Saturday, 7 December 2013

LPU Faculty & Student presented Research Papers in JAPAN

  • More than 600  international & national scholars contributed greatly to the field of language and education during the conference
  • LPU representatives were only two Indians who were invited to attend academic conference
  • Topics were ‘A Study of Pragmatic Failures in English Committed by Native Speakers of Punjabi’ and ‘Media: Pros & Cons’

Jalandhar: LPU faculty & student presented research papers at a linguistic conference at Osaka in Japan. Ms Jyoti Sharma, a faculty in Social Sciences and Languages, and a B. Tech CSE student Batish Sama of Lovely Professional University were the only two Indians who were invited to attend academic conference held at Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU), Japan.  Organiser of the conference, Asia Pacific Education & Research Association (AERA) honoured these two researchers with coveted certificates for their valuable research inputs. More than 600 scholars from international and local regions contributed greatly to the field of language and education during the conference. Other scholars were from the universities of the USA, UK, France, Germany, Australia, Hong kong,

China, Indonesia, UAE, Saudi Arabia and many other countries. LPU Pro Chancellor Mrs Rashmi Mittal congratulated the young researchers and encouraged them to continue their research-work for goodness of humanity.
Ms Jyoti Sharma presented paper on “Media: Pros & Cons”. She has clearly pointed out that media has always been able to save the dignity of several unarmed common people. She says if media had been since ancient times, most of the disputes- cum- wars would not have happened.
Batish Sama presented his research paper “A Study of Pragmatic Failures in English Committed by Native Speakers of Punjabi”. It aimed to investigate the pragmatic perception of politeness in request strategies used by ESL (English Spoken Language) learners whose native language is Punjabi.  He has related it with technology such as Google voice systems. Politeness in verbal behaviour varies, and is difficult to express in a second language because learners may not know appropriate idiomatic expressions/cultural norms. This often leads to misunderstandings and “awkward” situations which result in pragmatic failures, which are inabilities to understand what is meant by what is said.

Illustrative, ISLLLE Conference aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and educators with interests in language, linguistics, literature, and education at all levels from around the world. The theme of the International Symposium on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education is designed to attract the research communities to promote connections between theory and practice. It also explores different perspectives on the application of research findings into practice.


Friday, 6 December 2013

Insights into The Works of Rabindranath Thakur/Tagore

ShriVijaynarayan R.Pandit
Dear Friends
The Editorial Team would like to thank you all for your co-operation in contributing to our First ISBN Book “Research Canvas”. Our next project of ISBN Book Publication is on the theme
Insights into The Works of Rabindranath Thakur/Tagore
Is Rabindranath Thakur relevant today? Or more importantly, is Rabindranath as great as he is cracked up to be? This subversive question has been asked by plenty of people over the years- by westerners who became disillusioned with his self-translations and by non-Bengali Indians tired of Bengali-obsession with him. There is a just-felt need to re-assess and situate Rabindranath Thakur in the post-modern parlance and for a generation with very little concern about finer values of life.
Rabindranath Thakur was a poet, a novelist, a writer of some of the best short stories, a composer of songs, a painter, an educationist, a major participant in public affairs and a moulder of independent India’s intellectual inheritance.Nirad C Chaudhuriadmitted that he was among the twenty greatest writers of all time. There was hardly any field that was left untouched by Thakur. His linguistic mastery was extra-ordinary. Every sentence flowing from his pen with a seemingly virtuosity reminds one of the music of J S Bach. As a composer of songs, Satyajit Ray felt that he was the equal of Schubert. Honoured with the title ‘Gurudev”, he was not the sort of Guru who supplies us with dogma or ready-made answers.
He said many times that he was neither a world-denier nor a monist: he was a dualist who found spiritual reality in the ‘khela’ of the human and the divine. When he defined art as ‘the response of man’s creative soul to the call of the real’, he meant the real of the here and now, the imperfect real of history and society and human relationships, but also a real that was shot through the glimpses of perfection. In one of his greatest songs he knew, ‘there is sorrow, there is death, there is the fire of separation. Yet peace joy and eternity are awake’. Everything that defined him stemmed from this awareness: his compassion, his social activism, his concern for the natural environment, his rapport with women and children-all the things that make him so relevant today.
Author of Gitanjali and its "profoundly sensitive, fresh and beautiful verse", he became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. His novels, stories, songs, dance-dramas, and essays dealt with topics political and personal. Gitanjali (Song Offerings), Gora (Fair-Faced) and Ghare-Baire (The Home and the World) are his best-known works, and his verse, short stories, and novels were acclaimed—or panned—for their lyricism, colloquialism, naturalism, and unnatural contemplation. His compositions were chosen by two nations as national anthems: India's Jana GanaMana and Bangladesh's Amar Shonar Bangla.

