Swami Vivekananda as ‘Incarnated in a powerful individual’
Dr. Shiva Durga, G.L.A. University, Mathura.
The Indian Vendanta and Yoga are brought to the World’s high esteem by Swami Vivekanada. The Brahmo Samaj and his spiritual master Sri,Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. were the backbones of his spiritual advancement. The Preaching of Ramakrishna led to the transformation that Narendra emerges as Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda is the epitome of Vedantic philosophy.
Swami Vivekananda was considered a social reformer, a religious saint and an advocate of Hindu principles in India in 19th century. He has taken the glorious Hindu philosophy to the global status. His contribution in the fields of secularism, his care to bring out educational reforms, his compassion towards untouchables, his support to socialism, his encouragement towards women upliftment, and his service to humanity as a religious leader of Hinduism are quite laudable.
In 1888, Swami Vivekananda founded the Ramakrishna Mission, one of India’s leading charitable organizations. Ramakrishna Mission centres throughout the world provide unconditional love for mankind on equal grounds irrespective of caste, creed and religion. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa’s preachings principles and motto are spread throughout the world for the peace and happiness of society. Being a prominent scholar, and a philosopher of that time he had worked in different fields as he was very much inclined to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s love for humanity. The Ramakrishna mission was established in 1897 in Belur. Swami Vivekananda visited many European countries to establish many branches of the ‘Mutt’ At Chicago, his religious address as a Hindu Monk captivated the minds of westerners and he was considered as ‘Man of the Parliament’ and this popularity gained great support in his mission of serving the Society.
Swami Vivekananda worked for the rights of women. According to him women have the strength and real power to build up a nation and the future of the nation depends on how they are treated. “Strength is Life, weakness is Death”-his words give life to many a weak person. He said, “The thermometer to measure the progress of a nation depends on how they are treated”. The same thought is from Manusmriti which says, “If women are ill treated and if they are sad in their homes, the family will collapse and if they are happy, the house will flourish”. In his “On India and Her Problems” he has discussed about the upliftment of women. His speeches, documentaries and books reveal how women are the “Shakti” the ultimate power. He said, “In a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart.” Love for mankind is the solution for all conflicts.
Swami Vivekananda was highly influenced by Vedantic philosophy and he declared that Hinduism is the mother of all Religions. He had the respect for monotheism- as the concept of all God. He strongly believed that all religions preach, “peace, humanity and harmony” in different ways but the goal is one”. According to him religion can be the kindling force to bring out all the social changes in the country. “Expansion is Life, Contraction is Death” according to him. He said, “ The Vedantic religion’s sanction is the eternal nature of man, its ethics are based upon the eternal spiritual solidarity of man” 1 and “Our first principle is that all that is necessary for the perfection of Man and for attaining unto freedom is there in the Vedas. You cannot find anything new. You cannot go beyond a perfect unity ….”2
The Bhagavad Gita is a crest jewel work of Vedic culture. Its objective and specific shlokas are supported by the entire works of Vedic philosophy such as the Vedas, Puranas and the Epic Mahabharat. Its concepts are for all time and also timeless. Vivekanda has expressed these ‘old ideas in a new age’ as seen in his speeches.
As such the law of Karma interacting with the individual takes into account subjectivity, objectivity and the empirical and their inter relation through Time and Cause. In fact Swami Vivekananda saw Vedic influence and Vedic concepts in the concepts of Immanuel Kant. Swami Vivekananda states, “This is one of the highest points to understand of Advaita Vedanta, this idea of Maya…Those of you who are acquainted with Western philosophy will find something very similar in Immanuel Kant…It was Shankara who first found the identity of time, space and causation with Maya, …so even that idea was here in India.”5 “The Indian prince Dara shuko translated the Upanishads into Persian, and a Latin translation of the same was seen by Schopenhauer whose philosophy was moulded by these. Next to him, the philosophy of Kant also shows traces of the teachings of the Upanishads.”3
