसाइटी के संस्थापक, संयोजक और प्रतिष्ठित पत्रकार), अोम थानवी (पूर्व संपादक, जनसत्ता), प्रो श्योराज सिंह बेचैन (दलित साहित्य कार और चिंतक), हरिराम मीणा (आदिवासी साहित्यकार और चिंतक), दिलीप मंडल (सुप्रतिष्ठित दलित पत्रकार), वैभव सिंह (हिंदी के युवा प्रगतिशील आलोचक), डॉ. निर्मल कुमार (प्राध्या‍पक, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय जो सिनेमा के अध्यापन से सीधे जुड़े रहे हैं), डॉ. गंगा सहाय मीणा (प्राध्यापक, जे.एन.यू. जो आदिवासी मुद्दों पर लेखन क्षेत्र में सक्रिय हैं), महादेव टोप्पो (आदिवासी कवि, अभिनेता, संस्कृतिकर्मी), सूर्यशंकर दास (उड़ीसा के आदिवासी आंदोलन में कैमरे से अपना हस्तक्षेप दर्ज कराने वाले), निरंजन कुजुर (आदिवासी निर्देशक जिनकी तीन लघु फिल्में आई हैं जो अंतर्राष्ट्रींय फिल्म समारोहों सराही गई हैं), मिहिर पंड्या (युवा फिल्म आलोचक) और अकबर रिज़वी (जामिया के मीडिया विभाग में अध्या‍पन तथा सबलोग व समयांतर आदि हिंदी पत्रिकाओं में मीडिया स्तंभकार), प्रो. प्रमिला के पी (दक्षिण भारत की देवीशंकर अवस्‍थी पुरस्‍कार से सम्‍मानित ख्‍यातिप्राप्‍त आलोचिका) और प्रो. रामप्रकाश (दक्षिण के प्रतिष्ठित हिंदी भाषी आलोचक) आदि। इसप्रकार हमारा पूरा प्रयास है कि गंभीर और प्रतिबद्ध वक्ताओं को आमंत्रित किया जाये।
प्रमोद मीना 

वही एक बात जो

सोचता हूँ कि
आज फ़िर एक बार
पूछूँ तुमसे 
वही एक बात जो
न जाने कितनी बार
पूछ चुका हूँ
तुमसे ही ।
वही एक बात जो
अब मेरे कहने से पहले
तुम समझ जाती हो
और कहती हो
कि जब जानती हूँ
क्या पूछोगे
तो क्यों पूछते हो ?
जब कि
बता चुकी हूँ
तुम्हें सबकुछ
साफ़ - साफ़ ।
वही एक बात
जिस बात पर
तुम या तो चुप हो
या फ़िर अड़ी हो
वही बात जो
तुम्हारे इनकार के साथ
शायद रुकी हुई है
अब भी उम्मीद में है ।
वही एक बात
जिस बात को लेकर
बैठा रहता हूँ
बनारस के घाटों और
मंदिरोंकी सीढियों पर
घंटों अकेले
जागती रातों में
नींद के सपनों के साथ
उसी एक बात पर
दिन-महीने-साल ।
वही एक बात
जिसके संकट को
हरने की अर्जी
प्रलंबित है
संकटमोचन और
बाबा विश्वनाथ के
न जाने कितने
दरबारों में ।
वही एक बात जो
तुमसे कह तो दिया
कह नहीं पाया कि
जो कहा मैंने
वह कोई
औपचारिकता नहीं थी ।
अब जब कि
तुम सुना चुके हो
अपना निर्णय
फ़िर भी जाने क्यों
लगता है कि
तुमसे पूछूँ
फ़िर से
वही एक बात ।
यह फ़िर एक बार
का पूछना
बचा लेता है मुझे
मेरे सारे सपनों को
और इसीलिए
आज फ़िर
सोच रहा हूँ कि
पूछ लूँ तुमसे
फ़िर वही एक बात ।
                      ------ मनीष कुमार
                                  B H U

आलेख आमंत्रित हैं

Sir/ Madam,
It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that Bhutta College of Education, Ludhiana, Punjab, is going to publish fourth issue i.e. Winter 2016 of research journal named as "Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and Management" with ISSN: 2350-0492 in the month of JanuaryWe invite your research paper/ papers for publication till 15 November, 2015.The paper should include
• Author’s name with designation
• Address including email id and contact number
• Typed in ms-word, font size 12 in Times New Roman, single spaced, paper size A4, top & bottom margin 1, left & right margin 1.5
• APA style of references in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript under the heading of references.

