Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Award of Fellowship

Award of Fellowship

Scholars working on the below-mentioned research areas may apply for the award of Fellowships at the Institute at any time of the year. Their applications would be considered as and when vacancies arise.
(a) Social, Political and Economic Philosophy;
(b) Comparative Indian Literature (including Ancient, Medieval, Modern Folk and Tribal);
(c) Comparative Studies in Philosophy and Religion;
(d) Comparative Studies in History (including Historiography and Philosophy of History);
(e) Education, Culture, Arts including performing Arts and Crafts;
(f) Fundamental Concepts and Problems of Logic and Mathematics;
(g) Fundamental Concepts and Problems of Natural and Life Sciences;
(h) Studies in Environment;
(i) Indian Civilization in the context of Asian Neighbours; and
(j) Problems of Contemporary India in the context of National Integration and Nation-building.
1. Scholars belonging to weaker sections of society and those who are differently abled/physical challenged will be given preference.
2. Applications from scholars working in, and on, the North Eastern region of India are encouraged.
3. Fellows will be required to submit a monograph on the completion of their term. The Institute will evaluate and consider this monograph for publication. The Institute will have the first right of publication and will have the copyright of the monograph submitted by the Fellow.
4. The term of Fellowship for independent and retired scholars would initially be for a period of one year, allowing continuation for another year after evaluation of the work done during the first year. In no case will this continue beyond two years. However, for in-service scholars who want to come for two years, the Fellowship would be awarded for a period of two years subject to the condition that continuation of the Fellowship for the second year would only be granted if the external Evaluation Report of the work done by the Fellow during the first year is positive.
7. The prescribed application form can be downloaded from the website: www.iias.ac.in.  The application on the prescribed form may be sent to the Secretary, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla 171005. Only applications in the prescribed application form would be considered by the Institute.
8. Fellows are expected to remain in residence from 1st March to 15th December. Their stay at the Institute during the winter months is optional. They may proceed on study tours during this period.
9. Proposals involving empirical work requiring data collection through extensive fieldwork would not be considered.
10. The pay of in-service Fellows will be protected. In addition, they will get 20 per cent of their basic pay in case they are maintaining a separate house at the place of their work, other than government accommodation. The Fellowship grant for Fellows who are independent scholars is Rs. 56,400/- per month.
11. The Institute provides hard furnished, rent-free accommodation to Fellows in cottages on the Rashtrapati Nivas Estate. In addition, scholars will be provided a fully furnished study, on a sharing basis, with computer and Internet facilities.
12. The Fellows will be provided with free stationary. They will have access to the Institute's vehicles for local travel on payment of nominal charges.
13. Fellows are entitled to free medical treatment at the dispensary of the Institute.
14. It is mandatory for in-service candidates to apply through proper channel.
15. Fellowship applications of scholars who have been Fellows of the Institute within a period of the last five years will not be considered.
16. The short-listed scholars would be invited to make a presentation before the Fellowship Award Committee (FAC). Scholars with proven academic credentials, as decided by Screening Committee, may be exempted from this provision. Those interested can get further details from the Secretary of the Institute who is available on e-mail at secretary@iias.ac.in and may be contacted on 0177-2831379.
Applications are received throughout the year by the Institute. These are considered once or twice a year depending upon the number of vacancies arising from time to time.
The application forms can be downloaded from here PDF MS Word

Friday, 9 October 2015

विश्व हिंदी दिवस 2016 के उपलक्ष्य में आयोजित अंतरराष्ट्रीय हिंदी निबंध प्रतियोगिता

विश्व भर के हिंदी सेवियों को सादर नमस्कार।

विश्व हिंदी सचिवालय की ओर से विश्व हिंदी दिवस 2016 के उपलक्ष्य में आयोजित अंतरराष्ट्रीय  हिंदी  निबंध  प्रतियोगिता   के लिए प्रविष्टयाँ आमंत्रित।

देश विदेश में हिंदी की प्रगति के लिए पूर्व अथवा वर्तमान में कार्यरत संस्थाओं व व्यक्तियों के बारे में उन्हीं के देश के लोगों द्वारा खोज को प्रोत्साहित करने, उनके  योगदान, इतिहास, व्यक्तित्व-कृतित्व आदि के विषय में जानकारी को शब्दबद्ध करने तथा सचिवालय के मंचों के माध्यम से विश्व हिंदी समुदाय को उस जानकारी से अवगत कराने के उद्देश्य से प्रतियोगिता का विषय रखा गया है:
"मेरे देश की हिंदी  संस्था" अथवा  "मेरे  देश का  हिंदी  प्रचारक"

नियम व शर्तों तथा पुरस्कार राशि के लिए संलग्न पोस्टर देखें।

सचिवालय को विश्वास है कि आप सभी अपनी संस्थाओं, अपने मंचों आदि के माध्यम से प्रतियोगिता की सूचना का प्रसार करेंगे तथा अधिकाधिक  लोगों को इसमें भाग लेने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करेंगे।

अग्रिम धन्यवाद सहित,



The World Hindi Secretariat is organising an International Hindi Essay Competition in the context of World Hindi Day 2016. 

The competition aims at highlighting the past and present contribution made by institutions and individuals of various countries in the promotion of Hindi. To this end the competition shall encourage research on their history, life and works, documentation of these contributions and the diffusion of all these information through the various platforms available at the Secretariat. Hence the title of the essays shall be: 
“Mere desh ki Hindi Sansthaa” or “Mere desh ka Hindi Pracharak” 

Kindly see attached posters for terms and conditions and prizes. 

The Secretariat rests assured of your contribution in the onward transmission of the advert for the competition through your respective institutions and other platforms and is hopeful of the participation of a maximum number of people in this endeavour. 

With anticipated thanks.  

