Saturday, 12 December 2009

Helplines for Women in Chennai

This is extremly useful set of phone numbers which can be used at the time of distress or when you are in trouble. The list is prepared by Prajnya. These numbers are of Social Welfare Society, or if you need to leave your daughter for a small duration safely, phone counselling, legal aid, psychiatric support and more. You can also download pdf from here
Women help line in chennaiWomen help line in chennai

Getting a second-hand car is a tricky business and when it comes to Indian Market its even more and there are lot of reasons for that. I havent heard many buying a second-hand car  because very few are able to get a trust generated and apart from that whom do we consult to have more confidence in this issue ? Dad, Your mechanic, boss or many be somebody who you had seen changing his car every 3 months.
Get the car verifiedGet the car verified
Jagasia and Sighee believed it otherwise. Being experts in the Auto sector they have started out a service in India named as veriCar, a service which
  • Ensures that the second-hand car is in perfect mechanical health to be used by you.
  • Make sure the car hasnt suffered a major accidents which could reduce the life
  • and to make a deal they can suggest you the right price.
Kartikeya is the technical tour-de-force behind veriCAR, and has honed his skills at some of the best automobile workshops in Pune. Today, he is one of India’s most respected automobile journalists.
Jayesh is an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, and to his credit, has worked in diverse sectors ranging from software programming to buying and selling commodities – none of which move on wheels.
The process of verification of the car happens in 4 steps : You call them, get an appointment, get your car verified and get a report on that.  Yes you will have to pay certain amount for doing the tests on the second-hand car you want to buy.
I would suggest you to take a look at the complete process by checking out the 4 services they give :
  • veriFy
  • veriFind
  • veriSure
  • veriReport

Friday, 11 December 2009

***औरत का नंगा जिस्म **

***औरत का नंगा  जिस्म *********************
 शायद ही कोई इस दुनिया में हो ,
 जिसे औरत का जिस्म आकर्षित न करता हो . 
 अगर सारे आवरण हटा कर कहू तो,
 औरत का जिस्म हर कोई चाहता है . 
 औरत से जादा  हमेशा ही ,
 औरत का नंगा जिस्म ,
 पसंद किया जाता रहा .
 उसकी लाज, हया ,शर्म ,
 सब को तार-तार करके भी,
 देखने को,जानने को  हर कोई लालायित रहा . 
फिर अगर कभी औरत खुलेआम आई तो ,
 वह -वेश्या,कुलटा ,पतिता -----------------
 ना जाने कितने विशेषण उसे मिल गए.  
दरसल आदमी ,
 अपना शिकार नोचना भी चाहता है और,
 आचरण का दिखावा  भी करना चाहता है.  
उसने औरत के जिस्म का सौन्दय तो देखा ,
 लेकिन उसके मन तक नहीं पहुँच सका .  
आज भी हालत कुछ ऐसे ही हैं 
जैसे हमेशा से रहे हैं ---------
 जैसे हमेशा ही रहेंगे -----------------
 औरत का जिस्म ---------------------

आज फिर न जाने क्यों ?

आज फिर न जाने क्यों ?
आज फिर न जाने क्यों ,
 वही पुराना यार याद आया है .
 बहुत दूर हु  उससे फिर भी,
 उसे बहुत ही करीब पाया है.
सोचता हूँ यूं भी  की -
आखिर वह मिला ही क्यों था मुझे ?
 और ऐसी ही  बहुत सी सौगात मुझे,
 वह बिन मागे ही दे गया .
जो चाहा था,
 वो तो ना जाने कहा खो गया ?
 मैंने ने तो गुलाबो की खेती चाही थी,
 वो तो मुझे ही नागफनी कर गया.
 आज जब भी कभी ,
 कोई प्यार से बुलाता है,
 मुझे से दिल लगाता है ,
 मुझे अपना बनाना चाहता है,
 तो मुझे फिर वही याद आता है .
 न जाने क्यों ?-----------------क्यों ?              

Thursday, 10 December 2009

कहाँ सोचा था /

हर साँस का जिनके पता होता था ,

हर चाह पे जिनकी अमल होता था ;

धड़कने जिनकी चलती थी मेरे सिने में ;

हो जाएगा अनजान कहाँ सोचा था /

इंतजार करती थी कभी आखें उनकी,

पुकारती थी कभी बाहें उनकी ;

हर्षित हो जाती मुझे देख उमंगें उनकी ;

हो जाएँगी उनकी बातें अनजान कहाँ सोचा था /

हर मुलाकात नया असर देती थी ,

हर बात नया हर्ष देती थी ;

हर अदा एक सपना सजा देती थी ;

बेखबर रहेंगे वो हमसे कहाँ सोचा था /

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This Will Keep U Smiling........


