Monday, 3 August 2009

सादगी की मूरत

सादगी और उचे विचारो का साथ

हमेशा देखा गया है की जादा चमक धमक से रहने वालो को ठीक नजरो से नही देखा जाता , लेकिन जो लोग सादगी से रहते है सभी के नजरो में अच्छा समजा जाता है । लोगो के मन मे उनके प्रति अच्छी भावना रहती है , इसका कारण यह है की आज भी सादगी को फैशन की तुलना मे अधिक महत्व है ।
सादा जीवन जीने वाले व्यक्ति मे अपने आप त्याग की भावना आती है । तड़क-भड़क पसंद नही करता ,उसे जंद लम्हों के प्रति खास लगाव नही होता है । दुसरो को देख कर आनन्दित होता है ।
अपने देश को प्रगति के मार्ग पर देखना पसंद करता है, इसलिए अपने आप को भी उसमे जोड़ लेता है ।
विद्यर्थी जीवन मे सादगी का अत्यधिक महत्व है । क्योकि यह वह समय होता है जब बालक बनता या बिगड़ता है।
sansar मे जितने भी mahan पुरूष है वे सब सादगी को महत्व देते है । सादा जीवन uchh विचार की mahima सभी ने gaayi है । गाँधी जी या जितने भी hamre aadrsh है वे सभी ने सादगी को महत्व दिए है ।
भारत की नई pidhi को सादगी से जीवन जीने का prayas करना और अच्छे चरित्र ka nirman करना है। यही कोशिश hame karni है।
taki iss bheed मे भी अपने आप को संतुलित कर सके और सही chunao कर सके.

सादगी और उचे vichro

कल से व्यापक हड़ताल पूरे महाराष्ट्र मे

कल से करीब २२ लाख महाराष्ट्र राज्य के कर्मचारी अपनी मांगो को ले कर हड़ताल पे जा रहे हैं। सरकार का ध्यान सायद अब राज्य के शिक्षको की मांगो की तरफ़ जाए। यह बड़े ही शर्म की बात है की पिछले २० दिनों से राज्य के वरिष्ठ महाविद्यालय के शिक्षक हड़ताल पे हैं, लेकिन सरकार का उनकी तरफ़ कोई ध्यान ही नही है। महाराष्ट्र की सरकार को शर्म आनी चाहिए।
सारे समाचार पत्र इस बात को गंभीरता से उठा रहे हैं ,लेकिन सरकार की नीद टूट ही नही रही । मैं कुछ लिंक दे रह हूँ जिनसे आप इस आन्दोलन के बारे मैं अधिक जान सकेंगे ।
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सरकार अब क्या निर्णय ले गी यह तो समय आने पर पता चल ही जाएगा, लेकिन इतना अवस्य है की इस देरी का खामियाजा उसे आने वाले विधानसभा चुनावों मे चुकाने पड़ सकते हैं ।

Sunday, 2 August 2009

आज विश्व मैत्री दिवस है ------------------------------

आज विश्व मैत्री दिवस है , आप सभी को इसकी शुभ कामनाये । ऐसे मे एक सवाल जहन मे आता है की हम दिन क्यों मनाते हैं ? इसी का उत्तर तलासते हुवे मुझे अंगरेजी भाषा मे कुछ जानकारी मिली ,जो मैं नीचे दे रहा हूँ। यह जानकारी जन्हा से मिली है उसका भी लिंक आप देख सकते हैं । अपनी बात निदा फाजली के इन शब्दों के साथ कन्हुंगा की
वक़्त के साथ है मिटटी का सफ़र सदियों से किसको मालूम ,कहाँ के है , किधर के है हम" -निदा फाज़लीHAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY.समस्त रश्मियाँ आप का मार्ग आलोकित करें!

Friendship Day History

The National Friendship Day is celebrated every year on the first Sunday in August. There is not much history that can be garnered for this day except the fact that the US Congress proclaimed this day as the Friendship Day in the year 1935.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

“Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13-15

Thus speaks The Bible about the warmest of all bonds—friendship. The Bible, the most primary text of the western civilization, reflects upon friendship as the bond that forms the foundation to human faith, trust and companionship. There are innumerable tales from the Old Testament as well as the New Testament about the value of friendship and how true friendship is a treasure to unearth. Both the versions make a difference between the two broad meanings of friendship—one is a mere acquaintance, the other is a more affectionate relation. These stories and examples have passed into western literary and cultural realms. In the Old Testament Abraham is called the “friend of God” because of the intimacy of his relations. God speaks to Moses face to face “as a man…unto his friend” (Ex 33:11). The romantic friendship of Ruth and Naomi, the devotion of the subordinate Hushai for David, or the mutual relation between David and Jonathan—the Old Testament is replete with these interesting tales of friendship.

In the New Testament, the relationship between Jesus and his disciples is the most primal example of how human friendship can constantly grow. From being teacher and disciple to lord and servant their relationship finally grew to an unparalleled friendship.

Friendship Day Celebration

celebration was a way of life then Friendship Day celebration would be its most myriad expression. Trust, support, loyalty, understanding, empathy, intimacy, conflict, anger—there are more emotions to this bond than words would allow. Each moment spent with a friend is a moment added to time—moments that give us in turn an understanding of who we are, why we exist, what our purpose is in living. The insight is an enriching experience of recognizing how friendship can be the means and ends to our lives. Friendship Day celebrates this outstanding bond of human kind. Celebration of friendship is knowing this marvel that we call by so many names—chums, pals, buddies, mates ! They come in many sizes, shapes and guises. From school pals to work colleagues, from siblings to partners, parents to pets to neighbors to internet friends—let the feeling grow manifolds to the appreciation of this alliance.

