Thursday, 28 October 2010

LPG gas cylinder's expiry date....!!

Something we use but we don’t know!        
Have U ever heard about LPG gas cylinder's expiry date....!!

Do you know that there is an expiry date (physical life) for LPG cylinders? Expired Cylinders are not safe for use and may cause accidents. In this regard, please be cautious at the time of accepting any LPG cylinder from the vendor.

Here is how we can check the expiry of LPG cylinders:
On one of three side stems of the cylinder, the expiry date is coded alpha numerically as follows A or B or C or D and some two digit number following this e.g. D06.

The alphabets stand for quarters -
1. A for March (First Qtr),
2. B for June (Second Qtr),
3. C for Sept (Third Qtr),
4. D for December (Fourth Qtr).

The digits stand for the year till it is valid. Hence D06 would mean December qtr of 2006.
Please Return Back the Cylinder that you get with a Expiry Date, they are prone to Leak and other Hazardous accidents ...



The second example with D13 allows the cylinder to be in use until Dec 2013.
Kindly pass this to everyone,
and create awareness among ALL.

National symbols of India you should know about

National symbols of India you should know about
India is the country where different religions and cultures exist. It is the birthplace of  Hinduism, Jainism, sikhism and Buddhist  which are among the world’s major religion . If we talk about population then, India is the second most populated country after China having the population of 1,150,000,000 (1.15 billion) people.India is called the country where unity in diversity exist.It has  28 states and 7 union territories.
These symbols are intrinsic to the Indian identity and heritage. Indians of all demographics backgrounds across the world are proud of these National Symbols as they infuse a sense of pride and patriotism in every Indian’s heart.
National Symbols of India
Let us know more about Indian symbols.Many of us know about national flower, national bird or national animal but do you know about our national aquatic animal or national tree? Here are some National symbols of the country which every Indian should know:
National  Flag of India:
The National Flag of India is a horizontal rectangular tricolour of Saffron, white, and green with the Ashok chakra , a 24-spoke wheel, in blue at its centre.The Saffron colour represent courage and sacrifice, white colour represent peace and truth and green colour at the bottom represent prosperity.The Chakra in the center is choosen as it represent as dharm and law. You can learn more about Indian Flag and exact colour details used here
National bird:
Peacock is the national bird of India. It which is a symbol of grace, joy, beauty and love.The Indian peacock is a colorful, swan-sized bird with a fan-shaped crest of feathers on its head, a white patch under the eye and a long-slender neck. We were lucky to sight a lot of Peacock in our Rajasthan Trip specially at Do Jati Temple, near JhunJhunu, though the current scenrio says that Peacock might go extinct in India soon.
National flower:
 Lotus is the national flower of India. It  symbolizes divinity, fertility, wealth, knowledge and enlightenment. It is also regarded as a symbol of triumph as it can survive to regerminate for thousands of years. Lotus represents long life, honor, and good fortune
National tree:
Banyan  is the national  tree of India.Banyan is considered one among the sacred trees.
National Fruit:
My favourite Mango is the Nationl fruit of the country.It is also called “king of the fruits”. There are more than 100 varieties of mangos in India, in a range of colors, sizes, and shapes
National  River:
River Ganga is the national river of India and it is the longest river of the country.The Ganga is revered by Hindus as the most sacred river on earth
National Song:
Vande Matram is the national song of India. It is composed by Bankim chandra Chatterjee in Sanskrit. You can download it on your computer from here ( MP3 )
National Emblem:
The National Emblem of India has been taken from the Sarnath Lion capital erected by Ashoka. The national emblem of India was adapted by the Government of India on 26th January1950. In the National emblem only three lions are visible and the fourth one is hidden from the view. All the lions are mounted on an abacus.
National Aquatic animal:
Do you know the national aquatic animal of  India? Dolphin is the national aquatic animal. Dolphin mammal is also said to symbolize the purity of the holy river Ganga as it can only survive in pure & fresh water.
National anthem:
Jana Gana Mana  is the national anthem of  India and is composed by the late poet Rabindra nath Tagore. Download it on your computer from here ( MP3 )
National game:
Hockey is the national game of India.Our nation has an excellent record with eight Olympic gold medals. Indian hockey’s golden period was from 1928-56, when the Indian hockey team won six successive Olympic gold medals.
Currency symbol:
The currency  symbol is an amalgam of Devanagari “Ra” and the Roman Capital “R” with two parallel horizontal stripes running at the top representing the national flag and also the “equal to” sign. The Indian Rupee sign was adopted by the Government of India on 15th July, 2010.This is designed by the Uday kumar from the Indian institute of technology, Mumbai.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

य़ू कट रही है जिंदगी किसके नाम से

य़ू कट रही है जिंदगी किसके नाम से ,
मौत भी ना मुअस्सर हुई तेरे नाम से /

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

my new blog in english

आप लोगो के प्यार और आशीर्वाद से यह ब्लॉग काफी अच्छा चल रहा है .इसके साथ -साथ मैंने अपना एक ब्लॉग इंग्लिश में भी शुरू करने का निर्णय लिया है .वह है       



Manish Mishra is a hindi prof. in mumbai
Manish Mishra changed his profile photo.

Blogger Leaderboard

Updated Oct. 26, 2010
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