The article can be sent to email,   or,  
Kindly send your paper till 15 November 2015 to get your space in the journal. 
Hoping for a positive reply.

In case of any type of enquiry, please contact us on: 9855266011, 9501150500, 9914029898

Please find enclosed the subscription form and copyright form. Send the hard/soft copy at the earliest along with the Demand Draft/Cash/e-transfer. Visit our website to see online copy of Journal.

Dr. Rajni Bala
Chetna Bharti (9914029898)
Assistant Professors
Bhutta College of Education, Bhutta, Ludhiana

Conference Alerts से जाने होनेवाली संगोष्ठियों के बारे में

Innovation World Cup Conference NEUCHÂTEL 
2nd September 2015 
Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Nordic Digital Business Summit 
24th September 2015 
Helsinki, Finland
Automated Truck Conference 
21st October 2015 
Stuttgart, Germany
2nd International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology (REDSET 2015) 
30th October 2015 
Gurgaon, India
Cambridge Graphene Days 2015 
5th November 2015 
Cambridge, United Kingdom
HPAPI World Congress 
11th November 2015 
Basel, Switzerland
18th November 2015 
London, United Kingdom
Arabian Tunnelling Conference 
23rd November 2015 
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
International Conference on Advanced Material Engineering & Technology (ICAMET 2015) 
4th December 2015 
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2nd International Conference on Advances in Engineering , Science and Technology 
12th December 2015 
Phuket, Thailand
2016 International Conference on Law, Patent, and Technology (ICLPT 2016) 
19th January 2016 
Bangkok, Thailand
35th IHS CERAWeek 
22nd February 2016 
Houston, United States of America
The International Conference on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Computing Technologies 
24th February 2016 
Las Piñas, Philippines
INTED2016 (10th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference) 
7th March 2016 
Valencia, Spain
Point-of-Care Diagnostics 
10th March 2016 
San Francisco, United States of America
ACTC2016 - The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2016 
28th April 2016 
Kobe, Japan
2016 Hwa Kang International Conference on English Language & Literature 
30th April 2016 
Taipei, Taiwan
September 2015
1stInternational Conference on Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology 2015 (ICFCHT2015) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2ndInnovation World Cup Conference NEUCHÂTEL Neuchâtel, Switzerland
5thInternational Symposium On Allied Health Sciences 2015 Kota Bharu, Malaysia
8th4th Annual ITS and Road Safety Forum Qatar Doha, Qatar
8th2015 2nd International Postgraduate Conference on Science and Technology Langkawi, Malaysia
8thIMCAST 2015 Boston, United States of America
8th2015 World Conference on Innovation, Engineering, and Technology Kyoto, Japan
9thConverged IT Summit San Francisco, United States of America
10thWT | Wearable Technologies Conference Toronto Toronto, Canada
12thIWIE-2015, 2nd International Workshop on Industrial EngineeringIstanbul, Turkey
12thIWAE-2015, 2nd International Workshop on Aerospace EngineeringIstanbul, Turkey
12thIWMSE-2015, 2nd International Workshop on Material Science and Engineering Istanbul, Turkey
16thGraphene 2015: Engineering a 21st Century Wonder MaterialWestminster, United Kingdom
17th13th Students' Science Conference Wroclaw, Poland
17thASEAN Retail Congress 2015 Bangkok, Thailand
17thSymfonyLive London 2015 London, United Kingdom
18thInternational Conference on Management and Information Systems (ICMIS-15) Bangkok, Thailand
18thInternational Conference on Material Engineering and Technology 2015 Bandung, Indonesia
18thBest Practices in Academic Technology: Toward a Liberatory Pedagogical Practice Brooklyn, United States of America
19th10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Innovative Trends in Soft-computing, E-Learning, Information & Communication Technology (ITSEICT– 2015) New Delhi, India
20thInternational Business and Technology Conference 2015 Bandung, Indonesia
21stIC-STAR 2015 - The 1st International Conference on Science, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
22ndLearning Without Borders Conference Minneapolis, United States of America
23rd“Technological, Modelling and Experimental Achievements in Energy Generation Systems” - The 5th International Conference & Workshop REMOO-2015 Budva - Coastal town on the Adriatic Sea, Montenegro
24thNordic Digital Business Summit Helsinki, Finland
24thTranslingua Bydgoszcz, Poland
25thCoGEN: Controversies in preconception, preimplantation and prenatal genetic diagnosis: How will genetics technology drive the future? Paris, France