Sub-themes of the proposed project
1.       Tagore on himself
2.       Tagore and Kalidasa
3.       Tagore and the Mahatma at Shantiniketan
4.       Tagore as an educationist
5.       Tagore the Nobel Lauret
6.       Tagore the Humanist
7.       Tagore and RabindraSangeet
8.       Tagore’s contribution to Indian Literature
9.       Early life of Tagore
10.    Family of Tagore
11.    Education of Tagore
12.    Inspirations of Tagore
13.    Young Tagore
14.    Struggles of Tagore
15.    Poetry of Tagore
16.    Manuscripts of Rabindranath Tagore.
17.    Re-reading of Manuscripts in present day context.
18.    Subaltern consciousness in Tagore’s works.
19.    Relevance of Rabindranath Tagore in the Twenty First Century
20.    Writings on Tagore’s Translations
21.    Tagore and Contemporary society
22.    Tagore and Bankim Chandra: a Comparison
23.    Tagore in Translation
24.    Rabindranath’s ‘translations’ of his own works from Bangla into English.
25.    Rabindranath’s translation of others’ works
26.    Rabindranath and theory of translation
27.    Rabindranath’s writings translated into foreign/western languages
28.    Rabindranath’s writings translated into other Indian languages
29.    Problems of translating Rabindranath
30.    Indian-ness in Rabindranath Tagore’s works – Indian myth, ethos and Indian Culture.
31.    Symbolism in Rabindranath Tagore’s works.
32.    Ecology in the works of Rabindranath Tagore.
33.    Theme of Patriotism, Nationalism and Spiritualism in Tagore’s works.
34.    Impact of Rabindranath Tagore on Literature of East and West.
35.    Tagore’s Literary Reflections: film and culture.
36.    Tagore’s Literature and Revolution.
37.    Gandhi and Tagore: A Unique relationship
38.    Gandhi’s village Swaraj& Tagore’s SwadeshiSamaj
39.    Gandhi and Tagore on civilization
40.    Gandhi, Tagore and the Non-cooperation movement
41.    Gandhi, Tagore and Charkha
42.    Views of Gandhi and Tagore on Communalism
43.    Gandhi, Tagore and untouchability
44.   Tagore and Bengali sub-nationalism
45.   Tagore’s paintings :  an evaluation
46.   Tagore’s  Economic views
47.   Tagore and human rights
48.   Tagore and Religion
49.   Tagore and Media
50.   Tagore in The non-Bengali Perceptions
51.   Tagore’s foreign travels (Travelogues)
52.   Tagore on Soviet Union
53.   Tagore on Japan
54.   Tagore and the women in his life
55.   Tagore and WB Yeats
56.   Tagore and Internationalism
57.   Tagore and the world wars
58.   Tagore on the Brahmo Movement
59.   Tagore and Swami Vivekanand
60.   Tagore and Raja Ram mohan Roy
61.   Tagore and the Divine
62.   Tagore and C F Andrews
63.   Tagore and Indira Gandhi
64.   Tagore and Nehru
65.   Tagore, the intellectual
66.   Tagore, the Common man
67.   Legacy of Tagore
68.   Traditional values in Tagore’s works
69.   Constructing Bengali Culture without Tagore
70.   Tagore and the radical Left politics of Bengal
71.   Timeless Tagore
72.   Tagore as a Rural Reconstructionist
73.   The sage of Santiniketan
74.   Tagore and Deshnayaka Subhas Bose
75.   Tagore and sri Narayan Guru
76.   Tagore: The unique Landlord
77.   Poet of the Padma: Tagore’s links with East Bengal
78.   Tagore: The environmentalist
79.   Tagore: The man Of Science
80.   Tagore and Einstein
81.   Tagore and J C Bose
82.   Tagore’s Last Days
83.   Tagore and social Psychology
84.   Tagore and Indian Philosophy
85.   Tagore and Hindi Literature
86.   Tagore and Indian Freedom Fight
87.   Tagore and politics
88.   Tagore as a Guru



·        Last date for submission of the Article is 30th December 2013.
·        Maximum limit of the word will be 2000.
·        Article must be in English or in Hindi
·        The Researcher has to mail his Article directly to the editor as an attached word file on
We expect your cooperation and support for this Academic cherry picking process.
                                 Indian Institute of Advanced Study &
                                  In charge-Department of Hindi
