We take great pride and pleasure in inviting you and your faculty members to be a part of a TWO DAYS INTERDISCIPLINARY U.G.C. SPONSORED NATIONAL SEMINAR in our college, on “IMPACT OF URBANIZATION” the seminar will be held on 24th and 25th January,2011.
Academia is an inherent part of society and a major contributor towards the betterment of humankind. This is why a theme that is challenging, interdisciplinary and relevant to this global world has been selected. As a part of urbanization, we are using the resources either collectively or individually. In the modern world of changing life Style, we can think of various small actions which can be made more rational and sustainable towards the environment and nature. And that is the main purpose of this seminar.
The thrust areas of the seminar will be on:
1.Impact of urbanization on rural India
2.Impact of urbanization on Art,litrature and culture of India.
3.Impact of urbanization on regional and central politics of India.
4. Impact of urbanization on global warming /climate.
5. Impact o urbanization on economical development of India.
6-Impact of urbanization on financial sector of india
7. Impact of urbanization on Tribal areas of India .
8. Impact of urbanization on crime and judicial system of India.
The resource persons who have confirmed their participation are shri k.p. mishra, joint director of industries kanpur. Dr. gangrani, principal garware college of commerce,pune.Dr.chheda c.a. from mumbai,Dr. padosi from goa university. Dr.p.k. mishra vice chancellor,DEVI AHILYA VISHWAVIDYALAY ,INDORE has kindly consented to be the chief guest for the inaugural function on 24thJan,2011.D
We look forward to participation from your college at the seminar .The last date for receiving papers is 10th dec.2011.The brochure with the program and registration form is enclosed.
Request for further information can be sent to conveners:-
Dr.R.B.Singh -9987015924, Mr . M..Bhiwandikar-9819701025, Mrs. Nimbalkar-
Email- manishmuntazir@gmail.com , rbsingh28@gmail.com
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