Sunday, 21 August 2016

Importance of Social Media in Higher Education

Importance of Social Media in Higher Education

                       We are living in a globalised world of science and Technology. Where Sense of responsibility and act of responsibility is now very closely connected because of the Transformative world-wide culture. Internet and computer has played the tremendous role in changing the Traditional society in a Modern pattern of act. Education in today’s scenario is the basic need of human beings. This is through education only one can achieve his goals in such a huge competitive world. This is the time of investigating the possibilities of using the web/social media as a tool of e learning in the higher education system of our country. This may be the one of the biggest educational chain or platform of collective learning system.
                        The University Grant Commission has already started his work on “E- PathShala” with the slogan of - skill India and Digital India. This is the need of time to get familiar with what we exactly need to compete in today’s world.  Obligations and commitments are the part of the system, so we need not to get worry about that. Use of social or web media in modern education pattern is the necessity and the future of the society. A knowledge based society can be built only by the tool of education. This is why the government of India is planning to increase the GER (Gross Enrolment Ratio) from 12% to 30% till 2020 as per the survey report of “About All India Survey on Higher Education” available on  In our country near about 140 million students are in school Education and approximately 800 universities are functioning throughout the country. Education is the only tool through which we can make 21st Century as an Indian Century.
                      Web or Social Media is playing tremendous role in today’s society. there are some definitions of web or social media such as:
·         As per the definition given by the “Merriam Webster” in their online dictionary at the web link is
“Forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos)”

·         As per the definition given by the “Oxford Dictionary” in their online dictionary at the web link  is “Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.”
In the view of above definition, we can say that social media has given the platform for collective learning. One question can be asked that why social media has become so important in these days? According to me following factors are responsible for the same
1.      Social media as an alternate.
2.      Social media and its reach.
3.      Social media and its connectivity.
4.      Social media and availability.
5.      Social media and feedback.
6.      Social media: beyond the boundaries.
7.      Social media: cheapest tool.
8.      Social media: as a collective platform.
9.      Social media and expression of thoughts
10.  Social media: As a knowledge Gateway.

                       It has been observed that in whole world social media has become very popular among the youth. Though still there is big gap between their online activities and in their study. But both the things can be get connected and concept like “Global Learning System” may come into the existence with much more popular way than the “Traditional Learning System”. Lot of research efforts throughout the world has proved that social media platform is more effective for collective learning system. Here student’s participation is more focused and they act as a co- producers of content. Video and image blogging has made the learning system more live and graceful. Study-interaction and collaboration is happening on one platform, which is transparent and democratic in nature.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Invitation to National Seminar.The topic is RIGHTS OF THE CHILD AND WOMEN: PERSPECTIVES IN INDIA

UGC Sponsored National Seminar, 2016


Sub:    Invitation to National Seminar


            With reference to subject cited above, Government Kamalanagar College, Chawngte, Mizoram invites research papers and participation in a two day National Seminar to be held on 24-25 November, 2016 at Aizawl. The topic is           RIGHTS OF THE CHILD AND WOMEN: PERSPECTIVES IN INDIA. Please give wide publicity in your department/institution in this regard. I on behalf of the organising committee extend warm welcome to you all at Mizoram.
                                                                                            (PANKAJ ROY)
                                                                                         Organising Secretary,
                                                                            National Seminar Committee, 2016
                                                                             Ph. 09436387286/09863909307

Enclosure: Rules for Paper Submission, Sub-Themes of the Seminar and other information

UGC Sponsored National Seminar, 2016

Rules for Paper Submission:
Unpublished and Original Papers based on case studies, research, first hand experiences and as such on the main theme or on any of the sub-themes of the seminar are invited from research scholars, students, academic-faculties and interested persons. The paper should be within 3000 (three thousand) words and the limit is to be strictly maintained. The paper should be on MS WORD 2003/2007 format, 12 point, Times New Roman font and double spaced. All references should be properly enlisted as per MLA style. The contributors of the papers should transfer the copyright of the papers to Department of English, Government Kamalanagar College, Chawngte. The abstract of the proposed paper in about 250 – 300 words is to be sent as an e-mail attachment to by 15th of July 2016. The selected abstracts will be informed by e-mail within 10 days. The papers presented in the Seminar will be published in an ISBN Book form after all submissions being sent for blind peer reviewing. Final selection will be made only if the papers are recommended for publication by the reviewers. The details of the selection of your paper will be informed to you telephonically or through your email. The editor has the right to make necessary editing/changes in the selected papers for the sake of conceptual clarity and formatting. Non-selected abstracts will not be sent back to the contributor in any form. So, all contributors are advised to keep a copy of their submission with them during presentation. All submissions should be original. Contributors are advised to adhere to strict academic ethics with respect to acknowledgment of original ideas borrowed from others. The editor(s) / publisher will not be responsible for any lapse on part of the contributor. The following subthemes are proposed by the organizers but the list is not exhaustive and other related topic to the main theme can also be considered for presentation,

1.            Rights of the Children
2.            Juvenile Delinquency Act and modern children
3.            Teaching Rights to the citizens
4.            Women and Traditional Law
5.            Gender parity and legal issue
6.            Social issue relating to women and legal aspects
7.            Women and Northeast
8.            Misuse of Penal Rights by Women
9.            Tribal Law and Rights of Children and Women
10.        Globalization and Women Rights
11.        Modern Economy, Family, Women and Child: Future Perspectives

Interested delegates and scholars are to register by post or in the first day of the Seminar. A nominal fee of Rs 500/- will be charged at registration in advance and Rs 750/- on the spot in the first day of the seminar.

Outstation Paper contributors will be given Local hospitality/Boarding as per UGC norms. However, few deserving scholars chosen by the organizing committee can be given Travel Allowance due to paucity of fund.

Important dates:

Last Date of abstract submission                  : by 15th of July, 2016

Notification of Selected papers                     : by 25th of July, 2016

Dates of the Seminar                                    : 24-25 November, 2016

Andhra University Recruitment 2016

Posted: 27 Jun 2016 11:43 PM PDT
Andhra University recruits Research Assistant Posts. Candidates with Post Graduate can apply. About Andhra University: Andhra University is not just one of the oldest educational institutions in the country, but is also the first to be conceived as a residential and teaching-cum-affiliating University, mainly devoted to post-graduate teaching and research. The people of the State…

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