I have done my research on “The impact of the Bhagavad Gita on RW Emerson” giving insight to Swami Vivekananda. RW Emerson had paved the way for Vivekananda as he had made the westerners understand Hindu Philosophy, Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita through his essays and poems. The Westerners were waiting for a Hindu saint to guide them. That time our Vivekananda reached Chicago and addressed the receptive westerners who were waiting for the solution of their problems. The Western writer R.W. Emerson here clearly expects his above ideals to be ‘incarnated in a powerful individual’. From my analysis and views above, it is clear that such a ‘great soul’ or ‘powerful individual’ is Swami Vivekananda and R.W. Emerson is his eternal Divine associate. Hence R.W. Emerson had insight on ‘incarnation’ of Swami Vivekananda. The Vedic concept of incarnation holds that like the flower, roots, stem and leaves of a lotus plant are connected, a divine incarnation manifests with his eternal divine associates. This is like the incarnation of Lord Ram, Goddess Sita, Sri Laxman and Sri Hanuman. R.W. Emerson is Swami Vivekanand’s divine associate also because Swami Vivekanand planted Vedanta or Sanatan Hindu Dharm in Western culture. Western Culture was made conducive and receptive for this from within by the fertilizer of R.W. Emerson’s philosophy. We note no such implantation could take place in African or Islamic cultures by Swami Vivekananda. The following observations are required for perspective. Swami Vivekananda was a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Swami Vivekananda stated “(As per the statement of Sri Adi Sankar in Vivek Chudamani) through great tapasya (penance) I have secured refuge with a great soul (his Guru)4. Sri Rama Krishna correctly followed and appreciated the great incarnate Vedic saints particularly Sri Adi Sankaracharya, Sri Ramanujacharya and Sri Chaitanya.Maha Prabhu. Sri Rama Krishna stated, “Sankaracharya was a Brahmjnani”5. “Sankaracharya kept the ‘ego of knowledge’ (to teach men) otherwise men’s heart will not be illuminated”.12 “A man can teach only if God reveals himself to him and gives the command. Narad, Suka…and Sankara had it too”.6. He stated, “Chaitanyadeva’s knowledge had the brilliance of the Sun of knowledge. Further he radiated the soothing light of the moon of devotion. He was endowed with both the knowledge of Brahman and ecstatic love of God” 6. “The Great souls deeply affected by the sufferings of men, show them the way to God. Sanakaracharya kept the ego of knowledge in order to teach mankind. The gift of knowledge and devotion is far superior to the gift of food. Therefore Chaitanyadeva distributed Bhakti to all, including the out caste”. 7Satchidanda (Brahman) emanating out of the body of Sri Rama Krishna revealed to Sir Rama Krishna that he was its incarnation.8. The task which Sri Rama Krishna undertook through Vivekananda was to implant Sanatan Vedic Dharma into the West and also reinvigorate it in India. The statements of Sri Rama Krishna are relevant. “The time will Influence of the Bhagavad Gita on R.W. Emerson 39;s essay "e; The Transcendentalist". Uplifting …. www.iosrjournals.org 13 | Page come when he (Vivekanand) will shake the world to its foundations through the strength of his spiritual powers”.9. “The Hindu religion alone is Sanatan Dharm. The various creeds you hear of nowadays have come into existence through the will of God and will disappear again through his will…The Hindu religion has always existed and will always exist” 10 . Through the progress of Western civilization and growing world interest in Indian Vedic Dharm the above prophesies of Sri Ramakrishna are attaining fullness and realization.11.
In conclusion I would like to say that the virtue of self realization elevates you to the higher level. Vivekanda says, “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”― Swami Vivekananda. Let me quote RW Emerson’s words same like him. Every soul is great.
“The Indian teaching, through its clouds of legends, has yet a simple and grand religion, like a queenly countenance seen through a rich veil. It teaches to speak truth, love others and to dispose trifles. The East is grand-and makes Europe appear the land of trifles….all is soul and the soul is Vishnu…. Cheerful and noble is the genius of this cosmogony.
The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda.Advaita Ashrama Publication May1999 Edition, ISBN 81-85301-46-8, Vol.7, Pg.50.
The CompleteWorks of Swami Vivekananda. Advaita Ashrama Publication May1999 Edition, ISBN 81-85301-46-8,Vol.3, Pg.249-250.
The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda.Advaita Ashrama Publication May1999 Edition, ISBN 81-85301-46-8, Vol.3, Pg.435.
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Published. Sri Ramakrishna Math. ISBN-7120-435-X, Pg. 936
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Published. SriRamakrishna Math. ISBN-7120-435-X, Pg. 248.
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Published. Sri Ramakrishna Math. ISBN-7120-435-X, Pg. 485
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Published. SriRamakrishna Math. ISBN-7120-435-X, Pg. 379.
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Published. SriRamakrishna Math. ISBN-7120-435-X, Pg. 720.
Vedanta Kesari, ISSN 0042-2983, Vol.100, No5. May2013, Pg 20
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Published. Sri Ramakrishna Math. ISBN-7120-435-X, Pg.
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Published. SriRamakrishna Math. ISBN-7120-435-X, Pg. 378.