“October Us Saal” touches the heart and soul of its readers - Kakoli Kalita
Collection of poems “October Us Saal’ / अक्टूबर उस साल
By Assistant Prof. Dr. ManishKumar C. Mishra, at K.M. Agrawal College, Kalyan (W), Mumbai since
2010. He was accolade consecutively for two years as Research Awardee by
University Grants Commission (UGC) He is also associated with Indian Institute
of Advanced Studies (IIAS), Shimla as an Associate. His insightful work in the field of Hindi Literature
if I and his passion towards it has been nationally and internationally
acclaimed. This book is published in year 2019 by shabdshrishti, New Delhi.
ISBN is 978-81-88077-79-3
Critically if one goes to analyse it he presents it in such an ecstatic
way it reminds of the great American poet Robert Frost famous lines “Miles to
go before I sleep”. The juxtaposition of human emotion with the gross reality
of life is brought to the core. The illicit treatment in every outpouring is so
dynamic that no one even think of leaving it behind his back. The utter
curiosity is maintained all through from flora and fauna to basic human habits
encapsulating our tradition. He captures the mood of his readers by the simple nuances
which are quite praiseworthy.
The word that
has been played with throughout is so vibrant that it any laymen can easily
capture it without any complexity. The thirst for craving for more through this
simple yet profound meaning collection touches the heart and soul of its
readers. The rhythm is maintained throughout until the end. I am in sheer love
for all of them and would recommend highly to the readers. There are no lapses
behind it and the beauty of the poems is beyond any further words to ponder. Lastly the book is a superb creation of the
poet and he has justified it to the core.
Book is available for online purchase on given below links.
Book is available for online purchase on given below links.
Gauhati, Assam
Labels: at K.M. Agrawal College, Collection of poems “October Us Saal’ / अक्टूबर उस साल By Assistant Prof. Dr. ManishKumar C. Mishra, kalyan