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Now send this to those whoneed to smile today!!

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Silicon Baby Bottles to replace plastic ones

This is little of India but when I heard that the Sixth largest baby bottle manufacturers are going to stop manufacturing plastic made baby bottles because of a chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) is widely used in plastics, the first thing that struck my mind was we all grew up feeding from that and will you be feeding your baby too ?
According to The National Toxicology Program, part of the National Institutes of Health, declares that “some concern” of BPA may affect the brain and behavioral development of fetuses, infants and young children. Heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer and liver abnormalities are also few of the diseases from BPA chemical.
following this Prince Lionheart promises to give a range of healthy feeding to the parents are producing silicone feeding products free from BPA as well as Phthalates, lead and PVC. Kelly Griffiths, President and CEO of Prince Lionheart certify these products to be “100% safe for babies”.
Silicon baby bottleSilicon baby bottle
Reading that there is another noticeable habit in India the way we boil the bottles. Boiling baby bottles are always good but make sure you dont boil it too much or melt the plastic when it touches the edge. This is important because if that plastic bottle is already carrying something bad, burnt plastic is already known to cause issue. The best way to boil your baby bottle would be to steam it. Get a bottle steamer which can steam 4 to 6 of these bottles easily.
Here are my tips :
  • If you dont have a steamer, use a large vessel where bottle can float easily without touching the edge.
  • Check couple of time if the bottles have touched the edge. Many a times it happens that we start doing something else and forget this part.
  • And following that dont forget that you had bolid baby bottle in kitchen else you would have to get new one.
So do you boil baby bottles carefully ?

The Indian wedding trousseau has undergone a phenomenal change. Gone are the days when we used to receive a wedding invitation in the same old format printed on cards. Don’t get surprised if you get a wedding invitation engraved in a metal or silver sheet. To add-on the beauty it is also at times accompanied by the porcelain Ganesha or a figure of RadhaKrishna. Customisation and premier wedding services are becoming more lavish. Wedding preparations and the accompaniments are no longer same.
The bride and the groom can now be seen spending hours in the wedding markets and searching for the best and all in different for their special day. Customized silverware has always hit the top list in the Indian marriages. Silver has always symbolised aristocracy and so is always preferable in wide variety. Pair of diyas, photo frames, tea set, and flower vase to name few is always preferred one.
A silver platter engraving the wedding invitation and Ganesha with his little mouse has been recently seen as a special invitation for the immediate family. The next attraction “Dhan Potli”, a classy way for carrying valuable gift like engagement ring is very much in. Frazer and Haws is capturing the wedding market with this entire wedding trousseau.  To know more about Frazer & Haws and their collection, check their official site.
Silver fruit trays, 11 piece dinner set in pure silver, handcrafted single flower vase to name a few are being offered by the famous Deepak Hiranandani’s Karma Silverware. Not only in India but they are supplying designs to international brands like Carrs of Sheffield, M.C.Hersey & Son and David Redman Ltd from UK. People are no more opting for bed sheets or crockery or other gift items. They are actually out dated.  It’s silver in different shapes and ways hitting the list.
Elegant and hand beaded with pure Czech Swarovski crystals is also one of the latest launch by the UK brand last year. This handicraft knife is available in many colours and the prices are more on request. These are specially design for the wedding cakes and are a good wedding gift also. So Indian weddings are now also giving chance to the top brands to launch their exclusive wedding list of services thereby creating more competition. Treasure box is yet another attractive goodie that can be a memorable one.
UK based home furnishing brand Rosebys London is planning to launch in India their wedding list on the Linen collection with theme. They are planning to give a complete look with bedside lamps, flower vases and photo frames.
Champagne Bucket is all time favourite and a memento to celebrate the happiest day for the bride and the groom. The crystal champagne bucket is a different look that you can really go for. So what are you thinking of and waiting for. Make your choice and gift different from others and gift an exclusive gift to your wedding couple.
Champagne bucket Fancy Spoon covers Stylish servers Crystalline Treasue box

ताशकंद के इन फूलों में

  ताशकंद के इन फूलों में केवल मौसम का परिवर्तन नहीं, बल्कि मानव जीवन का दर्शन छिपा है। फूल यहाँ प्रेम, आशा, स्मृति, परिवर्तन और क्षणभंगुरता ...