Monday, 7 September 2009

हिन्दी की दुर्दशा

हिन्दी की हालत आज हम बहुत सतोषजनक नही कह सकते। english की तुलना में हिन्दी को अभी लम्बी लडाई लड़नी है । बाज़ार के साथ हिन्दी आज जुड़ चुकी है ,यह अच्छी बात है लेकिन अभी और प्रयास की जरूरत है । वैसे इस बारे में आप क्या सोचते हैं ?

Sunday, 6 September 2009

१४ सितम्बर हिन्दी दिवस

१४ सितम्बर हिन्दी दिवस
हर साल १४ सितम्बर को ,
आता है हिन्दी दिवस ।
और शुरू हो जाती है ,हिन्दी पे बहस ।
हिन्दी का गौरव
हिन्दी का वैभव ,
इस पे विद्वानों में होती है चर्चा ,
हर जगह चल रही होती है परिचर्चा ।

पर क्या आप जानते है ?
की जब हिन्दी के सजते हैं समारंभ,
लगभग तभी होता है पितरपक्ष भी प्रारम्भ ।
जिस तरह पितरपक्ष में,
पिंडो का दान किया जाता है,
पुरखो को याद किया जाता है ,
ठीक उसी तरह हिन्दी दिवस पर,
हिन्दी को याद कर लिया जाता है ।
हिन्दी विद्वानों का सम्मान कर दिया जाता है ।

पितरपक्ष में बेचारे ब्राह्मण,
इतना पाते हैं भोज का निमंत्रण ,
की मुस्किल हो जाता है तैयकरना,
की कंहा है जाना,और कंहा है मना करना ।

हिन्दी के जानकार पंडित भी
कुछ इसी तरह परेसान होते हैं,
चार दिन की चादनी पे ,
अनायास मु़ग्ध होते हैं ।
दोस्तों,हिन्दी का आदर,
सिर्फ़ हिन्दी दिवस मनाने में नही,
दैनिक जीवन में उसे अपनाने से है ।
हिन्दी का आदर,
हिन्दी-हिन्दी चिल्लाने में नही ,
हिन्दी के प्रति समर्पण में है ।

-------------डॉ.मनीष कुमार मिश्रा

साड़ी का इतिहास-मानव मिश्रा

Sari : Covers all yet reveals all…..

A ethnic wear, An unstitched fabric of feminine elegance
, a sensual attire or a six yard wonder…Sari can be defined in thousand other ways round but in one word it only represents the traditional culture of INDIA which is been recognized globally.
A brief history on Sari
The word sari evolved from the Prakrit word ‘sattika’ as mentioned in earliest Buddhist Jain literature. The word got shortened to sati and further evolved into sari. The history backdates us to the days when the civilization got established, yes to the Indus Valley civilization.
The sari used to be draped in a way so that it divides the two legs and forms a trouser attire better understood with the word ‘dhoti’ being worn by both male and female.
Different parts of INDIA are having different types of sarees and also follows different pattern for draping a sari. Sari is usually worn with a blouse and petticoat. Blouse covers the upper part of the body and the underneath is the petticoat which helps in tucking the plates of the sari.
In early days sari was draped more in sensual manner viz in fishtail manner, which was tied at the waist and covered up the legs and come in front of the legs as a decorative drape. This is still worn in the interiors of India but more often seen down south in the state of Kerala.
Blouse got its existence with the Muslims and British era. Since then many new experiments were carried over with the modern times. For a better and a deeper impact it can be covered with a statement that “sari is the perfect garment to enhance the beautiful feminine curves and has proved since time immemorial’.
How to drape a Sari?
For a better understanding lets learn how to wear a sari. Steps below for more clarity

How to wear saree
Sari – Is it getting out of fashion?
No matter jeans and salwar kammez and more fashionable dresses have come in with the changes in the era… sari is always getting the priority and never given a second thought…..Even in the offices and meetings and big dealings…. Sari is never ignored…..sari has changed from what it was and now what it is in terms of style and texture… with the event of new fabrics like georgette, crepe, brasso, lazer, net, chiffon and innumerable materials…. It has not lost its essence and value.

