Thursday, 9 August 2012
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
विश्वविद्यालय सामाजिक विज्ञान एवं मानविकी महाविद्यालय
Mohanlal sukhadia university, udaipur
Conferences / Seminars/
हिन्दी विभाग
विश्वविद्यालय सामाजिक विज्ञान एवं मानविकी महाविद्यालय
विख्यात समालोचक और चिंतक प्रोफेसर पुरुषोत्तम अग्रवाल के 7 मई, 2012 पूर्वाहन 9.00 बजे आयोज्य व्याख्यान में आपकी उपस्थिति सादर निवेदित है !
विषय : मानविकी विषयों की प्रासंगिकता
स्थान : महाविद्यालय सभागार
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Modified on :15/04/2012
Labels: विश्वविद्यालय सामाजिक विज्ञान एवं मानविकी महाविद्यालय
National seminar on Hindi blogging held
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National seminar on Hindi blogging held

KM Agrawal College, Kalyan, organised a unique two- day national seminar on Hindi blogging. The two-day-long University Grant Commission (UGC)-sponsored seminar was held on December 9-10 in the college's library.
Manish Mishra, faculty and one of the main organisers, said: “It was the first such seminar on blogging in Hindi with pan- India participation.“
The event was spread out in a total of six gripping techni- cal sessions over these two days.
Many reputed bloggers from across India participated and many presented their views on the new mode of communica- tion -- its achievements and possibilities.
“Well-known poet Damodar Khadse, the working president of Hindi Sahitya Akademi of Maharashtra state, inaugurat- ed the seminar. He spoke on the wonderful medium of blogging and its immense possibilities in today's age of social media.
Other speakers from the field like Ravi Ratlami, Vijay Pandit, Vidya Bindu Singh and Ramji Tiwari also addressed the crowd,“ added Mishra.
The welcome address was given by the college principal, Dr Anita Manna.
The other highlight of the programme was the release of a book edited by Mishra on Hindi blogging and webcasting of all the sessions live on the Internet. The webcasts could be seen around the world, thus making it a unique web-enabled liter- ary programme of great intel- lectual value to the internet users, general viewers and reg- ular surfers
National seminar on Hindi blogging held
KM Agrawal College, Kalyan, organised a unique two- day national seminar on Hindi blogging. The two-day-long University Grant Commission (UGC)-sponsored seminar was held on December 9-10 in the college's library.
Manish Mishra, faculty and one of the main organisers, said: “It was the first such seminar on blogging in Hindi with pan- India participation.“
The event was spread out in a total of six gripping techni- cal sessions over these two days.
Many reputed bloggers from across India participated and many presented their views on the new mode of communica- tion -- its achievements and possibilities.
“Well-known poet Damodar Khadse, the working president of Hindi Sahitya Akademi of Maharashtra state, inaugurat- ed the seminar. He spoke on the wonderful medium of blogging and its immense possibilities in today's age of social media.
Other speakers from the field like Ravi Ratlami, Vijay Pandit, Vidya Bindu Singh and Ramji Tiwari also addressed the crowd,“ added Mishra.
The welcome address was given by the college principal, Dr Anita Manna.
The other highlight of the programme was the release of a book edited by Mishra on Hindi blogging and webcasting of all the sessions live on the Internet. The webcasts could be seen around the world, thus making it a unique web-enabled liter- ary programme of great intel- lectual value to the internet users, general viewers and reg- ular surfers
National seminar on Hindi blogging, a great success
National seminar on Hindi blogging, a great success
KM Agrawal College in Kalyan conducts a first-ever two-day seminar on Hindi blogging that has all-India participation
Dr Sunil Sharma Kalyan
Posted On Saturday, December 24, 2011 at 03:12:08 PM
Manish Mishra is still beaming. The bespectacled, soft-spoken professor of Hindi literature and criticism working in K M Agrawal College, Kalyan west, had every reason to be extra happy these days. He was chiefly instrumental in the planning, conduct and success of a two-day national –level UGC (University Grant Commission)-sponsored seminar on Hindi blogging, the first-ever in the nation so far.
