Thursday 30 July 2015

VEETHIKA is a double-blind refereed International journal (ISSN: 2454-342X)

मित्रों सादर प्रणाम,
कई महीनों से इस प्रयास में था कि अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मानकों के अनुरूप एक द्विभाषी अंतर्विषयी अंतर्राष्ट्रीय शोध पत्रिका ISSN के साथ शुरू की जाय और जिसमें आलेखों को प्रकाशित करने के लिए किसी तरह का शुल्क न लिया जाय । स्तरीय शोध पत्रों को प्रमुखता दी जाय । अंततः यह संभव हो सका । वीथिका नामक ई पत्रिका के माध्यम से । ii इस लिंक पर जाकर आप पत्रिका संबंधी सारी जानकारी पा सकते हैं । इसका ISSN नंबर ( 2454-342X ) है । Email: यह पत्रिका का मेल ID है ।
VEETHIKA-An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (VEETHIKA)
Subject Area : Interdisciplinary Journal
Frequency : Bi-Annual
ISSN : 2454-342X
Abstract/Indexing : Google Scholar
Website :…
Email :
About The Journal
VEETHIKA is a double-blind refereed International journal (ISSN: 2454-342X) aims to arm its readership with the latest research and commentary in all areas humanities, languages, management and social social sciences, with an informed, inter-disciplinary approach. The journal invites papers from all social science, environment, language and management disciplines.
The journal has an international editorial and advisory board, representing all areas of social sciences, humanities, literature and management providing a broad structure to add value to interdisciplinary from a wide range of perspectives. The journal is a direct key benefit to academicians, practitioners and students who are interested in the latest innovations and research into the financial decision making process.
Social Sciences
Education and training, organisational learning
Ethical and environmental Management issues
Intellectual assets management
Innovation and knowledge management
Information Technology
Operations strategy
Outsourcing and strategic alliances
Performance benchmarking and measurement
Productivity and quality
Public sector management
Technological change and impact
Author Guidelines
Submissions to VEETHIKA are made using the online submission and peer review system. Online submission and registration is available at For registration, please follow the instructions below:
Please log on : or click on manuscript submission
Create account with filling in the requested details
Enter username as your email address and password of at least 6 characters in length and containing one special character
Click finish and your account has been created
Click on the submit a manuscript link which will take you through to the manuscript submission page
Complete all fields and browse to upload your article
After all required sections completed, preview your pdf proof
Finally submit your manuscript
Authors are invited to submit original research articles within the broad scope of the Journal. Please use the following guidelines:
All manuscripts should be submitted in English as a word document, should be double-spaced with one-inch margin on all four sides. The manuscript should be formatted to make it suitable for double blind referring.
Articles should be between 3000 and 9000 words in length.
A title of not more than eight words should be provided.
Article title page should be submitted that includes article title, author details (Full name of each author, affiliation of each authors, email-address), abstract (200-300 words) and keywords (5-8 words).
Categorize your paper on the Article Title page, under one of these classifications: Research paper, viewpoint, technical paper, conceptual paper, case study, literature review and general view.
Headings must be concise, with a clear indication of the distinction between the hierarchy of headings. The preferred format is for first level headings to be presented in bold format and subsequent sub-headings to be presented in medium italics.
The Journal will strive to provide a prompt turnaround time. To expedite review process, authors are encouraged to suggest (maximum five) names of potential reviewers. Enclose their names, postal addresses, phone and fax numbers, and e-mails. The editors are, however, under no obligation to seek opinions from suggested reviewers.
References should be numbered and written in Harvard style and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency. Works of the same author should be arranged in the increasing order of the publication date. All references should quote the complete titles of Journals and books. In the text, references should be cited by the reference number placed within square brackets. You should cite publications in the text: (Adams, 2006) using the first named author's name or (Adams and Brown, 2006) citing both names of two, or (Adams et al., 2006), when there are three or more authors.
Each paper is reviewed by the editor and checking the suitability it is then sent to at least one independent referee for double blind peer review. Based on their recommendation, as well as consultation between relevant editorial board members the editor decides whether the paper should be accepted as is, revised or rejected.
Authors prior to article submission should give all the rights and permission to use any content that has been created by them. Authors should obtain the necessary written permission in advance from any third party owners of copyright for the use in print and electronic formats of any of their text, illustrations, graphics, or other material, in their manuscript. Permission must also be cleared for any minor adaptations of any work not created by them. If an author adapts significantly any material, the author must inform the copyright holder of the original work. Authors must always acknowledge the source in figure captions and refer to the source in the reference list. Authors should check the website for details of the copyright holder to seek permission for re-use.
आप सभी के सहयोग की अपेक्षा है ।

