Saturday, 6 August 2011

भाषा भारती का उदघाटन

भाषा भारती का उदघाटन 

            आज  शनिवार दिनांक ६ अगस्त २०११ को  जूनिअर कालेज क़ी तरफ से भाषा भारती कार्यक्रम का उदघाटन किया गया. इस कार्यक्रम में हिंदी विषय के वक्ता के रूप में के.सी.कालेज के हिंदी विभागाध्यक्ष और वर्तमान में हिंदी अध्ययन मंडल मुंबई विद्यापीठ के अध्यक्ष डॉ. शीतला प्रसाद दुबे जी उपस्थित थे. आप ने अपने वक्तव्य में हिंदी के माध्यम से रोजगार के अवसरों क़ी चर्चा करते हुवे भाषाई झगड़ों क़ी निंदा क़ी


Indian Institute of Advanced Study-Proforma for Associates

University Grants Commission

Inter-University Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences

Indian Institute of Advanced Study

Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla – 171005

Indian Institute of Advanced StudyProforma for Associates

1.         Name, designation, official address and telephone number:

2.         Date of Birth:

3.         Caste (in case of Scheduled Cast/ Tribe and BC only)

4.         Academic Career (from Matriculation to M. Phil.):

(Affix passport size photograph) To be attested by the forwarding
authority (with seal)

Name of Examination or Degree
Examining Authority or University
Subject (s)

5.         Doctoral Work:

(a) Title of the Thesis:

(b) Name of the University: (c)  The year of award:
(d) The little, the publisher and the year, if published:

6.         Publications:

7.         Current research interest:

8.         Kind of Books you will expect to find in the Institute Library (a sample list to be attached:
9.         Primary purpose of visit:

(a) Completion or revision of doctoral work, (b) Writing of Research paper, or
(c) Formulation of Research Project

(Please attach a statement in 500 words detailing the purpose of your proposed visit)
10.       Month of proposed stay between April and November: (i)  First preference
(ii) Second preference

(iii) Third preference

11.       Teaching Experience:

12.       Whether the Institution is recognized by the U.G.C.:

I hereby declare that all the entries in the form are true. Place ……………………..
Date ………………………                                                            Signature (with date) All the entries in the application form are true and the applicant, if selected,
will be granted leave to pursue his/her studies at the IIAS, Shimla. Place………………………

Forwarding Officer


It would not be possible for the Centre to consider a candidate who does not submit all the in formation asked for. With the limited space available at present, only the Associate and not any of his or her family members can be accommodated at the IUC. Teachers selected Associates will come to the IUC for a period of ranging from one to three months. They would continue to draw salaries from their own institutions, but the IUC will defray the traveling expense and pay maintenance allowance of Rs. 200/- per day. The average expense on board and lodging at the IUC comes to about Rs. 3000/-a month.


Friday, 5 August 2011


anna hajare is a real national hero.he is fighting for country support him in his mission.he is real saint. he is a pride of india.


Thursday, 4 August 2011

use time



सृजन द्वारा आयोजित स्नेह मिलन सम्मान समारोह

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

AWARD OF FELLOWSHIPS-Indian Institute of Advanced Study

Indian Institute of Advanced Study
Advertisement No. 1/2011
1. We invite applications for award of Fellowships for advanced research in the following areas:
(a) Social, Political and Economic Philosophy;
(b) Comparative Indian Literature (including Ancient, Medieval, Modern Folk and Tribal);
(c) Comparative Studies in Philosophy and Religion;
(d) Comparative Studies in History (including Historiography and Philosophy of History);
(e) Education, Culture, Arts including performing Arts and Crafts;
(f) Fundamental Concepts and Problems of Logic and Mathematics;
(g) Fundamental Concepts and Problems of Natural and Life Sciences;
(h) Studies in Environment;
(i) Indian Civilization in the context of Asian Neighbours; and
(j) Problems of Contemporary India in the context of National Integration and Nation-building.
2. Since the Institute is committed to Advanced Study, proposals involving empirical work with data collection and fieldwork would not be considered.
3. Applications from scholars working in, and on, the North Eastern region are encouraged.
4. Scholars belonging to the weaker section of society would be given preference.
5. The Institute would evaluate and consider for publication the monographs of the Fellows submitted on completion of their term. The Institute will have the first right of publication and will have the copyright of the monograph submitted by the Fellow.
6. The term of Fellowship would initially be for a period of one year, extendable by another year, but in no case will extend beyond two years.
7. The prescribed application form can be downloaded from this website and can also be obtained from the Institute by sending a self-addressed envelop (5x11") with postage stamp of Rs. 10 affixed. The application on the prescribed form may be sent to the Secretary, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla 171005. Applications can also be made on line at .
8. Fellows would be expected to remain in residence from 1 st March to 15 th December. Their stay at the Institute during the winter months would be optional. They may proceed on Study Tours during this period .
9. The pay of in-service Fellows would be protected. In addition, they will also get 20 per cent of their basic pay in case they are maintaining a separate house at the place of their work, other than government accommodation. The Fellowship grant for Fellows who are independednt scbolars is Rs. 47,000 per month.
10. The Institute provides hard furnished rent free accommodation to Fellows in cottages on the Rashtrapati Nivas Estate. In addition, scholars will be provided a personal fully furnished study (which may be on sharing basis) with computer and Internet facilities.
11. The Fellows will be provided with free stationary. In addition, they would have access to Institute's vehicles for local travel on payment of nominal charges.
12. Fellows are entitled to free medical treatment at the dispensary of the Institute .
13. It is mandatory for in-service candidates to apply through proper channel.
14. Fellowship applications of scholars who have been a Fellow of the Institute within a period of last five years will not be considered.
The Screening Committee for screening the applications of Fellowships received by the Institute would meet sometime in September 2011. The meeting of the Fellowship Award Committee (FAC) would be held tentatively in October 2011. The short-listed scholars would be invited to make a presentation before the FAC. Scholars with proven academic credentials, as decided by Screening Committee, may be exempted from this provision. Those interested can get further details from the Secretary of the Institute. He is available on e-mail at and may be contacted on 0177-2831389.


vo mujhe is trah saja deta hai

vo mujhe is trah saja deta hai mere sare gunah maf kr deta hai.


teri yaad jb bechain karti hai

teri yad jb bechain kr deti hai, tb meri raat jagte huve ktti hai.


Tuesday, 2 August 2011

talking to her

talking to her is much more difficult than writing a poetry. once i said her- if i will get some like you again in my life, my life will rock. she said- no, nothing will be happen,like rocking in your life because you will remain same.


Monday, 1 August 2011

वो ख़्वाब जो अधूरा रह गया

अपने हाल की कुछ खबर नहीं है सालों से ,
पर लोग यह बताते हैं कि-
मैं जीने का सलीका भूल गया हूँ
 कोई कहता है कि -
 मैं टूट गया हूँ .
 कोई कहता है कि -
 मैं रूठ गया हूँ
 और तो और
 कुछ हैं जो कहते हैं कि -
 मैं पागल हो गया हूँ .
 यह सब कुछ सुनते हुवे भी
 मैं कुछ नहीं बोल पाता .
 शायद कुछ बोलने कि
 जरूरत ही नहीं समझता .
पर सोचता हूँ
वो ख़्वाब जो तेरे साथ देखा था
 वो पूरा हो गया होता तो
 जिन्दगी जीने का ,मुझसे बेहतर हुनर
 आखिर किसके पास होता ?  