विश्व हिंदी सचिवालय 
फोन: +230-6761196, फैक्स +230-6761224
वेबसाइट: www.vishwahindi.com

Friday, 2 October 2015

Padmshri Dr Kiran Seth ji will be in Varanasi on 8th October 2015

Kiran Seth (born 1949) is an Indian academician, Professor Emeritus in the department of Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. He is most known as the founder of SPIC MACAY (1977), a non-profit organization which promotes Indian classical music, Indian classical dance, and other aspects Indian culture, amongst youth the world over; through its about 500 chapters and through conventions, baithaks, lectures and musical fests. In 2009, he was awarded the Padma Shri by the Government of India for his contribution to the Arts.
Seth was born on 27 April 1949. Seth's father, Bhojraj Seth, was a mathematician and the first professor at the IIT Kharagpur, established in 1951, while his mother Bhagawathi Seth was a housewife.[1] After completion of schooling from Modern School in Delhi, Seth secured AIR (All India Rank) 28 in the prestigious Joint Entrance Examination (IIT- JEE). Seth was one of the toppers of Mechanical Engineering (B.Tech) from IIT Kharagpur in the year 1970, after which he did his MS in 1971 and PhD in 1974 from Columbia University in New York.[citation needed.
He started his career working as a Member of the Technical Staff (MTS) at Bell Laboratories, New Jersey in 1974, a job he gave up to return to India in 1976 as an Assistant Professor to teach at IIT Delhi, where he has been working ever since. It was at IIT Delhi that he founded SPIC MACAY in 1977.
He has been member of several committees and boards, including, Central Advisory Board of Education, General Council of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), Executive Board of the Sangeet Natak Akademi, and Advisory Board (Education) of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.He has also served as Vice Chairman of the Governing Council of the Film and Television Institute in Pune, 2012 -14.
Seth is credited with setting up the Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture amongst Youth (SPIC MACAY) in 1977, a society that has done phenomenal amount of work in the area of promoting classical music and culture amongst school and colleges in India and more recently in different parts of the world.
This is the biggest, nonprofit, voluntary, cultural, youth movement in independent India. Its contribution to Indian classical music & dance is unparalleled. Generations of Indians are today aware of Indian classical music and in a position to appreciate it, thanks to the efforts of Seth.
Today the movement conducts thousands of concerts, lec-dems, talks, yoga workshops, classic film shows, theater shows and craft workshops all over in schools and colleges so that the young person is inspired and awakened.
Awards and recognition
• Padma Shri – by the Government of India in 2009.
• Distinguished Alumnus Award by the IIT Kharagpur in 2010.
• NDTV Indian of the Year under Arts and Culture category in 2009.
• Sahitya Kala Parishad Award.
• Sanskriti Award.
• Harballabh Sangeet Sammelan Award in 2009.
• Keshav Kothari Smriti Award.
• Ustad Chand Khan Award in 2009.
• Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award 2011.
• FTII Vice Chairperson (2012-14)
India is world renowned for its varied classical music forms, classical dance forms and in totality, its rich culture and heritage. But, with the onslaught of rapid change and global homogenization, this multifaceted Indian heritage is being increasingly marginalized and diluted. SPIC MACAY seeks to conserve and promote an awareness of this rich and heterogeneous cultural tapestry amongst the youth of this country through focus on the classical arts, with their attendant legends, rituals, mythology and philosophy and to facilitate an awareness of their deeper and subtler values.
The Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth, often known by its initials (SPIC MACAY), is a voluntary youth movement which promotes Indian classical music, Indian classical dance, and other aspects of Indian culture. It is a movement with chapters in over 200 towns and cities all over the world.
The “Big Bang”- conception of the idea behind SPIC MACAY, happened way back in 1972. Kiran Seth, a young graduate from IIT Kharagpur, was studying for his doctorate at the Columbia University, New York, when he chanced to attend a Dhrupad concert by Ustad Nasir Aminuddin Dagar and Ustad Zia Fariddudin Dagar at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York.
In 1976, Dr Kiran Seth returned to India and started teaching and doing research work at IIT Delhi. There, he got together with the students and started SPIC MACAY in 1977, and its first concert was held at IIT Delhi in the same year.
SPIC MACAY seeks to foster the exchange of traditional Indian values and to generate awareness of the rich cultural traditions and heritage of India. In order to achieve its goals, SPIC MACAY organizes concerts, lectures, demonstrations, informal discussions, and seminars. These are hosted by the local chapters of the organization. Today, SPIC MACAY has some 500 chapters across the world and holds around 6000 events annually, mostly in educational institutions, but also occasionally in “public” venues like town halls or community parks.
Some of its major activities include: FEST series, VIRASAT series, National Conventions for students and teachers, National School Intensives, Music in the Park, the SPIC MACAY Scholarship Programme, heritage walks, talks by eminent thinkers, yoga and meditation camps, screening of classical cinema etc. Lately it has also started getting international artistes from other equally rich cultures to perform in India.
The organization structure of SPIC MACAY is very decentralized and democratic in its functioning involving college students/youth as its office bearers. It has a national executive body which is elected every two years. Each state has a central state facilitator based in New Delhi and a state coordinator in the respective state capital as well as chapter coordinators in different regions of the state. There are also various heads for publicity, finance, artiste management and programming scheduling. All chapters have a similar system of governance with a Chairman, Secretary (a student) and a Treasurer.
Some years ago the organization also formed an Advisory Board consisting of eminent personalities from all walks of life.
Since its inception and its first concert in 1977 at IIT Delhi, SPIC MACAY has grown geographically and in content to over 300 centres in India and 50 abroad. Over, 6000 events are conducted annually. And it has done so by engaging the youth at the grass-root level of early schooling years, for the exposure as well as in the organization of programmes.

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