25thGlobal Symposium on Information and Network SecurityRiverside, United States of America
27th2nd International Festival of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math 2015 Prairieland Park Trade and Convention Centre, 503 Ruth Street West, Saskatoon, S7J0S6, Canada
27thICCE2015 : 14th International Conference on Clean EnergySaskatoon, Canada
27th2nd Global Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Education and Innovation Conference Saskatoon, Canada
28thIntegrate 2015 Conference + Expo Santa Clara, United States of America
October 2015
1stSemiotic Society of America 40th Annual Meeting Pittsburgh, United States of America
1stInternational Conference on Language Learning and Teaching (ICoLLT) 2015 Kuantan, Malaysia
2ndThe Teaching Professor Technology Conference New Orleans, United States of America
5thInternational Conference on Textiles & Manufacturing ExpoPhiladelphia, United States of America
5thS&S 2015 - International Conference Senses & Sensibility in Lisbon, Design as a Trade Lisboa, Portugal
7thUNIMAS STEM Engineering Conference 2015 Kuching, Malaysia
8thAcademics World-7th International Academic Conference on Development in Science and Technology (IACDST-2015) Athens, Greece
9thInterdisciplinary Research Regional Conference Puerto Princesa City, Philippines
11thMalaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology 2015 (MUCET2015) Johor Bahru, Malaysia
12thWT | Wearable Technologies Conference Hong Kong Hong Kong, China
13thHealth Care in the Middle East Summit 2015 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
13thAsia Downstream Week Bangkok, Thailand
13thInternational Conference on Smart Grids for Smart Cities Toronto, Canada
15th5th World Conference on Educational Technology ResearchesKyrenia, Cyprus
17thNational Postgraduate Conference on Science and TechnologyPahang, Malaysia
21stACSET2015 - The Third Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology Kobe, Japan
21stAutomated Truck Conference Stuttgart, Germany
21stCancer Innovation Congress 2015 London, United Kingdom
22ndInternational Academic Conference (IAC 2015) Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
23rdEDASOL 2015 - Economic development and standard of livingBANJA LUKA, Bosnia and Herzegovina
23rdThe 5th World Congress on Engineering and Technology (CET 2015) Suzhou, China
24th2nd International conference on Emerging Technologies Micro to Nano (ETMN-2015) Jaipur, India
25th2015 Academic OASIS – LAS VEGAS International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference: Promoting Research Advancements and Worldwide Progress LAS VEGAS, The Stratosphere Hotel & Tower, United States of America
27thCFO Summit Sydney, Australia
27thCOO Summit Sydney, Australia
27thImproving STEM Education & Skills Outcomes CQ Functions, 113 Queen Street, Melbourne, 3000, Australia
27thHR TECH X Sydney, Australia
27thLearning @ Work Sydney, Australia
28thFT Digital Health Summit USA 2015 New York, United States of America
30th2nd International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology (REDSET 2015) Gurgaon, India
30thInternational Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology 2015 Cebu, Philippines
November 2015
3rd16th Asian Bioethics Conference Quezon City, Philippines
4thThe Energy Summit 2015 London, United Kingdom
5thCambridge Graphene Days 2015 Cambridge, United Kingdom
5thACTIS 2015 - The Asian Conference on Technology, Information and Society Kobe, Japan
8thMEMRISYS 2015 (International Conference on Memristive Systems) Paphos, Cyprus
10thCONNECTIONS Europe 2015 Amsterdam, Netherlands
10th2015 International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science - Fall Session (ICETA 2015-Fall) Nagoya, Japan
10th2015 International Conference on Technology and Environmental Science (ICTES) Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
11thHPAPI World Congress Basel, Switzerland
16thImproving Healthcare International Convention Melbourne, Australia
16thAcademics World-8th International Academic Conference on Development in Science and Technology (IACDST-2015) Chicago, United States of America
16thDesert Technology 12th International Conference DT12 Cairo, Egypt
16thICERI2015 Seville, Spain
16thAsia-Pacific Conference on Environmental Sciences and Engineering Dubai, United Arab Emirates
18thIoT WORLD FORUM 2015 London, United Kingdom
19thThe International Conference on Innovations, Shifts and Challenges (ICISC) in Learning & Teaching 2015 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
20thInDialog - 2nd International Conference Community Interpreting in Dialogue with Technology Berlin, Germany
