Saturday, 16 January 2016

दो दिवसीय अंतरराष्ट्रीय अंतर्विषयी परिसंवाद

दो दिवसीय अंतरराष्ट्रीय अंतर्विषयी परिसंवाद
“वैश्विक संदर्भ में राधा और कृष्ण का प्रेम”
( 28-29 फरवरी 2016 )


हिंदी विभाग
किशोरी रमण पी.जी. महाविद्यालय
जंक्शन रोड़,मथुरा,उत्तर प्रदेश
डॉ संजीव श्रीवास्तव
Mo.- 09412625035
हिंदी विभाग
किशोरी रमण पी.जी. महाविद्यालय
जंक्शन रोड़,मथुरा,उत्तर प्रदेश

ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण और अधिक जानकारी के लिए नीचे दिये इस लिंक पर जायें ।


Thursday, 14 January 2016

International Interdisciplinary Two Day Conference On “Platonic Love of Radha and Krishna”

International Interdisciplinary Two Day Conference
“Platonic Love of Radha and Krishna”

(28th & 29th February 2016)
Organized by

Kishori Raman P.G. College
Junction Road, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281001
QTanalytics India, 113, Rohini ComplexWA-107/121, Shakarpur, Delhi-110092

Concept Note:
Radha-Krishna is one of the popular themes in the Reeti-Kal poetry. The legend of Krishna, as we know, has captured the imagination of Indian mind since time immemorial, but the antiquity of Radha is a disputed issue in the literary circle. Krishna as a myth was transformed gradually, with different concepts being added or subtracted occasionally; it mirrored many collective strands in the Hindu pantheon.
Radha is the creation of a genius poet and devotee of Krishna, Jayadeva. This 11th century Bengali Vaishnava who lived near Puri and worshipped Lord Jagannath, concretized Krishna-Bhakti in the fictional character Radha who expresses her longing for Krishna through explicit sexual imagery in his masterpiece Geet-Govinda. Geet-Govinda was recited and even enacted through dance form in the Jagannath Puri temple. The thousands of pilgrims from various parts of India who visited Puri every year got so enchanted with the idea of God as lover and the beautiful rhythm of Geet-Govinda that they carried it back to their native places and within a very short span of mere 100 years emerged the full fledged body of various regional literature, art and dance forms celebrating Radha Krishna love.
The Radha Krishna love became so popular that it over-shadowed all other historical and Puranic love/marriage couples including Rukhmini- Krishna which was actually a love marriage. Also sprang up many myths about Radha’s life in Gokul and her peculiar relationship with Krishna. According to one such myth she was married as child to a boy named Chandrasen (some call him Abhimanyu also) who was a Vishnu-Bhakt in his previous birth. He did penance to appease Lord Vishnu and as a boon asked Vishnu’s wife to become his wife. Yet another myth tells that Radha was Indra’s wife Shachi in her previous life, she fell in love with Vishnu and so asked a boon to become his wife in her next life. All these things attest to immense popularity of Radha Krishna love. But the question is why it became so popular? Why is it appealing to men and women across caste, class, region and even religion alike? The answer lies in the unique Indian ethos.
Papers are invited for presentation, related to any of the following suggested themes:
All honorable authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help shape the conference through submissions of their research abstracts, papers and e-posters. Also, high quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of Humanities and Social Sciences are cordially invited for presentation at the conference.
·      Religious Ideology towards love
·      Philosophical idea of love
·      Godly love of Radha-Krishna
·      Literatures with Radha-Krishna Love
·       Radha-Krishna Love in Indian Folk
·      Radha-Krishna Love in Indian Mythology
·      Western Thoughts on Radha-Krishna Love
Conference Proceedings:
All submitted conference papers will be blind peer reviewed by competent reviewers. The post conference proceedings with selected papers will be published in the ISSN Research Journal “Veethika”. VEETHIKA is a double-blind refereed International journal (ISSN: 2454-342X) aims to arm its readership with the latest research and commentary in all areas humanities, languages, management and social social sciences, with an informed, inter-disciplinary approach. The journal invites papers from all social science, environment, language and management disciplines.
Paper Submission, Registration & Publication:

The papers are invited on any of the themes mentioned above. The interested participants are requested to fill up the registration form and send the same along with the full paper.
No paper must exceed the limit of 2500 words. The contributors are requested to send their papers preferably as an e-mail attachment (.DOC FORMAT). A soft copy of the paper should be submitted on e-mail:

The language of the paper can be English or Hindi
Registration Fees:
Indian Participants – 1500/ Rupees Only
Participants from Abroad – 6000/ Rupees Only
For online Registration -
  For off line Registration –
 Dr. Sanjeev shrivastav
Department of Hindi
Kishori Raman College, Mathura
Mo.- 09412625035
E mail-
Kishori Raman P.G. College
Junction Road, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281001

Important Dates:

Last date for paper submission: 01 February, 2016.
Paper Acceptance Notification: After one Week of Submission.
Last date for Camera Ready Paper, Registration Form, Copyright Form, Demand Draft submission: 10 February, 2016.


Accommodation facility will be provided to those participants who get registered before February 10, 2016 on payment basis, Other than the Registration Fees.

Contact for Detail:

Dr. Sanjeev shrivastav
Department of Hindi
Kishori Raman College, Mathura
Mo.- 09412625035
E mail-

Dr. Manish Kumar Mishra
UGC Research Awardee
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Mo.- 08090100900, 08853523030