Saturday 23 May 2015

ज़ल्द ही आप लोगों के बीच

ज़ल्द ही आप लोगों के बीच यह पुस्तक आ जाएगी । भाई Suryakant Nath एवं पूरी टीम को बधाई ।

Tuesday 28 April 2015

कुछ था कि जो

होकर ही महसूस किया
न होने के फ़लसफ़े को
और यह भी कि
तुम आवेग के आगे
प्रेम के आगे 
अपनी मतलब परस्ती के बाद
टूंट की गूँज के बाद
बिना किसी अपराध बोध के
जब कभी फ़िर
चाहोगी तो
वो सब पुराना
पहले से कंही जादा
नया और चटक होकर
मिलेगा फ़िर तुम्हें
बिना किसी शिकायत के
तुम में डूबा हुआ
तुमसे ही पूरा हुआ
वो सब
जो बिखरा पड़ा है
टूटा और बेकार सा
उसी किसी कोने में
जहाँ कि
तुम लौटो कभी
या कि फ़िर पल दो पल
चाहो रुकना
या डूबना
ताकि उबर सको
मुस्कुरा सको
और कह सको कि
तुम्हें ज़रुरत तो नहीं थी पर
कुछ था कि जो
हो जाता तो
बेहतर था ।
सोचता हूँ
यह क्या था ?
यह क्या है ?
जो मेरे अंदर
तुम्हारे होने न होने से
परे है
लेकिन है
तुम्हारे लिये ही
जब कि तुम्हें
ज़रूरत नहीं है
कोई शिकायत भी नहीं ।
डॉ मनीष कुमार मिश्रा

Saturday 18 April 2015

होकर औरत ही

धूप सी सुनहली 
गर्म और बिखरी हुई 
सर्दियों सी कपकपाती 
ठिठुरती और सिमटी हुई 
बारिश की बूंदों सी टिपटिपाती
बरसती और भिगोती हुई
रात सी ख़ामोश
दिन के कोलाहल से भरी हुई
सीधी और सरल सी
नरम गरम और पथराई हुई
ज़िन्दगी सी
उलझी हुई
तुम जो सुलझाती हो
वो गाँठें
ख़ुद को बांधे
इतने बंधनों में
इतने जतन से
सहस्त्राब्दियों से
औरत होकर भी
नहीं नहीं
तुम औरत हो
होकर औरत ही
तुम कर सकती हो
वह सब
जिनके होने से ही
होने का कुछ अर्थ है
जो भी है
सब का सब
व्यर्थ है ।
----- मनीष

Sunday 22 February 2015

होली के हुडदंग का

भंग छान सब मस्त रहें
काशी में शिव संग ।
होली के हुडदंग का 
यहाँ अनोखा रंग ।
शाहन का भी शाह फकीरा
फ़िरे घाट होइ झंट ।
बम बम बोल भक्त यहाँ
ठेउने पर पाखंड ।
बोल कबीरा के बोले
और झूमें तुलसी संग ।
हरफन मौला,छोड़ झमेला
यही बनारसी ढंग ।
रोम रोम पुलकित हो जाये
जब भी देखूं पावन गंग ।
बड़े बड़े बकैत यहाँ
अड़ीबाज हो करते जंग ।
पान चबाकर कुर्ता झारकर
बातों से करते दंग ।
लंकेटिंग की बात निराली
जादा तर अड्बंग ।
बना रहे ये रंग बनारस
हो ना टस से मस ।
सांड सुशोभित गलियों में
बच्चे फिरते नंग धडंग ।
मुर्दों का मेला ठेला
दाह हो रहे अंग ।
इच्छाओं को दाह कर
मुस्काते हैं मलंग ।
काशी की है बात निराली
अर्धचंद्र इसका अलंग ।
अड़ी खड़ी भोले त्रिशूल पर
उनको भी अति प्रिय ।
डॉ मनीषकुमार सी. मिश्रा

