Applications are invited in the prescribed format fromINDIAN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDY
Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla - 171 005
Applications are invited in the prescribed format from the bonafide citizens of
India for the following posts:
Sr. No. Name of the Posts Pay Scale
Categories-wise No. of Posts
1. Stenographer Rs.9300-
Grade Pay
01 - - - 01
2. Assistant Rs.9300-
Grade Pay
01 - 01 - 02
3. Hindi Translator Rs.5200-
Grade Pay
01 - - - 01
4. Upper Division Clerk
Grade Pay
- - 01 - 01
5. Lower Division Clerk
Grade Pay
01 01 01 01 04
6. Tailor Rs.5200-
Grade Pay
01 - - - 01
(a) The Posts are temporary but likely to continue and carries DA and CA/SCA at
Central Government rates stationed at Shimla. Selected incumbent will be on
probation for a period of two years and will be governed by the New Pension
Scheme (NPS).
(b) The filled in application form (Available on our website) complete in all
respects along with the required documents should be addressed to the
Secretary, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla – 2
171 005 (Himachal Pradesh). The Applications along with Demand Drafts
should reach within 21 days from the date of advertisement in the
Employment News.
(c) Candidates already in service must apply through proper channel.
(d) The applications should also be accompanied by Bank Draft/Demand Draft of
Rs.200/- for General Category candidates and Rs.100/- for candidates
belonging to reserved categories drawn on any nationalized bank payable at
Shimla in favour of The Secretary, IIAS, Shimla. The Female candidate is
exempted from the application fee as per Govt. of India rules.
(e) Candidates who apply for more than one posts, will have to apply separately
for each post and separate Demand Draft is required for each application.
Applications without Demand Draft will not be entertained.
(f) One envelope should contain one application only. The envelope must be
superscribed as “Application for the Post of _________________ (Name
of the Post applied).
(g) The number of vacancies mentioned above is provisional. The Institute
reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of vacancies, if
(h) The Institute reserves the right to modify/alter/restrict/cancel the recruitment
process, if need so arises without issuing further notice or assigning any
reason thereafter.
(i) The Institute reserves the right to short-list the candidates based on
qualifications, experience and suitability.
(j) Relaxation in age for reserved categories is applicable as per Govt. of India
(k) Relaxation can be given to the outstanding candidates as per Recruitment
Rules of the Institute.
Name of the Post Age Qualification
Stenographer Between 18-28 Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized Indian 3
Years University with a minimum shorthand and
typing speed of 100 and 40 w.p.m.
Name of the Post Age Qualification
Assistant Between 18-28
Bachelor’s degree of a recognized
University with 5 years’ experience in a
Government/Semi-Government organization
or a Public Sector Undertaking, dealing with
establishment matters and or accounts.
Name of the Post Age Qualification
Hindi Translator Between 18-28
Master’s degree of recognized University in
Hindi/English, with English/Hindi as a main
subject at degree level.
Master’s degree of a recognized University
in any subject with Hindi and English as
main subjects at degree level.
Master’s degree of a recognized University
in any subject with Hindi/English medium,
and English/Hindi as a main subject at
degree level.
Master’s degree in Hindi/English or in any
other subject with Hindi/English medium,
with English/Hindi as a main subject or as
medium or examination at degree level.
Bachelor’s degree with Hindi and English as
main subjects or either of the two as
medium of examination and the other as a
main subject plus recognized Diploma
certificate course in translation from Hindi to
English and vice versa or two years’
experience of translation work from Hindi to
English and vice versa in Central/State
Government Offices, including Government
of India Undertakings.
Name of the Post Age Qualification4
Upper Division
Clerk (UDC)
Between 18-28
Bachelor’s degree of a recognized
University with at least 3 years’ experience
in a Government or an educational Institute
or in Commercial concern of repute.
Name of the Post Age Qualification
Lower Division
Clerk (LDC)
Between 18-28
Matriculation or equivalent qualification from
a recognized Board/University; should have
a minimum typing speed of 35 w.p.m. in
English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi on Computer.
Name of the Post Age Qualification
Tailor Between 18-28
Education up to Middle Standard with I.T.I.
Diploma in Tailoring or 10 years’ experience
as a Tailor.
Candidates are requested to read all instructions thoroughly before sending
their applications. Otherwise, their applications are likely to be rejected on one or
more of the following reasons:
(i) Application received after the closing date of Employment Notice.
(ii) Application without signatures (or) signatures done in capital letters (or)
different type of signatures at different places of the application.
(iii) Copies of attested requisite certificates not enclosed.
(iv) Application without colour photograph.
(v) Incomplete application.
(vi) Category/post not filled up or incorrectly filled.
(vii) Application filled in a language other than Hindi/English.
(viii) Application addressed to wrong address.