20thInternational Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (ICAST 2015) Makassar, Indonesia
20thSELTH 2015 - Society, Economy, Law, Technology and Humanity International Scientific Conference Sibiu, Romania
21st8th International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Jakarta, Indonesia
23rdArabian Tunnelling Conference Dubai, United Arab Emirates
24thTourism Egypt 2015 Cairo, Egypt
27thAcademics World-9th International Academic Conference on Development in Science and Technology (IACDST-2015) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
30thAsian Association of Open University Conference (2015) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
December 2015
2ndoeb 2015 - 21st the global, cross-sector conference on technology supported learning and training Berlin, Germany
4thInternational Research Colloquium in Educational TechnologyHong Kong, Hong Kong
4thInternational Conference on Advanced Material Engineering & Technology (ICAMET 2015) Kaohsiung, Taiwan
7thUKOUG Applications Conference & Exhibition 2015 Birmingham, United Kingdom
8thOil & Gas Non-Metallics 2015 London, United Kingdom
10thAcademics World-10th International Academic Conference on Development in Science and Technology (IACDST-2015) Istanbul, Turkey
12th2nd International Conference on Advances in Engineering , Science and Technology Phuket, Thailand
14thNavigating the Future of Information Technology Residenza di Ripetta, Via di Ripetta, 231, ROME, 00186, Italy
27thISER- International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (ICAST) London, United Kingdom
30thThe IRES -9th International Conferences on Metallurgy Technology and Materials (ICMTM) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
January 2016
2nd2016 ACADEMIC OASIS/IAABR - MIAMI BEACH International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference: Promoting Global Progress and Excellence in AcademiaMIAMI BEACH, United States of America
19th2016 International Conference on Law, Patent, and Technology (ICLPT 2016) Bangkok, Thailand
20thPop-Up School Boulder, United States of America
21stIntercultural Competence: Traditions & Transitions, 5th International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence Tucson, United States of America
21st2016 Sustainability Conference: Urban Sustainability: Inspiration and Solution - A Common Ground Conference Portland, United States of America
30thPenang International Conference on Research Advances in Science and Technology 2016 (PICRAST 2016) Penang, Malaysia
February 2016
5thInternational Conference on Modern Engineering, Science and Technology Trivandrum, India
12th2016 Winter Global Technology Management Symposium Los Angeles, United States of America
17thIGTC: 7th International Gas Technology Conference Dubai, United Arab Emirates
17thThe 4th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology – PHOTOPTICS 2016 Rome, Italy
18th2016 Technology and Society Conference: Critically Approaching The Life Cycle of Technologies in the Age of the Anthropocene - A Common Ground ConferenceBuenos Aires, Argentina
18th8th Annual 21st Century Learning Conference Hong Kong, Hong Kong
20thEmerging Strides in Innovations & Skill Development: A Sustainable Perspective Varanasi, India
22nd35th IHS CERAWeek Houston, United States of America
24thThe International Conference on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Computing Technologies Las Piñas, Philippines
25th2016 International Conference on Design Principles and Practices - A Common Ground Conference Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
26th2nd International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Technologies (ICIMT 2016) Penang, Malaysia
March 2016
7thINTED2016 (10th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference) Valencia, Spain
10thPoint-of-Care Diagnostics San Francisco, United States of America
23rdSustainable Energy & Technology Asia (SETA 2016) Bangkok, Thailand
25thIPN - International Conference on Food processing and Technology (ICFPT 2016) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
April 2016
18thMELECON 2016 (18th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference) Limassol, Town in Cyprus, Cyprus
22nd2016 Spring Global Symposium on Information and Network Security Los Angeles, United States of America
28thACTC2016 - The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2016 Kobe, Japan
30th2016 Hwa Kang International Conference on English Language & Literature Taipei, Taiwan
May 2016
31stAmerican Canadian Conference for Academic Disciplines (Toronto 2016) Toronto, United States of America

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