यह जो बनारस है

ये जो बनारस है
धर्म कर्म और मर्म की धरा है
जिंदा ही नहीं
मुर्दों का भी जिंदादिल शहर है
धारा के विपरीत 
यही यहाँ की रीत है ।
यह जो बनारस है
कबीर को मानता है
तुलसी संग झूमता है
अड्बंगी बाबा का धाम
यह सब को अपनाता है ।
यह जो बनारस है
खण्ड खण्ड पाखंड यहाँ
गंजेड़ी भंगेड़ी मदमस्त यहाँ
अनिश्चितताओं को सौंप ज़िन्दगी
बाबा जी निश्चिंत यहाँ ।
यह जो बनारस है
रामलीला की नगरी
घाटों और गंगा की नगरी
मालवीय जी के प्रताप से
सर्व विद्या की राजधानी भी है ।
यह जो बनारस है
अपनी साड़ियों के लिए मशहूर है
हाँ इनदिनों बुनकर बेहाल है
मगर सपनों में उम्मीद बाकी है
यह शहर उम्मीद के सपनों का शहर है ।
यह जो बनारस है
बडबोला इसका मिजाज है
पान यहाँ का रिवाज है
ठंडी के दिनों की मलईया का
गजब का स्वाद है ।
यह जो बनारस है
माँ अन्नपूर्णा यहाँ
संकट मोचन यहाँ
कोई क्या बिगाड़ेगा इसका
यहाँ स्वयं महादेव का वास है ।
डॉ मनीषकुमार सी. मिश्रा

