Thursday, 19 July 2012

ना जाने उन्हें मोहब्बत का ही ख्याल क्यूँ आया!!

बर्बाद करने के और भी रास्ते थे 'फराज', 
ना जाने उन्हें मोहब्बत का ही ख्याल क्यूँ आया!!

बीत गये युग फिर भी जैसे कल ही तुमको देखा हो,
दिल में औ' आंखों में तुम्हारी खुशनज़री क्यों बाकी है !!

बस तेरी याद ही काफी है मुझे,
और कुछ दिल को गवारा भी नहीं !!

यह सोच के उसकी हर बात को सच माना है "फराज़",
कि इतने खूबसूरत लब भला झूठ कैसे बोलेंगे!!

हिज्र की शब का सहारा भी नहीं
अब फलक पर कोई तारा भी नहीं

बस तेरी याद ही काफी है मुझे
और कुछ दिल को गवारा भी नहीं

जिसको देखूँ तो मैं देखा ही करूँ
ऐसा अब कोई नजारा भी नहीं

डूबने वाला अजब था कि मुझे
डूबते वक्त पुकारा भी नहीं

कश्ती ए इश्क वहाँ है मेरी
दूर तक कोई किनारा भी नहीं

दो घड़ी उसने मेरे पास आकर
बारे गम सर से उतारा भी नहीं

कुछ तो है बात कि उसने साबिर
आज जुल्फों को सँवारा भी नहीं।- साबिर इंदोरी


Inter-University Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences (IUC)

Inter-University Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences (IUC)
Indian Institute of Advanced Study
Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla – 171 005
The Indian Institute of Advanced Study acts as the Inter-University Centre for
Humanities and Social Sciences (IUC) on behalf of the University Grants
Commission. It provides opportunities to serving teachers in Humanities and Social
Sciences of Indian universities and colleges to conduct research, interact with
fellows and scholar at the IIAS and attend seminars. For this purpose, IUC selects
teachers as Associates.
 Teachers selected as Associates spend three months (one month per year)
for three consecutive years. They would continue to draw salaries from their
Institutions, while the IUC will pay a Maintenance Allowance @ Rs.400/- per day,
besides defraying their travel expenses. Arrangements for their board and lodging
are made by the Institute.
 Serving Teachers from the Indian Universities and  Colleges who are
interested in coming to the Inter-University Centre of the Institute as Associates may
apply in the prescribed proforma which can be downloaded from the website: of the Institute.


Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Book on 100 Years of Indian Cinema

100 Years of Indian Cinema
To celebrate the anniversary of Indian Film Industry, we are planning to come out with a book titled ‘100 Years of Indian Cinema’ with ISBN number. For this purpose we are inviting research papers on the following broad topics. The length of the paper should be approximately 3000 words & it should reach us by 15th September 2012. The selection of the papers will be purely on merit basis & for those selected subscription fees of Rs. 1500/- will have to be paid.word limit is 3000 and language will be English only. 
1.      Silent movies
2.      Black & white movies
3.      Parallel cinema/ Art movies
4.      Mainstream Bollywood masala movie
5.      Regional cinema
6.      Animation films
7.      Remakes—(i) of Hollywood movies (ii) of old movies (iii) of regional movies
8.      Genres—(i) romantic (ii) comedy (iii) tragedy (iv) realistic (v) action (vi)crime (vii) suspense
9.      Themes—(i) love (ii) family (iii) patriotism (iv) childhood (v) physically & mentally challenged
10.  Superstars
11.  Changing technology & cinema
12.  Direction & editing
13.  Art direction
14.  Censorship
15.  Music—classical, folk, western
16.  Item songs
17.  Relationship between underworld & cinema
18.  Cinema, advertising & sponsorship
19.  Movement of film societies
20.  Racism/sexism/casteism/classism/regionalism etc. in cinema

Contact details
Dr. Manish Kumar Mishra
Dr. Manisha D. Patil