“It was the first such seminar on blogging in Hindi with pan-India character, supported by the UGC via its financial aid for it. My college management and principal provided full leadership and other help in its overall success,” claimed the baby-faced young poet and stage anchor of many soirees in Kalyan. The event was spread out in a total of six gripping technical sessions from mornings till evening that was held in the library of the college. Many reputed bloggers from across Indiaparticipated and many presented their views on the new mode of communication, its achievements and possibilities. “The two-day event was inaugurated by the well-known poet Damodar Khadse, the working president of Hindi Sahitya Akademi of Maharashtra state. He spoke on the wonderful medium of blogging and its immense possibilities in to-day’s IT-driven age. There were addresses by other speakers from the field like Ravi Ratlami, Vijay Pandit, Vidya Bindu Singh and Ramji Tiwari, among others,” said Mishra who compered the full event in his inimitable style. The welcome address was given by the college principal, Dr Anita Manna. The other highlights of the programme were the release of a book edited by Manish Mishra on Hindi blogging and the webcasting of all the sessions live on the internet. “The webcasts were watched by thousands of people across the countries in the world, thus making it a unique web-enabled literary programme of great intellectual value to the internet-users, general viewers and regular surfers,” believed Mishra. Buoyed by the good critical response, Mishra plans to hold more such academic exercises in coming years as well. Sources: Dombivli-Kalyan Plus |
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Seminar on" Reflection on Emotions in Indian Thought-Systems”
Reflection on Emotions in Indian Thought-Systems
Seminar on" Reflection on Emotions in Indian Thought-Systems”
4-6 September 2012
Great, deep, wide and unbounded, the ocean is nevertheless drunk by underwater fires; in the same way, Sorrow is drunk by Anger.
(Translation of an unidentified Sanskrit stanza from India in the early Middle Ages; Gnoli, 1956, p. 35.)
At a given moment of time, in this greatly unstable era of existential dislocation, in this scattered reality impelled by the pending force of technology and globalization, in this virtual world of which we are a part, a need is felt to revive the significance of feeling, to pose a question about validity of emotions in our times, to ensure a potential for understanding a metaphysical meaning of emotions in the religious and philosophical world of mankind’s sensibility. It is a general misconception propagated by a popular culture and mass-media that views emotions in opposition to rationality, as the symptoms of inner weakness and vulnerability forged by a psychological unbalance and disorder. The existence of emotions is widely attested in the religious and philosophical landscape of India and it often provides a basis for the affective unfolding of conscious thought revealing its depth and intensity. In accordance with classical Indian philosophy, emotions are cognitions (jñāna, vijñāna), a justified mental phenomena not less rational than complex thought processes. What distinguishes emotions from thoughts is a prominent behavioral component articulating attitudes, conations and judgments that bring us to a closer understanding of the specific subfield of human life. In the classical Sanskritic tradition, the words ‘bhāva’ and ‘vedanā’ are used in reference to the ‘emotive state’ which includes both the internal feeling and expressed emotion. Within the symbolic discourse of Indian culture, emotions are also held legitimate in religious life. To illustrate this point, let us refer to Varāhapuraa 17.33-37 which describes the Mother-goddesses (matkas) as symbols of human emotions: Brāhmī –pride, Maheśvarī – anger, Kaumārī - attachment, Vaiavī - greed, Varahi - envy, Aindrī – jealousy, Camua - depravity, Nārasihī - lust. Studies of Hindu myth tales, those of Campbell, Doniger and Shulman reflected on core components of emotional meaning that seem to be universal. Appraisal of emotional life has reached its apogee in the non-dualistic tantric traditions of Kashmir as it promulgated the Heart as the representative of the Self, the liberated consciousness. At the same time, emotional states, even the most negative ones, have been qualified as a stimulus for the expansion of consciousness. Needless to say, the emotional attitude pervades all intellectual and religious discourses of Indian culture, and, moreover, it appears as the most tangible and fundamental in mankind’s quest for the sacred and self-discovery. This seminar wishes to address a complex character of emotions by providing an interdisciplinary approach combining fields of philosophy, psychology and religious studies. This intellectual endeavour is intended to stimulate the multi-method strategy in conceptualizing emotions. In doing so, we will make an attempt to venture into the multi-faceted reality of emotions, unraveling its apparent equivocality, its seeming inconceivability. The seminar will try to systematize the cultural data on emotions in order to arrive at conceptual schema that would help us in defining the phenomenon of feeling in its multi-dimensional appearances. An effort will be made to give an ingenious replies on the mechanism of spontaneous activation of emotional behavior in religious experience and to elaborate on emendations of the theoretical maze confounding emotional and rational domains. Through the intellectual fusion and fruitful mingling of many perspectives, the seminar wishes to broader our understanding of the linkage between affect, cultural models and theoretical evaluation, reconnecting them. Finally, seminar furnishes a good opportunity to reflect upon the aesthetic emotions caused by a work of art that reinforce empathetic or non-empathetic feelings.
The following themes shall be investigated:
- the problem of rationality and emotions in classical Indian philosophy (Sakhya, Nyāya-Vaiśeika, Miansa) and in Buddhism
- Emotions as enrapture of intensity, medium of psychological transfiguration
- Emotions (bhāvas) in construction of dynamic religious identity: Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Sahaja Vainavism, Bauls of Bengal, Sufi Emotionalism
- The idea of salvation through intense emotional state: Kashmiri tantric śaiva traditions, Bengali Tantra
- The cultural psychology of emotions (Dimock, Kakar, Harre, Kleiman, Rorty, Shixie, Solomon)
- Natyaśastra as the theatre of emotions
- Expressed emotions: dance, song etc.