Friendship Day is the perfect chance to let your friends know how much they are needed and prized. Of course the best way to go about it is to be a fantastic favorable friend yourself. So let your emotions loose ! Write a poem, send a card, shower them with flowers, load them with gifts or simply set up a Friendship Day party—there can be as many ways to celebrate Friendship Day as you can imagine. There can be ideas galore for your Friendship Day celebration. So go ahead. Feel happily lost in this warm surge.

Friendship Day Party Ideas

When friends are around and you’re all perked up to celebrate Friendship Day at full tilt, what’s a better way to do it other than throw a Friendship Day party ? So decide where to party, how to party, what to include in menu, what to play on the jukebox so on and so forth. Once that’s done, call up your buddies and just have your fling !

Now here are some Friendship Day party ideas for you to check out:
First things first. Why not get the fun on with some funky invitation cards for your Friendship Day party ? Consider designing them with a funny cartoon, a few good jokes, and some nice quotes or with your own signature message straight from the heart. Make it as colorful and attractive as possible so that your cool pals can’t wait to drop in at your Friendship Day party !

Next decide the nature of your Friendship Day party. If it’s a day-party, your planning would be a little different from an overnight Friendship Day party, right ? To party through the day, a special Friendship Day cookout at your backyard is always a good idea, especially when it’s the season for the sizzling barbecues, cool lemonades and yummy hotdogs ! Picnicking would be yet another sprightly thought for your Friendship Day party, this again if you’re planning to party daytime. Fill up the picnic hamper with games and goodies and check out how wild ‘wild’ can be when friends are around !

Now if you prefer to party through the night, a Friendship Day dinner party is quite a smart thought to sweep your buds over. Hit your favorite joint with the entire gang, order what you enjoy the best and romp and chomp your way to a total upbeat and zesty fun-time on Friendship Day. Yet another starry idea for the party-freaks of the night is a sleepover party on Friendship Day. It’s quite popular with the kids, but the big ones enjoy it just as much. Or you can also invite your friends for a stargazing party this Friendship Day. For all those, who haven’t experienced what it is to lie under the starry night-sky and watch the stars with people you hold close, it’s definitely a top to-do thing, if not a must !

Once the kind of your Friendship Day party is fixed, start deciding on the menu. Cook up some lip-smacking delicacies this Friendship Day, or you can do it all together having assigned specific tasks to the specific pal-ly heads. Things done together are sometimes quite a thrill ! Try it out for once.

Rent out some movies which give you all a special high. Be it a thriller or a sweet lovey-dovey romantic flick, your Friendship Day should be in sync with what you all enjoy.

If your bunch fancy sports and games, plan up your Friendship Day party accordingly. Settle for an outdoor match or arrange for some fun indoor games. Announcing prizes for every participant witnesses a high rate of participation for obvious reasons. Who doesn’t like to be prized ? Of course we all do. But whoever wins or loses, you’re going to win hearts for sure!

Games, grub alright. But don’t you think the Friendship Day party stays incomplete if you fail to grip your buds in the right rhythm ? So select the music with care. Decide what scores to play on your Friendship Day party. Soft numbers or fast beats ? The golden oldies or some new melodies off the racks ? You decide. It’s your party. Your friends. You will know the best.

Keep the camera ready and keep capturing the precious moments on your Friendship Day party. You may not know the value of these pictures right now, but as the years pass, you’ll treasure them like never before !

Last but not the least, bind your buds in the friendship bond with the friendship bands. You can pick them up from the stores, or make them yourself. Many colorful friendship bands hit the stores much ahead of Friendship Day. Instead of the conventional wristbands, you can go for the friendship bracelets for your women friends. Give them these nice tokens of your love as you wish them all a ‘Happy Friendship Day’ in your Friendship Day party.

Now that all’s set for a grand fling, let your Friendship Day party kick off on a merry high with lots of food, fun, music, smiles and warmth ! Enjoy the wonderful togetherness this Friendship Day and party your tails off !

Saturday, 1 August 2009

मेरी सोच

मै ये सोच के उसके डर से उठा था ;

वो रोक लेगी , मना लेगी मुझको ;

आगे बड़कर ,दामन पकड़कर बिठा लेगी मुझको ;

आखों ने आस लिए उसको देखा था ;

किसी आभास के लिए , मै हलका सा पलटा था ;

ना उसने रोका , न मनाया ;

न दामन पकड़कर मुझको बिठाया ;

ना आवाज दी ,न मुझको बुलाया ;

न आखों ने उसकी कोई ढाढस बंधाया ;

मै रुकते कदमो से ,झिझकते भावों से ;

शायद अब भी रोक ले, इन धारानावों से ;

धीरे धीरे बाहर निकल आया ;बहुत दूर चला आया /

महाराष्ट्र मे शिक्षको की अनिश्चितकालीन हड़ताल(डिग्री कॉलेज )

महाराष्ट्र मे महाविद्यालयीन शिक्षको की अनिश्चितकालीन हड़ताल को २० दिन से अधिक होने जा रहा है,लेकिन सरकार के कान पे अभी तक जू नही रेंग रही है । खैर ठीक भी है ,आज की राजनीति मे शिक्षको की औकात ही क्या रह गयी है ? इनकी सेवा कोई अति आवश्यक सेवा तो है नही,फ़िर २० दिन क्या और २००० दिन क्या । ये शिक्षक जो काम करते हैं उससे देश का वर्तमान और भविष्य कन्हा प्रभावित होता है ?
ऐसा शायद महाराष्ट्र सरकार अभी तक सोच रही है ,इसी लिए २००६ मे लागू होने वाले वेतनमान को अभी तक लागू नही कर पायी । वह यह भूल गयी है की
जिस देश का शिक्षक भूखा होगा,
वहा ज्ञान का सागर सूखा होगा ।

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