Thursday 19 February 2015

जवाहरलाल नेहरू के कार्यों की शोधपरक विवेचना

सादर प्रणाम ।
       आधुनिक भारत के निर्माण में पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरू का महत्वपूर्ण योगदान रहा है । हम नें निश्चित किया है कि हम “ जवाहरलाल नेहरू के कार्यों की शोधपरक विवेचना ’’ शीर्षक से एक ISBN पुस्तक प्रकाशित करेंगे । आलेख हिंदी और अँग्रेजी दोनों भाषाओं में स्वीकार किये जायेंगे । आलेख अगर हिंदी में हैं तो यूनिकोड मंगल में टाईप कर भेजें । आलेख 2000 शब्दों से अधिक का न हो । आलेख 20 फरवरी 2015 तक पर भेज़ दें ।
    हमारे संपादक मण्डल के सदस्य आलेख देखने के बाद उसकी स्वीकृति अथवा अस्वीकृति के संदर्भ में आप को अवगत करा देगें । पुस्तक प्रकाशित होने पर उसकी एक प्रति आप को डाक द्वारा भेज़ दी जायेगी । आलेख लिखने के लिये उप विषय नीचे दिये गए हैं । इनके अतिरिक्त भी आप संपादक की अनुमति से किसी नए विषय का चुनाव कर सकते हैं ।
आप सभी के सहयोग की अपेक्षा है ।
Remembering Nehru
With Gandhi and Sardar Patel, Nehru formed the famous triumvirate which shaped the Indian nation-in-the-making during the freedom struggle and in its formative years immediately after independence. After Gandhi, he was the most popular Congress leader in India. His outstanding leadership during the freedom struggle and in the early years after independence was central to the consolidation of the new state and to the legitimacy of the Congress, which he led in the subsequent years till his death. As the prime minister between 1947 and 1964, no other Indian leader other than her daughter Indira has come close to his political longevity at the top. Because of his long reign, several of the seemingly bewildering contradictions of today’s India can also be traced to Nehru. 
It has been 125 years since Jawaharlal Nehru was born and 50 years since he died. He was the prime architect of modern India and her system of parliamentary democracy. In his understanding, parliamentary democracy was necessary for keeping India united as a nation. Given its diversity and differences, only a democratic structure which gives freedom to various cultural, political and socio-economic tendencies to express themselves could hold India together. He said, “This is too large a country, with too many legitimate diversities, to permit any so-called ‘strong man’ to trample over people and their ideas.”
At the same time, he was also a realist who recognized that parliamentary democracy was not something which could be consolidated overnight. It had to evolve and grow. It had to be absorbed by the people and demanded a great deal of investment in their political education. Mobilizing them and involving them in the task of nation-building was an arduous task when more than 70 percent of the people were illiterate.
Greatly admired within India during his lifetime, Nehru witnessed a precipitous fall in his reputation after his death. This accelerated in the 1980s and 1990s, when his ideas on the economy, on foreign affairs, and on social harmony all came under sharp attack. There was a vigorous campaign to free entrepreneurs from all forms of state control and regulation; a major, countrywide movement to redefine Indian secularism by making it more “Hindu” in theory and practice; and a clamour from the media and business elite to abandon India’s non-alignment in favour of an ever closer relationship with the United States.
India has experimented now with 20 years of anti-Nehruvian policies in economics, social affairs, and foreign policy. These radical shifts have shown mixed results. Creative capitalism is being increasingly subordinated to crony capitalism; aggressive Hindutva has led to horrific riots and the loss of many lives; and the United States has not shown itself to be as willing to accommodate India’s interests as our votaries of a special relationship had hoped.
Every country, and every generation needs icons and role models for mew generations. The west is very good at producing or discovering one periodically. We too have tried to emulate that but with sporadic and limited success. Nehru remains an obvious option. There is something remarkably enduring about his works and personality. Pity though that we have in a well meaning effort put him up on pedestals but only as a stone statute or congratulated ourselves after merely naming roads and buildings after him. But the real Nehru, particularly his scientific temper, has gradually disappeared from our political culture. In times of seemingly low ideology content and growing frustration with the system, yet great new opportunities opening up globally, a rediscovery of Jawaharlal Nehru could provide the meaning we are looking for.
1.       Nehru as Maker of Modern India.
2.       Nehru the Social Democrat
3.       Nehru and Indian Economy
4.       Nehru’s Political Thought/Philosophy
5.       Nehru and the Congress
6.       Nehru’s Foreign Policy
7.       Nehru and the Merger of the Princely States
8.       Nehru and the Reorganization of the States of 1956
9.       Nehru and the Issue of National Language 
10.   Nehru and Gandhi
11.   Nehru and Sardar Patel
12.   Nehru and Rajendra Prasad
13.   Nehru and Ambedkar
14.   Nehru and Maulana Azad
15.   Nehru and Jinnah
16.   Nehru and Operation Polo (annexation of Hyderabad)
17.   Nehru and Indian Secularism
18.   Nehru and Mounbatten
19.   Nehru and the Hindu Code Bill
20.   Nehru and the Kashmir Crisis
21.   Nehru and Sheikh Abdullah
22.   Nehru and the Minorities
23.   Nehru and China
24.   Nehru and the Tibetan Dilemma
25.   Nehru and His ‘Discovery of India’
26.   Nehruvian legacy
27.   Nehru and the NAM
28.   Nehru and the Issue of Human Rights
29.   Nehru and the gender question
30.   Nehru and the Masses
31.   Nehru and the children
32.   Nehru and Industrialization
33.   Nehru and the Scientific Temper
34.   Nehru and Partition of India
35.   Nehru and Gandhi’s Death
36.   Nehru and Affirmative Action in India
37.   Nehru in Films
38.   Nehru in Literature
39.   Nehru’s Writings
40.   Nehru and Communism
41.   Nehru and the West
42.   Nehru and Apartheid
43.   Nehru and the Blacks
44.   Nehru and the Indian Constitution
                                             डॉ मनीषकुमार सी. मिश्रा
                                             डॉ सूर्यकांत नाथ

Monday 12 January 2015

हुनर मुझको ही न आया , अहसान करने का ,

अभिज्ञान तुम्हारा अज्ञान तुम्हारा , आत्मीयता या अभिमान तुम्हारा ;
क्या हम माने मेरा सच क्या है , आलिंगन या अपमान तुम्हारा /


हुनर  मुझको ही न आया , अहसान करने का ,
कैसे भरूंगा कर्ज , है प्यार कहने का /


विनय कुमार पाण्डेय