- The role of emotions in Bhakti movement
Indian Institute of Advanced Study,
Rashtrapati Nivas,
Shimla 171005
Tel: 0177-2830006 (O), Fax: 0177-2831389
Rashtrapati Nivas,
Shimla 171005
Tel: 0177-2830006 (O), Fax: 0177-2831389
Labels: Seminar on and quot Reflection on Emotions in Indian Thought -Systems
international seminar on 21 and 22 november 2012
The world today has entered a new phase of history, where, change is an essential feature affecting every field and condition of individual and social life and activity. This creates an alteration in the needs for skills in different categories of working population, thereby resulting in a need for occupational and social mobility and lifelong education and training.
There has been an impressive growth of education in the latter half of the 20th century. This has been accompanied by a significant rise in the average level of education of the world population. In fact it is the development of higher education which can be seen as one of the decisive factors in the progress of education as a whole, along with the remarkable advancement in knowledge. It is this very development which has brought about an unprecedented increase in the capacities for the advancement and spread of knowledge and its practical application and technological innovations. The world thus has undergone a tremendous change with the advent and proliferation of information and communication technologies such as the Internet, e mail, and wireless communication whose impact can be seen in every sector of society and every corner of the globe. In this era that has emerged in the course of human history the role of corporations is very vital in complementing governmental efforts. Higher education in both the developed and developing countries is essentially a government supported public good. However, with the rapidly emerging changes the government may find it difficult to match the pace of change. This is particularly so in case of developing countries. From the perspective of the developing countries, keeping educational values intact, emphasis should be laid on ensuring that all members of the society seeking education have an access to the internet. This requires training of teachers at the grass root level. The whole process is difficult though not impossible. In this era the role of business is joining hands with the government to help promote long term policies. Several barriers are bound to come in the way in the form of differences in the types of regimes and the forms of governments, financial hurdles, technological barriers arising from the non availability of adequate infrastructural facilities, social and cultural barriers stemming from educational disparities, traditional taboos and age old customs. Indeed the point of discussion is how far the educational policy should encourage greater collaboration between industry and universities? Should the government encourage greater collaboration between universities in the sensitive field of education is a question worth asking. This seminar we feel would provide a platform for the interaction of views and ideas between the renowned experts in the field and fellow teacher participants and it is precisely with this aim in mind that our college decided to organize an International Seminar on a leading issue of symbiosis between academics and industry.
The following is the gist of the themes of the Seminar..
1) Corporate Social Responsibility and higher education (CSR) The concept of CSR which came into usage in the late 60s and early 70s can generally be considered as continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to business development while simultaneously improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families, the local community and society at large. In the present era of globalization as corporations are becoming increasingly aware of their social responsibility, education, which is generally a public good, faces the mounting challenges of standardized testing, financial constraints teacher retention and global workforce competition. For many businesses education forms an important part of their plans for various strategic reasons. This includes building up of positive reputation and goodwill among the consumers and employees, employing a more educated workforce, raising of consumer awareness and fulfilling a company’s mission. The advent of information and communication technologies such as internet, email and wireless has brought about a tremendous change in the education sector. In this new knowledge economy the role played by corporations is crucial in complementing government’s efforts. The role of businesses entails joining forces with the government to help, explain and promote long-term policies to the affected population. CSR has many facets. Companies have been finding various innovative alternatives to discharge their social responsibility. Education can be considered as the most apt one for any corporate to discharge its social responsibility. Corporate support to education will imply reenergized education sector which can transform our country into a true knowledge power and thereby lead to future prosperity and growth. Taking into account the theme of the Seminar, expert views on Corporate Social Responsibility in higher education would provide the much needed information on the symbiosis between the academia and the corporate world. 2) Public Private Partnership in Higher Education Generally education all over the world is considered as a merit good whose consumption needs have to be provided. Consequently education is publicly provided by every nation and even when not publicly provided; it is subsidized by the state in both the developed and developing countries. No doubt imparting education is considered as the responsibility of the state. Under the new Global order, however, the government itself will not be able to handle the huge investment required for higher education. The public system may not be able to cope with the growing market demand and global competition. Increase in Private Investment seems necessary to expand infrastructure, and provide greater access to quality higher education. Public Private Partnership can be defined as a form of contract that the government makes with the private service provider to acquire a specified service of a desired quantity and quality at an agreed price for a specified time. Public Private Partnership has increased dramatically all over the world catering to all communities- the high income and the low income groups. India is no exception. In fact it can be considered as an effective mechanism for luring the much needed Private Sector investment in Indian higher education without diluting much, the regulatory powers of the government and other authorities. The discussion of this issue at the ensuing Seminar would provide the Teacher Delegates some knowledge on: the working of Public Private Partnerships all over the world; their benefits and shortcomings; specifically keeping in mind the interests of the developing countries. Worldwide Scholarships and policy making give rise to new ideas and models for the role of higher education and research in the society and economy. This development clearly points to changing relationships and boundaries between public and private areas in higher education. In terms of the developing countries the objective of such a partnership has to be to increase the enrollment rate and bring about developments in the education outcome (like dropout rates) particularly of students from low income families. 