Sari reflects mood, occasion, feeling, love……Sari is always preferable… it might be an occasion or a weeding…।Or a party… It was and is the symbol of Indian Culture and Ethic…॥

Saturday, 5 September 2009

नाराज हैं इस बात से की उन्हें हम याद करते हैं ;

नाराज हैं इस बात से की उन्हें हम याद करते हैं ;

क्या बताएं उनकी रंगीन मिजाजी ;

कैसे उनके महफ़िल में ढलकते पल्लू के किस्से ;

कैसे हमें बरबाद करते हैं /

आह हो या हो रुसवाई ;

पास हो या हो तेरी जुदाई ;

तेरी यादों में ही मैंने ,

है अपनी जिंदगी बितायी /

मुझे तेरी है तलाश अब तक ,

मुझमे में है दबी प्यास अब तक ;

तुने भुला दिया कैसे कह दूँ ,

मेरे दिल में है आस अब तक /

Friday, 4 September 2009

१४ सितम्बर -हिन्दी दिवस

सरकारी सूचनावो का केन्द्र -मानव मिश्रा

A portal to access information and services provided by the Indian Government is the national portal of India, the about page of this portal says that –
“This is the Official Portal of the Indian Government, designed, developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre (NIC) (External website that opens in a new window), the premier ICT Organisation of the Government of India under the aegis of Department of Information Technology (External website that opens in a new window), Ministry of Communications & Information Technology.
The Portal has been developed as a Mission Mode Project under the National E-Governance Plan of the Government. The objective behind the Portal is to provide a single window access to the information and services being provided by the Indian Government for the citizens and other stakeholders. An attempt has been made through this Portal to provide comprehensive, accurate, reliable and one stop source of information about India and its various facets. Links at various places, too, have been provided to other Indian Government Portals/websites.”

Let us have a look and find out what all this portal offers you –
Find out all the information you need on Health, Education, Housing, Employment, and a lot more.
Get introduced you to the Government of India, its origin, and the governance process being followed in the Country.
NRIs, PIOs and foreigners can find useful resources, offers a wide range of options to travel or study in India, advisory readings for tourists on the rules to be followed in the country etc.
Understand various sectors of the Indian economy, and get comprehensive information on myriad activities circling around each of them.
This portal can help you if you want to start your own business or to know where to acquire loans? Also it helps you to know about the laws and regulations related to various corporate issues? has a section that enlightens you on matters related to the business industry.
News updates.
Information about ‘how to obtain’, Birth Certificate, Caste Certificate, Tribe Certificate, Domicile Certificate, Driving License, Marriage Certificate, Death Certificate etc.
‘How to track/check’, Waiting list status for Central Government Housing, Status of Stolen Vehicles, Land Records, Cause list of Indian Courts, Court Judgments (JUDIS), Daily Court Orders/Case Status, Acts of Indian Parliament, Exam Results, Speed Post Status, Agricultural Market Prices Online etc.
Summarily, there is a huge list of what all can this portal provide you and what all can be done online exploiting this portal, so go ahead and browse it to know more about India, its governance, its culture, etc.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

जीवन में है तकलीफें और जुदाई

सत् है ,सच है और है अच्छाई ,

जीवन में है तकलीफें और जुदाई ;

बहते आंसू थम भी जायेंगे ,

दाग जो अपनो ने दिए ,चोट जो दिल ने लिए ;

वो रह ही जायेंगे /


कितना व्यस्त रहता है वो ;

कभी खोया कभी मस्त रहता है वो ;

यार मेरे नाराज होयुं कैसे ;

जनता हूँ अपनी आवारगी से त्रस्त रहता है वो


कभी दामन बचाया , कभी ख़ुद को रुलाया ;

कभी भावः नही कहता ,कभी निगाहें नही भरता ;

बडा बेमिशाल है यार मेरा ;कर गुजरेगा सब मगर ;

कभी आहें नही भरता ;


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