3) Role of Research in Higher Education Historically Research and Higher Education have been a central concern within development initiatives. Research and higher education form a vital part of the path towards growth and progress. Infact rather than a luxury it is necessity to fight against poverty. Academicians today are a worried lot. They are worried that a knowledge economy like India shows a declining resource of highly educated people. Brilliant youngsters are skipping the long and arduous doctoral routes at premiere universities. Rather they are taking recourse to short cut fast earning courses. With the fast pace of change – a result of globalization, the importance of higher education in furthering research is becoming increasingly important. After all higher education plays an important part in a country’s research and development efforts. Academic research through universities forms an important component of the technological base of a country. Today the situation is that research efforts are unevenly distributed between different countries and regions. Some industrialized countries conduct the greater part of world’s research. The developing countries on the other hand do not have a larger share in the global research effort. There is a growing international awareness of the need for enhancing the role of higher education, science and technology within aid and development policies. Apart from contributing to economic growth research and higher education create a critical awareness which gathers more significance when applied in the field of social and human sciences as providers of knowledge essential for good governance. As members of the academic fraternity we are disturbed by the dwindling number of students opting for pure research. Deliberations at this seminar will hopefully throw light on the means of improving research studies. This aspect assumes greater importance at a time when research activities are playing a crucial role in the new globalized economy. 4) Faculty Crunch and Higher Education Good faculty is a must for any higher educational institution aspiring for quality. A world class higher educational institution can be described as one that supports teaching and research preferably over a wide range of faculties ranging from arts and humanities to science and technology. An institution to be universally recognized must have an internationally acclaimed devoted faculty. However, Indian higher education system today seems to be grabbing the headlines of all leading Newspapers for facing the problem of faculty crunch. This problem seems to be more pronounced in case of Institutions of National Importance. In fact Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh said that it is difficult to find top level Professors and Lecturers in the newly created Indian Institutes of Technology and Indian Institutes of Science, Education and Research. A task force comprising of UGC, Vice Chancellors and Educationists, was appointed to prepare an action plan to address the issue. It suggested that efforts should be made to bring in a system that ensures smooth process of induction and promotion of faculty cadre. Other measures included reducing bureaucratic red tapism that accompanies appointments, setting up of independent development and recruitment cells and selection and appointment of bright students while they are pursuing their academic career. The clear need seems to be for mobilization of resources and a policy framework to ensure that the growing higher education system maintains the quality standards as expected in the society. At a time when the Indian higher education system is facing the problem of faculty crunch, discussion of this topic at the seminar would provide teacher participants an idea of the gravity of the problem facing their own profession. 5) Women empowerment and higher education It has been generally acknowledged that the thread of the family weaves the fabric of the society particularly the Indian society and women are considered as the hub centre of the family. The role of women has changed drastically over the years. From a typical housewife, with liberalization modernization and globalization on the role and responsibilities of women has widened substantially, educational and occupational patterns have changed and women are entering domains which till decades back were considered as male domains. More and more women are joining the service sector especially banking and information Technology Against this background, the crucial issue that remains is one of women’s rights and empowerment. Women’s rights are measured as the means by which a dignified living is ensured, thereby safeguarding her privileges. The basic fundamental rights of speech, freedom are decision – making are the basic rights of every individual, as mentioned in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The right for education and employment are significant for women development and national development in the wider sense. The power and freedom to exercise these rights can be considered as Women Empowerment. Women empowerment can only be facilitated if she is able to exercise her right in the socio – eco spheres of decision – making. Empowerment of women is a gradual and complicated process. There has been a gradual improvement in the status of women particularly in the rural economy. Indian women have achieved international acclaim in various fields. However, her status has to further improve and the gender gap reduce if India has to emerge as a global power. It is a disappointing point to note that even today one finds gender discrimination in a developing country like India, particularly in the rural areas. One has to remove this gap if Indian education has to be meaningful in the current global economy. Academics is one sector where women’s involvement is increasing day by day. Expert views at the Seminar would definitely help in recommending and implementing measures for women empowerment. |